Piano Guidance
Photo by Mikhail Nilov Pexels Logo Photo: Mikhail Nilov

Is piano too loud for baby?

While the piano CAN be a loud instrument at times, rest assured that it's not damaging to your child's ears – especially if it's mostly him practising on his own (He does not have the physical strength to create enough noise to damage his own hearing).

What is swing rhythm in jazz music?
What is swing rhythm in jazz music?

In swing rhythm, the pulse is divided unequally, such that certain subdivisions (typically either eighth note or sixteenth note subdivisions)...

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Why do pianists sleep with gloves?
Why do pianists sleep with gloves?

What is this? Wearing gloves like this means you can maintain a degree of comfort in colder conditions whilst still being able to 'feel' the keys,...

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What the Expert Says

By Joel Chua Manager at Sonare Music School Bachelor of Music Arts Performer for Music and Improv Festivals across Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and New Zealand


While the piano CAN be a loud instrument at times, rest assured that it’s not damaging to your child’s ears – especially if it’s mostly him practising on his own (He does not have the physical strength to create enough noise to damage his own hearing).

Consider the Piano Maintenance and the Sound Projection

In searching for the ideal location for a piano in the home, one should consider two things, maintenance of the piano and sound projection. In this instance, I am assuming that you have an upright piano at home. In which case, understanding that most of the sound from the piano is being projected from the back, as well as how different surfaces reflect sound will help you decide where the best place is to put your piano.

Ideal Place to put your Piano – Against a Solid Wall

Generally, against a solid wall with a small gap in between is simple and ideal for projecting the piano clearly within the house. However, should you wish to get a brighter (potentially more shrill) timbre, consider placing it against a more reflective surface such as glass but do note that there is a possibility of accentuating other undesired sounds too.

Don’t Place Piano by the Window

As much as possible, avoid placing a piano by the window, in direct sunlight as this is a sure way to shorten the lifespan of your piano through warping the wood and wearing out the lacquer. Instead, find a spot where the temperature doesn’t change too drastically even if you have to switch on the air-con. This will not only have less impact on the wood, but also help your piano stay in tune. If possible, position the piano in a carpeted area to avoid moisture seeping into the piano through the floor when cleaning the house (ie mopping), or simply place a carpet beneath it. With a good environment, your child will enjoy the music learning journey.

What scales to play over a blues?
What scales to play over a blues?

Start with a scale shape The minor pentatonic scale is a fantastic scale to jam over a 12-bar blues with, but by adding a few more notes you can...

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What is the number 1 most played song of all time?
What is the number 1 most played song of all time?

It was never a hit single and got almost no play on Top 40 radio. There's even a dispute over the exact title. Yet “It's a Small World,” also known...

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What is the rarest voice?

A countertenor is a male singer who can sing as high as a soprano or mezzo-soprano. The countertenor is the rarest of all voice types.

A countertenor is a male singer who can sing as high as a soprano or mezzo-soprano. The countertenor is the rarest of all voice types. The countertenor was not originally an operatic voice type as historically it was the castrati who would sing the female operatic roles in an age when it was not proper for women to sing in the opera. Instead, countertenors were popular in religious choirs where women were also not allowed to participate. Today the countertenor is arguably the most profitable voice type, mainly due to rarity and lack of competition at auditions. Many baroque operas utilise the countertenor today due to many being written for castrati singers. The opera Giulio Cesare by Handel requires 4 countertenors to replace the castrati singers. Some modern operas also cast countertenors, such as Jonathon Dove's Pinocchio which really showcases the intricacies of the voice type. It's easy to mistake yourself for a countertenor as all male voices have an area in the voice called the falsetto. This is a high pitched area, usually quieter and softer in tone than the main voice. If the singer has trained his falsetto range well it can easily be mistaken for a countertenor voice.

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Do singers live longer?

Among conductors, the difference was 2.4 years for men and 9.9 years for women; male opera singers lived 5.3 years more and female opera singers...

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What key is tiny dancer in?

C major Tiny Dancer is written in the key of C major, and the famous eight-bar intro is made up of an arpeggiated riff over the chords C major...

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Is Stairway to Heaven the greatest song ever?

"Stairway to Heaven" is often rated among the greatest rock songs of all time. According to music journalist Stephen Davis, although the song was...

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10 Best Casio Digital Piano Reviews and the Best Casio Keyboards Casio CTK2400 61- Key Portable Keyboard. ... Casio PX860 BK Privia Digital Home...

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