Piano Guidance
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Is Python easier than C?

Ease of development – Python has fewer keywords and more free English language syntax whereas C is more difficult to write. Hence, if you want an easy development process go for Python. Performance – Python is slower than C as it takes significant CPU time for interpretation. So, speed-wise C is a better option.

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Programming can be a fun and profitable way to build a career path, but you need to clear certain things before actually starting to learn this skill. One of the main choices that lay ahead of you is the choice of programming language (Example – Python vs C). Before starting to learn any form of programming, you need to figure out which language suits you the best. The Python vs C comparison can lead to a lot of opinions as every programmer will have their own opinion. In this blog, I have tried to compile a few of them to give you a clear picture. Metrics Python C Introduction Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language. Speed Interpreted programs execute slower as compared to compiled programs. Compiled programs execute faster as compared to interpreted programs. Usage It is easier to write a code in Python as the number of lines is less comparatively. Program syntax is harder than Python. Declaration of variables There is no need to declare the type of variable. Variables are untyped in Python. A given variable can be stuck on values of different types at different times during the program execution In C, the type of a variable must be declared when it is created, and only values of that type must be assigned to it. Error Debugging Error debugging is simple. This means it takes only one in instruction at a time and compiles and executes simultaneously. Errors are shown instantly and the execution is stopped, at that instruction. In C, error debugging is difficult as it is a compiler dependent language. This means that it takes the entire source code, compiles it and then shows all the errors. Function renaming mechanism Supports function renaming mechanism i.e, the same function can be used by two different names. C does not support function renaming mechanism. This means the same function cannot be used by two different names. Complexity Syntax of Python programs is easy to learn, write and read. The syntax of a C program is harder than Python. Memory-management Python uses an automatic garbage collector for memory management. In C, the Programmer has to do memory management on their own. Applications Python is a General-Purpose programming language. C is generally used for hardware related applications. Built-in functions Python has a large library of built-in functions. C has a limited number of built-in functions. Implementing Data Structures Gives ease of implementing data structures with built-in insert, append functions. Implementing data structures requires its functions to be explicitly implemented Pointers No pointers functionality available in Python. Pointers are available in C.

Example of a Python Program –

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print("Hello, World!")

Example of a C Program –

#include int main() { // printf() displays the string inside quotation printf("Hello, World!"); return 0; } Python vs C languages are similar yet have many differences. And before you decide on a particular language, consider the following points – Ease of development – Python has fewer keywords and more free English language syntax whereas C is more difficult to write. Hence, if you want an easy development process go for Python. Performance – Python is slower than C as it takes significant CPU time for interpretation. So, speed-wise C is a better option. Now with this, we come to an end of this comparison on Python vs C. I hope you guys enjoyed this article and understood how both languages have their pros and cons. When we’re comparing two programming languages of such notoriety, it mostly depends on your own personal preferences.

Make sure you practice as much as possible and revert your experience.

To get in-depth knowledge on Python along with its various applications, you can enroll for live Python online training with 24/7 support and lifetime access. Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of this “Python vs C” blog and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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