Piano Guidance
Photo by RODNAE Productions Pexels Logo Photo: RODNAE Productions

Is there infinite music?

So music is not infinite, but has a finite number of possibilities. Having said that, there is a lot of music that sounds familiar and we don't tend to move too far away from familiar patterns.

Which scale is the hardest piano?
Which scale is the hardest piano?

So, what is the most difficult scale to play? Once you know all your scales, they are about equal in difficulty. However, there is one scale that...

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How often should a child practice piano?
How often should a child practice piano?

Help your children to create a routine – a habit that is good in life for many other things as well. If your child is thinking about going into...

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Over the last few months I have spent a serious amount of time studying and refreshing my knowledge on music composition and production. In the previous 10 years or so, running MediaMusicNow has been my priority and composing my own music has taken a backseat (until now). Getting back into music production has taken a fair chunk of cash and lots of time studying. My personal challenge and desire is to create convincing orchestral music and that has taken a lot of time so far. As I’ve been refreshing my mind on music theory I have pondered the thought … has all the music been created? Have all of the melodies been used up? More importantly, have all of the really great melodies been used up? Irrational I know. Perhaps I should drink less coffee. So, out of interest I did a search on this and found some very interesting information. I then found this brilliant video and realised that I might be ok for a few years. I would highly recommend watching the video if this topic interests you. The video has much observation and calculation backed with research too. The main point I took away was that using 8 notes within one octave gives 79 billion melody possibilities. If one hundred writers each created one new melody every second, this would exhaust every possible melody in 248 years. So music is not infinite, but has a finite number of possibilities. Having said that, there is a lot of music that sounds familiar and we don’t tend to move too far away from familiar patterns. This is because we like patterns. This is even more so with chords, we repeat so many chord patterns and are influenced by what came before. At this stage there are 130 million different songs registered in the grace note database so still about 78.9 billion possibilities without infringing copyright. So, we should be okay for a while. Time for a coffee before I start back at my audio workstation 🙂

Why A# is similar to BB?
Why A# is similar to BB?

Technically an A# and a Bb are exactly the same, they just appear in different contexts. Hence why is you take a look at the scales above, each...

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Which jazz instrument is easiest?
Which jazz instrument is easiest?

The saxophone is probably the easiest jazz instrument to learn. Although it can be quite difficult to master and play well, with a bit of practice...

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What body part stays the same size from birth?

Answer. Qualification: Studied human biology (but am now a cabbie). Answer: The eyeball is the only organism which does not grow from birth. It is fully grown when you are born.

Do Eyeballs Grow With Age?

Mystery Hour Question

My daughter told me that eyeballs stay the same size throughout your life, hence the reason babies have bug eyes. But that sounds ridiculous to me. Is it right?

Shazzy, Ilford


** Definitive **

Name: Tim, Wimbledon

Qualification: Studied human biology (but am now a cabbie).

Answer: The eyeball is the only organism which does not grow from birth. It is fully grown when you are born. When you look at a baby’s face, so see mostly iris and little white. As the baby grows, you get to see more and more of the eyeball.

(James O’Brien: I’m not having it. Your answer is based on nothing!)

** Definitive **

Name: Tony, Chadwell Heath

Qualification: Retinal photographer for the NHS

Answer: The surgeon cabbie was right! Eyeballs are the same size when you’re born as when you die.

** Challenging the definitive! **

Name: Caddas, Hounslow

Qualification: Surgeon

Answer: The eyeballs grow very slowly as a baby, then even slower as an adolescent, then stop growing completely when you are about 16. They don’t grow much… but they do grow. (James O’Brien: Now I don’t know what to think. I have a surgeon and a retinal photographer disagreeing about it.)

Why is my 7 year old always angry?
Why is my 7 year old always angry?

There are many factors that can contribute to a child feeling angry or expressing anger in challenging ways. Unresolved feelings, such as grief...

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How rare is a person with perfect pitch?
How rare is a person with perfect pitch?

approximately one in 10,000 A commonly cited number is that approximately one in 10,000, or . 01% of people, are thought to have perfect pitch.

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How long does it take to learn piano after guitar?
How long does it take to learn piano after guitar?

If you can already play songs hands together it'll take you about 4 months to get good at playing piano by ear. If you're a complete beginner and...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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How old was Tom Holland in The Impossible?
How old was Tom Holland in The Impossible?

Holland was just 13 when he auditioned to play the eldest son of Watts and Ewan McGregor's characters in Juan Antonio Bayona's film. Dec 21, 2012

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