Piano Guidance
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Is scripting part of autism?

Scripting is common among the autistic population, especially those who are gestalt language processors. Gestalt language processing is a way of learning and building language in large “chunks,” as opposed to single words.

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What Is Scripting?

Scripting can be a form of echolalia, which is the repeating of words or sounds someone has heard, and can be either immediate or delayed. Immediate echolalia is when the word or phrase is repeated right after it is heard, and delayed echolalia is the repetition of the word or phrase at some later point in the future. Scripting is often an example of delayed echolalia.2 Scripting is also called “movie talk” or “TV talk” because it is common to repeat lines from movies or television shows when scripting. Some who utilize scripting can memorize extensive portions of their favorite movies or shows, and easily repeat entire scenes or large paragraphs of dialogue.1 Although scripting is sometimes labeled as dysfunctional, if we view it through the lens of neurodiversity, scripting can be considered a resourceful skill which demonstrates excellent memory and ability to draw from a large mental catalog of memorized phrases.

Who Uses Scripting?

Scripting is common among the autistic population, especially those who are gestalt language processors. Gestalt language processing is a way of learning and building language in large “chunks,” as opposed to single words. Those who are analytic language processors learn one word at a time, and then build their phrases by putting those words together as if they are “building blocks.” Gestalt language processors learn language in phrases or sentences, and then utilize those chunks of language as a unit. Because language is often learned and absorbed in full sentences, gestalt language learners may seem to have grammar that is more sophisticated, or advanced beyond their years.3 Some use of scripts can be found outside of the autistic population, as a way of socializing or communicating. There are social scripts commonly utilized in everyday life, such as “Hi, how are you?” when exchanging greetings. Social scripts can be those automatic phrases that are used to quickly communicate and connect. Autistic people may memorize, adopt, and utilize an extensive variety of social scripts as tools for navigating social interactions.4

Why Do Autistic People Use Scripting?

It is important to recognize that scripting is a valid form of communication and expression, even if it may not be understood at times by the observer. Scripting can serve several purposes for those in the autistic population.

Simplifying Communication

One primary use of scripting is communication. Scripts utilized in conversation can facilitate easier communication by having ready-made sentences or paragraphs available to express one’s thoughts or ideas.5 For many autistic folks, speaking and putting thoughts into words can require a great deal of energy, or at times be incredibly difficult. Using a script and employing phrases or even paragraphs that someone has heard before, whether in a movie, on television, or from another person, can supply a helpful and instant translation of thoughts into words that can be helpful to use to communicate while also conserving energy.


People within the autistic community may also use scripting as an effective and enjoyable way of communicating and socializing with each other. For some neurodivergent folks, trading familiar lines from a favorite film or television show can be a preferred way of socializing and spending time together.


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Scripting can also be employed as a form of “masking” one’s autistic traits—attempting to blend in and go unnoticed as different. Masking can be utilized by any autistic person, but can be particularly common among women and girls who may use observation and imitation of others to camouflage autistic traits.4 For this reason, autistic women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals tend to go unidentified, undiagnosed, and mis-diagnosed for longer periods of time, and may not receive a diagnosis until well into adulthood, if at all.


Scripting can be used as a stim, short for “self-stimulatory behavior.” Some autistic people find speaking the lines from movies or television to be enjoyable or soothing, whether from the internal sensory experience of speaking the words and phrases, or from hearing the words or phrases spoken aloud. Stimming can be enjoyable, and also a helpful tool for self-regulation, self-soothing, and managing the sensory input of the environment to avoid overwhelm.6 Stimming is an important part of autistic life that is necessary to regulate, focus, and maintain equilibrium.

Autism Scripting Examples

When scripts are utilized by an autistic person, the scripts can either be obvious and easy to recognize, like from a movie, or blended into the conversation in such a way that the listener may not even realize the scripts are there. For some autistic people who utilize scripting, they may not only repeat the words from the movie or television show, but they may also take on the accent, speech patterns, mannerisms, and other characteristics of the character from that show. In essence, the person may momentarily “become” the character while speaking the lines.5 For some folks who utilize scripting, they may be able to “see” or “hear” the original source of the dialogue in their mind’s eye simultaneously while speaking the lines. When scripts are seamlessly blended into the conversation, they might be in line with what the listener is “expecting” to hear. For example: If someone asks a scripter how they are doing today, and that person borrows the line from Pippi Longstocking “As well as can be expected!”, the script somewhat matches what the listener may be expecting to hear, and may go unnoticed as a script. Alternately, the person may respond with something that may be more obviously recognized as a script, like “We’re sorry – All questions MUST be submitted in writing” (Willy Wonka), which may fall outside of the responses the asker is anticipating, but still may convey a feeling or sentiment that the speaker would like to express. It is important to remember that the meaning the scripter is intending to convey may be quite different from the literal meaning of the words themselves. An autistic person may also utilize scripting as a stim, simultaneously alongside a conversation, but not intending for the scripts to be part of the conversation itself. When scripting is used as a stim, the person might recite the scripts solely to, and for, themselves. The same script might be repeated several times because it is enjoyable to say or hear, or may be soothing to repeat.

Treatment & Support Options

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Autism itself doesn’t necessarily require any treatment at all, but there are common areas where some autistic people may benefit from support.

Speech Therapy

One area where support can sometimes be helpful is speech, language, and communication, and so seeking support from a licensed speech language pathologist (SLP) can be helpful. As scripting is a sign of gestalt language processing, it is helpful to seek an SLP who understands gestalt language processing, and how to best support gestalt language processors in a way that works with, and celebrates, their most natural ways of communication. It is also important to remember that communication, not necessarily spoken speech, is the ultimate goal, and so many autistic people also benefit from utilizing additional forms of communication, including sign language, an augmentative and assistive communication device (AAC), picture cards, or typing. These alternative forms of communication can be extremely helpful and necessary for those who may find spoken speech to be tiring or to require more energy than they may have available at a given moment. When supporting an autistic person, it is most helpful to utilize the form of communication most comfortable for them.

Occupational Therapy

Another support that can be instrumental for autistic folks is occupational therapy. An occupational therapist (OT) can help facilitate better understanding of any sensory differences or needs that may be present, and then create a sensory diet to help ensure the individual’s sensory needs are met. Occupational therapists can also help with activities of daily living (ADLs), emotional regulation, and fine motor skills.

Therapy as Support for Stress & Other Concerns

Counseling or psychotherapy can also be a helpful resource for autistic individuals who may want support with stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, life transitions, or any other mental health concerns. Working together with an autistic, neurodivergent, or neurodiversity-affirming therapist can offer a helpful and supportive space to explore any struggles, challenges, concerns, and strengths. As with any type of therapy, the goal should always be to identify and support the needs of the autistic individual, and not to try and change them to appear more neurotypical. Autistic people have their own way of being, communicating, and relating, and genuine acceptance can be one of the most paramount elements of supporting the overall health and wellbeing of autistic individuals.

Final Thoughts

Scripting is a helpful tool for communication, self-regulation, and enjoyment frequently utilized among the autistic population. As knowledge and understanding of scripting increases, it is becoming more commonly acknowledged as a unique, nuanced, and important part of autistic culture.

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