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What are the six places of worship?

Places of worship Gurdwara. The Gurdwara is the Sikh place of worship, literally meaning 'door to the Guru'. ... Synagogue. ... Fire Temple. ... Masjid. ... Buddhist temple. ... Church. ... Jinja. ... Mandir. More items...

How do you know when to use the pedal in piano?
How do you know when to use the pedal in piano?

When you want the note to sound even after you lift your finger off the key, you hold the damper pedal down. It doesn't make any difference whether...

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How do I know if my key switch is hot-swappable?
How do I know if my key switch is hot-swappable?

1) Check your switches and your hotswap keyboard While most hotswap keyboards have 5-pin sockets (which inherently supports 3-pin switches), some...

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Places of worship Places of worship Gurdwara

The Gurdwara is the Sikh place of worship, literally meaning 'door to the Guru'. They are open to everyone, although Sikhs ask that shoes are removed and heads are covered before entry. The Gurdwara also houses the Langar, which is a free community kitchen. Most Gurdwaras also have a triangular flag flying outside with the Sikh emblem on. The Synagogue is a Jewish place of worship but is also the centre of the Jewish religious community, and is used for study and prayer as well as social activities. Traditional Jewish worship requires a minyan (a quorum of ten adult males) before worship can take place. Every synagogue contains an Ark, which is a cupboard where the Torah Scrolls are kept and a desk from which to read the Torah. An Eternal Light (called Ner Tamid) hangs above the Ark. This light is always burning, as a symbol of God's presence. Zoroastrians worship in a Fire Temple, often called Dar be-mehr. Fire temples have the same basic architecture consisting of one large hall as you enter the building which is used for ceremonies and congregations. At the side of this is a small room, which leads onto another room which contains the fire altar itself. As Zoroastrians walk into the building, they offer sweet smelling dry wood to the priest. The priest takes the wood, holding it with a pair of silver tongs, and places the offering in the fire. Only priests attached to the temples may enter the inner sanctum of the fire altar. The Arabic term for Mosque is 'Masjid', which means place of prostration. Mosques are often the centre of a community, hosting the five daily prayers, classes, weddings, and meetings. When in congregation, Muslims line up in straight rows to pray, often shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot. Mosques have a large, usually carpeted hall for praying in. There is usually an alcove in the wall of bigger mosques, which magnifies a speaker's voice when they stand within it. Everyone is welcome to visit, and many hold open days. Buddhist temples come in many shapes. Perhaps the best known are the pagodas of China and Japan. Buddhist temples are designed to symbolise the five elements: Fire; Air; Earth, symbolised by the square base; Water and Wisdom, symbolised by the pinnacle at the top. All Buddhist temples contain an image or a statue of Buddha. Worshippers may sit on the floor barefoot facing the representation of Buddha, chanting.

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Is 3rd shift unhealthy?

Night shift work disrupts the body's circadian rhythms, or 24-hour internal “clock” that controls sleep-wake cycles. It increases the risk of...

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Is piano the hardest instrument to master?
Is piano the hardest instrument to master?

Playing a note is not complicated, so it is easy to be a mediocre piano player. The piano is one of the most difficult instruments to master,...

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The Church is a building used for religious worship by Christians and it is often also used for community activities. Churches vary considerably in appearance, from small chapels to grand cathedrals, depending on the architectural style prevalent at the time they were built and also the particular branch of Christianity worshipping there. Some may consist of a single room and be very simply furnished, while others may have several additional chapels and altars with additional rooms for clergy and vestments. A Jinja is a shrine that is believed to house the spirit of a kami, and is therefore important to Shintoists. Religious services take the form of worshipping an object in which the kami is believed to reside. Jinjas are usually located in a natural environment, and are built so they look pure and simple. Originally, jinjas were located in open spaces and Shintoists would sit and observe the landscape. Due to Buddhist influence, however, jinjas were made into buildings. The area of before the jinja is usually marked, sometimes by a gate, and permission must be gained to enter it. The ground floor plan of a Hindu temple, called a Mandir in Hindi, is often designed to represent the cosmos and the human connection to God. It is based on a strict grid made of squares and triangles. The square shape is an important form, and the grid consists of either 64 or 81 squares. Each square represents one diety, with the most important diety taking the middle spot. The location of the temple is very important, so they are often built near lakes, mountains and rivers. Huge towers are built on the temple to represent the mountains that the gods live on. There are only seven purpose-built Bahá'í Houses of Worship around the world today. Most meetings occur in houses or local Bahá'í centres. According to Bahá'í belief, Houses of Worship must be nine sided and have domes. Although it is not necessary, the seven existing structures all face their meetings towards the shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, in Israel.

How do pianists avoid carpal tunnel?
How do pianists avoid carpal tunnel?

Ice your wrists. As with all inflammation, ice helps! BUT don't play the piano with cold hands and wrists. If your hands are cold you may want to...

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Is it illegal to drive your car in neutral?
Is it illegal to drive your car in neutral?

Is coasting illegal? Coasting while not in gear is not illegal, but it is not recommended. As you are not technically fully in control of your...

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The Temple is a holy building that Mormons regard as the house of the Lord. The Mormon Temple is not used for the regular weekly worship but is reserved for some of the Church's most holy ceremonies. For this reason, non-Mormons are not allowed to enter, although they are allowed to visit other Mormon places of worship. Before they take part in Temple ceremonies, Church members change into simple, modest, white clothing. Photo: St George Temple, Utah © iStockphoto/Andrew Rich Other galleries » Select a gallery... Candomblé Muslim prayer movements Places of worship Prayer aids Saint Bernard The Vatican Wudhu ---------------- Full list of galleries Send us your feedback If you have enjoyed a gallery, or have an idea for a gallery you would like to see, please email us with your feedback. [email protected]

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Fat finger errors can be prevented if firms set limits on the dollar or volume amount of orders, require authorizations for trades over a certain...

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Why do pianists type faster?

Your fingers are moving in isolation (controlled by the forearm etc.), which is also true when playing the piano. When you are typing fast, your...

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How heavy is an old upright piano?

How Much Does an Upright Piano Weigh? A classic upright piano typically weighs between 500 and 800 pounds. It usually takes at least four people to...

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Basswood is a prized wood that is relatively soft, works exceptionally well when tooling and is valued for hand carving. The inner bark, or bast,...

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