Piano Guidance
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What are the 3 P's of an affirmation?

The most effective affirmations follow the 3 P's of affirmations: Positive, Present, and Personal. The most common mistake people make with affirmations is choosing poorly written affirmations.

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How many chords are possible on a piano?

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What grade level is Mozart K545?

Mozart's K545 is at a grade 8 level, so it's fairly challenging. Today's video isn't a tutorial how to play it, but if you're interested, I'll link...

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Not all affirmations are created equal. The most effective affirmations follow the 3 P’s of affirmations: Positive, Present, and Personal. The most common mistake people make with affirmations is choosing poorly written affirmations. As I explain in my book Feeling Good, it’s not that affirmations don’t work, it’s just that the affirmation you’re using doesn’t work for you! That’s why it’s important to keep the 3 P’s of affirmations in mind when you are writing or choosing affirmations for your manifestation. Affirmations that are positive, present, and personal will help stay in vibrational alignment with your desire and attract it into your reality using the Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration.

Step up your affirmation game with these 3 P’s of affirmations.

1. Positive

The first P stands for Positive.

Always frame your affirmations from a positive perspective.

Avoid using negations such as not, don’t, won’t, and can’t.

We often use these words when we don’t want something to happen.

But according to the Law of Attraction, even when you focus on the absence of something, you’re still giving attention to it, and thus attracting it into your reality. For example, if you want to have clear skin, don’t write an affirmation such as, “I don’t want to get acne.” Guess what happens when you remove the word don’t? The affirmation actually says, “I want to get acne!” Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, your affirmation should focus on what you do want. Reframe the statement to affirm what you desire, “I feel safe knowing that my skin can heal itself.”

2. Present

The second P stands for Present.

The main purpose of affirmations is to raise your vibration.

And the only way you can assume a higher vibration in the present moment is to feel as if it is already true. This is why it’s important to write using the present tense as if the affirmation is happening right now. Avoid writing in the future tense by using phrases such as, “I will…” or “I am going to…” These phrases imply that the affirmation has not yet happened which prevents you from feeling the good vibes of the affirmation. For example, if you want to get out of debt, don’t write an affirmation such as, “I am going to be debt-free soon.” Reframe the affirmation to focus on the present moment such as, “It feels so good to be free from debt.”

3. Personal

The third P stands for Personal.

Affirmations should revolve around you.

The way other people act or behave is outside of your control.

You are only responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

That’s why it’s always good to start your affirmation with an “I am…” statement. For example, if you want to get a promotion, don’t write an affirmation such as, “My boss will give me a promotion soon.” Remember, the goal of affirmations is not to control other people’s actions. Reframe the affirmation from your own perspective such as, “I am open to receiving new career opportunities.”

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Does short shifting make you go faster?

By short shifting, the engine does not reach its power band, and therefore maximum vehicle acceleration is not attained for the gear from which the short shift was performed. In racing, short-shifting is a technique intended to avoid losing valuable acceleration time changing gears later.

en.wikipedia.org - Short shifting - Wikipedia

Short shifting[1] is a driving technique in which the gear is changed up before reaching maximum engine RPM or, more precisely, the acceleration optimized RPM shift-point. By short shifting, the engine does not reach its power band, and therefore maximum vehicle acceleration is not attained for the gear from which the short shift was performed. In racing, short-shifting is a technique intended to avoid losing valuable acceleration time changing gears later. Although this means not being able to accelerate using the engine's peak power at the moment of the gear change, total acceleration overtime may be greater as no acceleration can happen during the gear change. This can aid overtaking by ensuring that the car is in the right gear in anticipation of a maneuver. The most common reason for a short-shift in day-to-day driving is to improve fuel economy. By keeping the engine at the lower end of its RPM range less fuel is consumed. This is especially common in "torquey" vehicles, vehicles whose engine torque curve peaks at lower RPM than the power curve, because the higher torque at low RPM allows for better acceleration characteristics without winding the engine up into its powerband. Many diesel truck drivers practice a specific type of short-shifting called progressive shifting, wherein the RPM shift point is increased with each gear but is still short of the power band. Another reason is to intentionally reduce power and/or torque to improve traction in sub-optimal road conditions. For example, applying full engine power to the drive-wheels on wet or icy roads may cause the wheels to slip. Likewise, short-shifting can help maintain vehicle stability through bends by avoiding an unsettling shift in balance mid-corner.

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Level 1: Ability to Sing and Play Simultaneously. This stage of guitar skills development is commonly known as learning to play rhythm guitar. ......

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Can Walmart copy a broken key?

Can you copy a broken key at Walmart? No. The Minute Key kiosks at Walmart are not equipped to copy or repair broken keys. Aug 10, 2022

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