Piano Guidance
Photo by Lucas Pezeta Pexels Logo Photo: Lucas Pezeta

Should you put a rug under a grand piano?

Ideally, a piano player should play piano on a bare floor—not on a rug or carpet (unless they live in an apartment building and need to dampen the sound). The natural way to listen to orchestral instruments, including a piano, is on a hard floor. The ear simply wants to hear the reverberation off hard surfaces.

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What is FN F10?

With a single-color keyboard backlight keyboards, FN+F10 decreases the audio volume. Oct 18, 2022

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Is Yamaha Smart Pianist app free?
Is Yamaha Smart Pianist app free?

The app is FREE and available on all iOs devices and Android.

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When it comes to learning the piano, you might think, “Ok, I’ve got my piano, now I’m all set to start playing!” But not so fast. Before you embark on your piano-playing journey, you’ll want to make sure that you have the proper piano setup, and that might involve rearranging your room and picking up some essential piano accessories. To assist you, we’ve provided some handy setup tips to help you create the ultimate environment for learning the piano. Whether you’re looking for a piano gift for the budding pianist in your life or searching for ways to prepare yourself for success, check out our piano accessories and recommendations below.

Piano Accessories – Tips for Beginners

1) Location, Location, Location

Once you’ve purchased a piano, you’re halfway there. However, there are still some other considerations to keep in mind. For example, your next biggest “accessory” is the piano’s location. Ideally, the piano should be placed close to an inside wall to keep changes in temperature and humidity to a minimum. This will not only keep the piano in tune longer, but it’ll also help lengthen its life. You will want it to look natural in the room, and most likely have it be the focal point of the room. Upright pianos tend to go up against a wall, though you can also use them as a room divider.

2) Carpet or Rug Under the Piano?

If you’re looking for a piano accessory gift for the novice piano player in your life (or yourself!), resist the temptation to purchase a rug to place under their piano. Ideally, a piano player should play piano on a bare floor—not on a rug or carpet (unless they live in an apartment building and need to dampen the sound). The natural way to listen to orchestral instruments, including a piano, is on a hard floor. The ear simply wants to hear the reverberation off hard surfaces. This dates back to the baroque and romantic eras of classical music where all concerts were payed on ballroom floors and large stages, all with bare floors around them.

3) Standing Lights

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Is a pianist a musician?

A pianist (US: /piːˈænɪst/ pee-AN-ist, also /ˈpiːənɪst/ PEE-ə-nist) is an individual musician who plays the piano.

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Does Kawai make a good piano?
Does Kawai make a good piano?

Kawai doesn't make as many pianos as Yamaha, but you will still find Kawai products in many places. As far as quality is concerned most would agree...

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Lamps are easily one the most important among the essential piano accessories. But any old lamp isn’t going to do the trick. For example, you’ll want to avoid purchasing table lamps. This is because table lamps on pianos often cause a glare and get in the player’s eyes – making it all the more difficult to learn at first. We’ve found that a standing light to the side or slightly behind the player is ideal for seeing the keys without casting shadows. Natural light is another favorite, and overhead lights can also be pleasant. What’s more, you can always draw the curtains open to fill the room with additional sunlight, too. Resist the urge to put (or light) candles on your piano! Even if you never light them, the wax is NOT your piano’s friend.

4) Wall Art & Paint

While this recommendation might not be some cool piano gadget, it can still do wonders for your musicianship and creativity. You see, putting art on the wall, centered above the piano, brings attention to the area and can inspire the player. Choose something you will enjoy looking at as you sit and practice! You can also paint the piano wall a bold color, making it an accent wall within the room and drawing the eye to it.

5) Your Piano Bench

When it comes to piano keyboard accessories, don’t overlook your piano bench. Just like the wall art and paint mentioned in our previous tip, your piano bench is your opportunity to tap into your creativity. The bench can be a part of the piano’s style and your design expression. Reupholstering it to add a colorful cushion or painting the top can add a burst of character to the piano room without altering the piano itself. But whatever you do, don’t sacrifice a cute design for comfort. You’ll want your piano bench to be functional and comfortable enough for you to sit for your daily at-home piano sessions. Also, make sure you can maintain proper piano posture while sitting on your piano bench of choice.

6) Metronome

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A metronome makes for a great piano gift for yourself or any pianist you may know. You can find both digital and manual ones that keep the rhythm for you. These tools hold the tempo as they click at regular intervals, according to the time signature of your songs. Put one of these piano accessories on when you’re just starting out, and you just might be surprised at how helpful they can be!

Bonus Tip –

If you purchase an upright piano, you’ll have more of flat surface to play with if you’d like to decorate it with vases or picture frames. However, if you like having the option to open and close the top of your grand piano, for instance, you’ll want to keep it clutter-free. Now that you’ve stocked up on all the best piano player accessories, you’re all set to start tickling the ivories! But if you’re not sure where to start, that’s where we can help. Here at TakeLessons, we offer private piano lessons to provide you with all the tools you need to succeed at this wonderful instrument. Whether you need to start with the basics or want a challenge, your private tutor will help you progress in no time. Post Author: Cheryl is a singer/songwriter with multiple tours, records, and TV placements under her belt. She teaches piano, composition, and arrangement in New Paltz, NY. Learn more about Cheryl here!

Photo by: Joe Buckingham

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Ludwig van Beethoven was well into his career and almost completely deaf when he wrote his famous piano piece, Fur Elise, in 1810. Jan 29, 2019

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Look for an ultraviolet torch. Hold it above the piano keys. If you notice the keys reflect either bright white or violet-blue colours, the keys...

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