Piano Guidance
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán Pexels Logo Photo: Miguel Á. Padriñán

What are the five method of teaching?

The 5 Best Teaching Methods I Used This Year Student-Centered Discussions. I admit that I do enjoy being the "sage on the stage" in my classroom, but I realize that this does little to engage my students in deep thinking. ... Making Connections. ... Increased Autonomy. ... Building Relationships. ... A Focus on Literacy.

What is A sus 7?
What is A sus 7?

A sus chord is a “two chord” over the root of its corresponding “five chord”. That is to say, D7/G = G7sus. Any voicing for a minor seventh chord...

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What genre uses piano the most?
What genre uses piano the most?

The piano is arguably the most versatile and popular instrument, found in nearly every musical genre. From classical to jazz, the piano makes its...

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At the end of each school year, I like to ask myself: "What are the best teaching methods I've used this year?" By examining my practice and identifying my best teaching methods, I can ensure they are fully incorporated into next year's lessons. Here are five strategies that proved to be extremely effective in my classroom.

1. Student-Centered Discussions

I admit that I do enjoy being the "sage on the stage" in my classroom, but I realize that this does little to engage my students in deep thinking. I want my students to be at the center of their learning. Previously, when we read a book or short story, I'd ask questions to the whole class. Inevitably, the same five or six students would answer the questions, and I'd assume everyone understood. Now, I create small groups of three or four students, and they answer the questions in those small groups first, ensuring all students have an opportunity to participate. I've seen an increase in comprehension, speaking and listening skills, and test scores. Implementing student-centered discussions is fairly easy to do—just create thought-provoking questions that dive deep into the content. The rewards are definitely worth it.

2. Making Connections

It is absolutely essential that the teaching methods you use help students make connections to their learning. Real-life connections make learning interesting and relevant for students. When I teach Macbeth, for example, I have my students focus on the idea of setting goals. They examine how ambition can be both positive and negative, and I have them study recent world leaders to help them understand the real-life implications of this concept.

Further reading: Create an Engaged and Positive Classroom Culture

A history teacher at my school conducts a G20 conference in his classroom, with students representing countries and focusing on specific issues. The students' goal is to explore the problems of each specific region and form relationships with other nations in order to address them. This helps students personally identify with international issues in a way they never could before. In physics class, students build their own physical models to apply theory to real life. Examine your curriculum and see what relatable applications you can bring into the classroom. Students will be much more engaged, and those real-world connections will help students understand the content and theories you're teaching much better than by simply reading a textbook.

3. Increased Autonomy

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What language is closest to Flemish?

Flemish is a West Germanic language most closely related to Dutch and generally regarded as the Belgian variant of Dutch. Flemish is spoken by...

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How long does it take to become a pro pianist?
How long does it take to become a pro pianist?

Becoming a concert pianist requires true dedication, talent, and hard work. On average, it will require 15+ years, 3-5 hours a day of deliberate...

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After reading the research on student autonomy, I wanted to increase student independence in my classroom. This year, I've allowed my students to pick from several prompts when writing an essay. Because it's important to tie learning to students' personal interests, I permit students to choose their own topics for research papers and to choose which projects they want to explore. I make sure to still provide my students with clear learning goals, but they are able to make their own choices within that framework. Autonomy helps engage and empower my students, and it enables them to have a voice in their learning.

4. Building Relationships

Building relationships in the classroom is extremely powerful for students' behavioral and academic success. Teachers can help build relationships by meeting with students during office hours and creating team-building projects like student videos.

Further reading: Building a Joyful Classroom

Attending student sporting events and after-school activities also provides a great launching pad for discussion. Finally, I like to have a few minutes of "real talk" each week in my classroom for students to discuss topics that are important to them, and that helps break down walls and build solidarity in the classroom.

5. A Focus on Literacy

I'm always trying to improve my students' reading. Providing students with reading material that interests them and helps them to understand the joys of reading for pleasure. I make sure my classroom is well-stocked with books I know young adults enjoy. In addition, if I see a strong op-ed piece online or in the newspaper, I'll share it with my students. I've noticed that my students now come to me when they read something compelling and thought-provoking, and they've become stronger readers and writers as a result. These are the best teaching methods I've utilized this year. How about you? What are the best methods and strategies that have worked in your classroom? Comment below!

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Are music lessons necessary?

Music helps develop math and language skills that give kids an edge in school and life. According to the National Association for Music Education,...

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Why the Royal Air Force burns pianos every year?
Why the Royal Air Force burns pianos every year?

This is the most likely explanation, because it reflects what the modern piano-burning ceremony is actually about: remembering those who fought and...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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How do skinny people jump high?

Lighter, leaner people tend to jump higher because they can create more velocity and more force relative to their body weight, So, you can be as...

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Is it hard to teach yourself piano?
Is it hard to teach yourself piano?

Playing piano proficiently takes many years of practice, and hours of lessons. It takes a lot to go from playing a few notes at a time, to playing...

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