Piano Guidance
Photo by Yan Krukau Pexels Logo Photo: Yan Krukau

What are the six types of voice?

A selection of singers share their skills from the lowest voice type to the highest, demonstrating the power of the bass, baritone, tenor, mezzo-soprano, countertenor, and soprano voices.

Are black piano keys made of ebony?
Are black piano keys made of ebony?

Ebony. Although the white keys were made from ivory, the black keys on a piano were often made from ebony which is dense dark hardwood. They were...

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How do I become a great piano player?
How do I become a great piano player?

From improving finger strength to constantly challenging yourself, here are a few different ways you can become a better piano player. Manage Your...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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You might think that when it comes to voice types, everything depends on vocal range. Yet the actual notes a person can sing are only a small part of what determines their vocal category. A huge deciding factor is a concept known as timbre, or tonal quality. Timbre is entirely different from a musical note: A note (or pitch) refers to the place a single sound falls on a scale, while timbre is the phenomenon of the specific color or texture of a voice. Right about now, you’re thinking, “Color? Texture? How can those ideas apply to sound? I can’t see a voice and I certainly can’t touch one.” And you’re right–––you can’t. Voices are subtle and invisible things. Even the experts agree there is very little “science” involved when deciding what makes one voice so different from the next. It’s almost like asking someone to explain how one cloud differs from another; that is, it’s nearly impossible. So what do vocal professionals do when they have to describe something as seemingly indescribable as the human voice? They call on their other senses for help. Singers, voice teachers, and other vocal scholars like to fall back on sight, touch, and taste when discussing specific voices. Vocal professionals will often “borrow” words associated with these senses so they can expand the vocabulary used to define the qualities that make a voice special and unique. This is where phrases like “color” and “texture” come in. For example: Want to tell a friend about an extraordinarily deep voice but can’t find the right words? Try these metaphors on for size:

“That voice makes me think of the color purple.” (eyesight)

“That voice is like velvet.” (touch/texture)

“That voice reminds me of hot chocolate.” (taste)

Comparisons like these will help get the point across because the brain is pretty good at translating one sensation into another. Your friend may never have heard this particular deep voice, but they’ll get the meaning that the taste of hot chocolate is like a rich, soothing, and beautiful sound. The timbre of a voice along with its musical range, its tessitura (pronounced tes-see-TOO-rah, meaning the span of notes where the voice feels most comfortable), and its flexibility (how fast the voice can move from note to note) combine to form a vocal category. The standard vocal categories in Western music are:







The following is a basic overview of each of these voice types and a look at how they function in modern and classical music. As you read on, though, keep in mind that these voice categories are merely guidelines. There are many variations within each voice group, so much so that vocal scholars often have trouble agreeing on where one voice category begins and another ends. Get to know these voice types, but don’t get too attached––there’s no “ultimate” example of a voice category. No soprano is more soprano-y than another.

Can I start playing the piano at 12?
Can I start playing the piano at 12?

Playing piano for adolescents While it's possible to begin very young, from the age of 3, you can also learn how to play piano as an adolescent...

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Is self taught piano OK?
Is self taught piano OK?

Yes! While we believe the best way to learn piano is from an expert instructor, we're also in full support of students who prefer self-learning....

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Why do we sound good in the shower?

In the shower you are surrounded by hard, smooth surfaces that bounce the sound back to you. That gives your voice more power, turning up the volume. Because the sounds are bouncing around, some of them take longer to reach your ears. That stretches out the sound, making it richer and fuller, so you sound great, too!

Why do people sound better when they sing in the shower? In the shower you are surrounded by hard, smooth surfaces that bounce the sound back to you. That gives your voice more power, turning up the volume. Because the sounds are bouncing around, some of them take longer to reach your ears. That stretches out the sound, making it richer and fuller, so you sound great, too! Capture

the sound

of your


voice by

singing to

a wok. HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED • A large wok (if you don’t have one, try using a big, shiny, metal bowl, or a deep, curved frying pan) HERE’S WHAT YOU DO 1. Hold the wok in front of you at arm’s length. 2. Slowly bring it toward you as you speak or sing into it. 3. Experiment with the distance between you and the wok to get the best sound. 4. At a certain point, do you suddenly hear your voice get louder? Great! That’s your reflecting point. 5. Hold the wok at your reflecting point and sing away.

What is Lady Gaga's vocal range?
What is Lady Gaga's vocal range?

Lady Gaga's can sing approximately three octaves, spanning A2 – G5 – B5. What is Lady Gaga's vocal fach or voice type? Lady Gaga is a Lyric Mezzo-...

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What is the forbidden riff and why is it called that?

The reason why the scene that started the joke about Stairway to Heaven being forbidden has an unrecognizable version of the iconic riff, is that...

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Do dogs enjoy piano?

There are many amazing videos online of dogs playing the piano, sometimes even full songs, but often these are well-trained dogs. Like other...

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This isn't necessarily true, and while not all quiet people are necessarily smart, highly intelligent people will often refrain from speaking if...

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