Piano Guidance
Photo by Frans van Heerden Pexels Logo Photo: Frans van Heerden

Is rhino ivory illegal?

In addition to New York, state ivory bans have been enacted in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington.

What is the greatest guitar solo ever?
What is the greatest guitar solo ever?

Pink Floyd | “Comfortably Numb” GUITARIST: David Gilmour (1979) Van Halen | “Eruption” ... Led Zeppelin | “Stairway To Heaven” ... Queen |...

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Which is more difficult guitar or piano?
Which is more difficult guitar or piano?

Overall, the guitar is easier to learn than the piano. If you consider the layout, learning songs, the ability to self-teach and a few other...

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NEW YORK— A federal court in New York on Friday upheld the state’s ban on sales and in-store displays of elephant and mammoth ivory and rhino horn — rejecting claims that the ban was unconstitutional. The Art and Antique Dealers League of America and the National Antique and Art Dealers Association of America challenged the law in 2018. The Humane Society of the United States, Center for Biological Diversity, Natural Resources Defense Council and Wildlife Conservation Society intervened in the lawsuit on behalf of the state of New York to help defend the law, which closed the largest ivory market in the United States. Many of these groups supported the adoption of the State Ivory Law (ECL § 11-0535-A) in 2014. “We are thrilled that the court unequivocally upheld the constitutionality of this law and New York’s right to legislate for the elimination of the illegal ivory trade and the preservation of wildlife New Yorkers care very deeply about,” said Rebecca Cary, a senior staff attorney for the Humane Society of the United States. “This decision is a great victory for elephants and aligns with the international momentum to close domestic ivory markets,” said Tanya Sanerib, international legal director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Human demand for ivory is fueling alarming decreases in African savannah and forest elephant populations, so measures like this are crucial to giving these magnificent animals a fighting chance for a future.” “If elephants are going to survive on this planet, we have to eliminate the ivory trade...to continue doing what has always been done is a pachyderm death sentence,” said Zak Smith, director of international wildlife conservation at NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council). “New York’s ivory ban will help eliminate trade in ivory and reduce elephant poaching in Africa — and the courts clearly agreed that New York has the authority to implement its ban.” Said John Calvelli, executive vice president of public affairs for the Wildlife Conservation Society: “Our actions here in New York have reverberated across the country and have helped save elephants and raise awareness of their plight.”


Is it illegal to download music from YouTube for personal use?
Is it illegal to download music from YouTube for personal use?

Use a Video Grabber While YouTube forbids downloading videos off their site, it is not necessarily illegal. However, downloading a piece of...

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Do upright pianos have to be against walls?
Do upright pianos have to be against walls?

Upright pianos should be placed against an inner wall, away from direct sunlight, air vents, doors, and windows. These measures help to preserve...

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Where is ivory sold most?

The vast majority of smuggled ivory—experts say as much as 70 percent—ends up in China, where a newly wealthy middle class fuels the demand for luxury ivory products. Although seizures of illegally obtained ivory take place, much of the smuggled ivory still gets through.

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What playing piano does to your brain?
What playing piano does to your brain?

Adults who learn to play piano experience a decrease in depression, fatigue, and anxiety and an increase in memory, verbal communication, and a...

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Which scales are happy?
Which scales are happy?

Major scales. These scales have a major third (the note four that is four semitones above the root), which makes them feel happy or bright. Mar 2,...

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What is the saddest chord in music?
What is the saddest chord in music?

What Makes a Song Sad? There are a few different answers to this question, but one of the main ones is minor chords. In general, the major lifts us...

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Do people still sell ivory?
Do people still sell ivory?

In the United States, regulations allow ivory to be legally imported into the country as hunting trophies and permit pre-ban ivory to be traded...

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