Piano Guidance
Photo by Roman Ska Pexels Logo Photo: Roman Ska

What causes yellowing of white plastic?

For one of the most commonly used plastics, polyethylene, it's long been suggested that ultraviolet (UV) light — the same light that gives us sunburns — initiates reactions in the backbone of the polymer's structure that cause the yellow color change.

What is the number 1 instrument in the world?
What is the number 1 instrument in the world?

It might surprise you to know that 21 million Americans play the piano! No wonder it is number 1 on our list. The piano is possibly the most...

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Who made first song?
Who made first song?

The earliest fragment of musical notation is found on a 4,000-year-old Sumerian clay tablet, which includes instructions and tunings for a hymn...

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“Could Superficial Chiral Nanostructures Be the Reason Polyethylene Yellows as It Ages?”

ACS Applied Polymer Materials

If you own a retro gaming console or have an old roll of packing tape, you’ve seen how plastics turn yellow as they age. Though the cause of this color change has long been attributed to the formation of molecules that act as dyes — the actual chemical changes that take place remained unexplained. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Polymer Materials have identified surface-based chiral nanostructures as the potential culprit. Understanding how and why polymers degrade with age is key to designing alternatives that can avoid these pathways, allowing plastic products to have a longer lifespan. For one of the most commonly used plastics, polyethylene, it’s long been suggested that ultraviolet (UV) light — the same light that gives us sunburns — initiates reactions in the backbone of the polymer’s structure that cause the yellow color change. However, though chemical changes to polyethylene’s polymeric backbone have been observed after exposure to UV light, those new structures cannot account for polyethylene’s yellowing. One emerging way to intentionally modify the color and the ways that plastics interact with light is to create nano-sized “supramolecular” structures on their surfaces that impact plastics’ properties in a controllable way. Inspired by these surface-based technologies, Margaret M. Elmer-Dixon, Melissa A. Maurer-Jones and colleagues wanted to see if such nanostructures formed unintentionally by UV light could be the cause of polyethylene yellowing. The researchers first investigated if potential structures formed on yellowed polyethylene films’ surfaces interacted with circularly polarized light, a type of light whose waves travel with a right- or left-handed rotation. The amount of circularly polarized light absorbed by the film in these experiments changed depending on the film’s orientation, suggesting that the yellowed plastic contains new chemical structures that are chiral, that is, they are directional and aren’t identical to their mirror images. Additional experiments showed that most of the degradation during film yellowing occurred on the surface of the films. The team concluded that chiral chemical structures on the surfaces of the polyethylene films are formed during exposure to UV light and are a potential cause for the yellow color of old plastics. They say that these insights could help researchers design plastic products that last longer before becoming unsightly or unusable. The authors acknowledge funding from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, the University of Minnesota McKnight Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

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What is the saddest scale in music?

minor scale The minor scale is the pattern in western music typically associated with sad feelings. It includes three different variations called...

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What are the black keys on a piano used for?
What are the black keys on a piano used for?

The black keys on the piano are known as the flat and sharp keys. In technical terms this means they make a note half a step (or a semitone) lower...

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When did jazz stop becoming popular?
When did jazz stop becoming popular?

As we know, jazz enjoyed a period of enormous and widespread mainstream popularity in the Swing Era (roughly 1935-1945). Nov 7, 2011

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Why can't Americans say caramel?
Why can't Americans say caramel?

You see, the word caramel is derived from the 18th-century Spanish turned French word caramelo, which is pronounced as car-a-mello. So, North...

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What color noise is best for depression?
What color noise is best for depression?

Because the lower frequencies are more prominent in pink noise, some people find it to be more calming and gentle than white noise.

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Is it easier to play violin or guitar?
Is it easier to play violin or guitar?

The consensus is that guitar is an easier instrument to learn than violin, and that it takes more practice time to get to a performance-worthy...

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