Piano Guidance
Photo by Caleb Oquendo Pexels Logo Photo: Caleb Oquendo

Is playing an instrument attractive?

Why do mate-value ratings generally increase for those playing an instrument in photos? Some researchers suggest that playing an instrument signals to potential mates that the person embodies characteristics such as intelligence, mindfulness, sensitiveness and determination - all desirable traits in a romantic mate.

How long does a Yamaha piano last?
How long does a Yamaha piano last?

Ten to Thirty Years Normal regulation and voicing will maintain good tone and touch if usage is moderate. If the piano suffers wide temperature and...

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Is low gear good for uphill?
Is low gear good for uphill?

Hills are nothing when you know what gear to use when going uphill on a bike. If you are climbing a hill on a bicycle, using a lower gear is better...

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What is it about people looking sexier with an instrument in tow? Is it the passion they have? The emotions they pour into the creation of music? It seems the odd phenomenon where there’s an instant increase in attractiveness - has been around for years. The team at School of Popular Music discusses what has been dubbed 'The Musician Effect.' Research from various studies provides evidence that the tendency to find a musician more attractive was stronger among women. This sex was more likely to be receptive to the romantic advances of guitarists compared to non-guitarists, as well as accept a Facebook friend request from a man they didn't know. When the man wasn’t holding a guitar in his photo, only 3% of the women accepted his request, while 28% accepted the request when he held the instrument. So why is musical skill sexy? Why do mate-value ratings generally increase for those playing an instrument in photos? Some researchers suggest that playing an instrument signals to potential mates that the person embodies characteristics such as intelligence, mindfulness, sensitiveness and determination - all desirable traits in a romantic mate. What does this tell us about music’s evolutionary purpose? Psychologists claim women are attracted to those with musical ability because back in caveman times, if a man had the time to be creative it meant that he was so fit and talented at survival skills that he had chance to create art in his free time. The good news is that these days you don't need to hunt dinner to be an attractive potential mate - playing an instrument does the trick! Of course, it's not just about holding an instrument, but how well you play it! If you’re looking for guitar, drum, violin and piano lessons in Guernsey, look no further than School of Popular Music! Whether you want to become the next Rockstar or simply lock yourself in the basement to jam with a few mates, we provide the best music tuition Guernsey has to offer! For more information, contact us today by calling us on or emailing at [email protected]. Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube for all of our latest updates!

Which singer has the deepest voice in the world?
Which singer has the deepest voice in the world?

Tim Storms (born August 28, 1972) is an American singer and composer. He holds the Guinness World Record for both the "lowest note produced by a...

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What is a famous Japanese saying?
What is a famous Japanese saying?

Don't give up.” 七転び八起き (nana korobi ya oki) English Translation: “Fall seven times, get up eight.” This is definitely one of the most famous...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Are phones male or female?

Mobile phones are gender neutral Is it a masculine tool or a feminine one?

! D O C T Y P E h t m l P U B L I C " - / / W 3 C / / D T D X H T M L 1 . 0 T r a n s i t i o n a l / / E N " " h t t p : / / w w w . w 3 . o r g / T R / x h t m l 1 / D T D / x h t m l 1 - t r a n s i t i o n a l . d t d " >

What is the 5th of G?
What is the 5th of G?

Moving a fifth up from G brings you to the key of D. D major contains 2 sharps – F# and C#. D major is spelled: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#.

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What is the shortest note ever?
What is the shortest note ever?

1024th note Anthony Philip Heinrich's Toccata Grande Cromatica is an absolute joy to sight-read – slightly hungover – on a Sunday morning. The...

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How do you restore white ivory?
How do you restore white ivory?

To accomplish this, saturate a soft cloth with mineral oil or glycerin and wrap it around the ivory piece. Allow it to set overnight. In the...

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What signs are usually introverts?
What signs are usually introverts?

Here's a list of zodiacs ranked from the most introverted sign to the least. Pisces. Pisces are the most introverted zodiac sign. ... Capricorn....

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