Piano Guidance
Photo by Sofia Báthory Pexels Logo Photo: Sofia Báthory

What age is best to start music lessons?

4-7 Years Old 4-7 Years Old. The ages 4-7 are usually the most ideal for starting to learn an instrument. Not only are kids' hands and minds functional enough to play, but they can actually begin to understand the basics of music.

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And that's perfectly normal. There are many different ways to grieve, and not all of them involve crying. Just because you don't cry doesn't mean...

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How fast can a pianist play?

The natural speed set by nature for pianists is between 13 and 14 notes per second. “There's a certain physical, mathematical limit to the speed of...

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Music is something that people of all ages can enjoy. Even small children love music - even if they aren’t sure what it is yet. As kids grow, they might become more interested in music - listening to it, even playing it! But are they ready for music lessons? What is a good age for them to begin music lessons? This article will help answer those questions and help you decide what action to take for your kids.

Music Lesson Age Groups

Past studies have shown that early exposure to music helps children cultivate their interest and skill as they grow older, which can often lead to some long-term benefits of learning music. Let’s take a look at what ages you can begin to encourage an interest of music in your child, and what ages are ideal for starting music lessons.

6 Months - 3 Years Old

Babies fall asleep to lullabies for a reason! When a baby is introduced to music at around 6 months, they might begin to engage with it - moving or dancing. As your child grows, they will be able to familiarize themselves with music even more. Once they are around age 2, they will begin to recognize songs and instruments. A great way to have fun with your child and encourage their curiosity in music is to take a class at Creative Soul. We offer a Makin’ Music Rockin’ Rhythms Program for children ages 0-3. Check out all the details on our website. We’d love to meet your little musician.

4-7 Years Old

The ages 4-7 are usually the most ideal for starting to learn an instrument. Not only are kids’ hands and minds functional enough to play, but they can actually begin to understand the basics of music. A great way for kids to start learning more about music is to sign them up for a weekly class at Creative Soul called Little Soul Rockers. Children will be able to interact with each other, learning an instrument and the basics of music theory in the process. This also gives parents a little bit of a break in their busy week. If your child decides that music is something they want to adopt as a hobby, you can also sign them up for private lessons to learn a variety of instruments! And the best part is that they aren’t required to have any prior musical experience or knowledge. Our instructors are here to befriend, encourage and teach your child wherever their skillset lies.

Ideal Instruments: Drums, Guitar, Harmonica, Piano, Ukulele, Voice, etc.

10+ Years Old

If your child started learning an instrument at an early age, by age 10 kids can have a moderate to advanced set of skills that they can further work toward developing. Private lessons at Creative Soul are offered to ages 4 all the way to adulthood. If you, as a parent, would love to pick up a new skill - or maybe you used to play - we’d love to teach you, too! You can choose to learn an instrument with your child or not. It’s never too late! Even if music-making isn’t your interest, you can always stay supportive as your child begins music lessons. Talk to them about what they are learning. Ask them to show you! Ideal Instruments: Banjo, Bass, Drums, Dulcimer, Guitar, Harmonica, Piano, Saxophone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Violin, Voice, etc.

Don’t forget to check out music lessons at Creative Soul!

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It is actually very simple and the notes can be broken down into easy-to-learn pieces. Musical composition isn't just a form of art, its also based...

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Playing piano proficiently takes many years of practice, and hours of lessons. It takes a lot to go from playing a few notes at a time, to playing...

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Why piano is the king of instrument?

With it's incredible range and versatility, and the powerful sounds and emotions it creates, musicians and composers around the world agree that however it got the nickname, the piano is deserving of its title as King of the Instruments.

Why is the Piano Called “The King of Instruments”?

Why is the piano called “The King of Instruments”? It probably won’t surprise you to hear that both musicians and composers around the world love the piano. But how did it get such an illustrious nickname?

First off there’s its size and complexity. The average piano has 88 keys, around 230 strings, and over 7,000 parts! That’s why they’re so heavy. Even the smallest pianos weigh around 300lbs, while the largest grand pianos can weigh over 1,000lbs! If you ask a pianist or composer why the piano is called the King of Instruments, there’s a good chance they’ll tell you its because of its incredible tonal range and versatility. The piano covers the full spectrum of tones and notes found in all other orchestra instruments. From the lowest note of the double bassoon, to the top note of the piccolo, the piano can create it. This makes the piano capable of producing melody and accompaniment to any song or instrument. Whether it’s showing up in an orchestral piece, a rock song, or a hip hop track, the piano really works with everything. Finally, there’s the historical factor. The piano was invented in Italy by a man named Bartolomeo di Francesco sometime around the year 1700. He was a harpsichord maker for the Grand Prince of Tuscany. And his official job title? Keeper of the Instruments. So there are some who think that the piano’s nickname descended from that. With it’s incredible range and versatility, and the powerful sounds and emotions it creates, musicians and composers around the world agree that however it got the nickname, the piano is deserving of its title as King of the Instruments.

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What is quiet music?

The musical term for playing quietly or softly is called piano. Aug 5, 2022

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
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Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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