Piano Guidance
Photo by Mikhail Nilov Pexels Logo Photo: Mikhail Nilov

Is MuseScore legal?

The program is legal, and you can use it without any problems. MuseScore owns the GNU GPL free software license. This category of license means that the developers or owner of the software has placed it at the disposal of the public. In 2020, the application has some problems.

Does cold ruin a piano?
Does cold ruin a piano?

In cold temperatures, the wood will shrink. The piano soundboard will continue this process as the temperature fluctuates. The continual shrinking...

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What is the saddest piano song ever?
What is the saddest piano song ever?

10 Of The Saddest Classical Piano Pieces Ever Written “ Piano Sonata No. 9” By Alexander Scriabin. “ Prelude in E minor” by Frédéric Chopin. “...

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MuseScore is a music editor with the ability to quickly enter notes from both a computer keyboard and an external MIDI keyboard. Created in 2002 by Werner Schweer, this program continues to win the hearts of music lovers today. This program is used by both amateurs and professionals. It is free and available in 15 major languages of the world. Note editor works great with all operating systems — Windows, macOS and Linux. The program is legal, and you can use it without any problems. MuseScore owns the GNU GPL free software license. This category of license means that the developers or owner of the software has placed it at the disposal of the public. In 2020, the application has some problems. At the cost of MuseScore.com’s continued operation, it became necessary to license musical scores for well-known and popular musical works, which have copyright holders represented by renowned international production companies. Therefore, the service has limited the ability for users to use it and introduced a paid subscription for those who want to use licensed music content. The Muse Group, which owns this service, has a copyright obligation under international law. This only applies to licensed musical works. The possibility of unlimited use of licensed music content threatens not only active work, but also the existence of the entire application as a whole.

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Previously, music content could be placed on MuseScore completely free of charge and without restrictions. However, the owners of music copyright began to besiege the service and engage in critic pressure on it, the MuseScore developers have spent a lot of effort to preserve the site itself and the possibility of continuing its work. The main claims of the copyright holders are that only the copyright holder can have the right to transcribe a piece of music into a score and subsequent arrangement. And this right is completely irrespective of who performed his musical transcription and arrangement. A so-called legal conflict has arisen. The investigation continues today, and the service is forced to introduce a paid subscription for those wishing to get the Pro option. This has scared off many users who are used to the free features of this software and, most importantly, its availability. The near future will show how this legal conflict will end.

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Which is the best YouTube channel to learn piano?
Which is the best YouTube channel to learn piano?

Top YouTube Piano Channels for Learning Piano TakeLessons. The TakeLessons' piano playlist is a great place to start if you're looking for helpful...

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What is a fair price for guitar lessons?
What is a fair price for guitar lessons?

Guitar Lesson Prices The average cost of guitar lessons ranges from $40 to $60 per hour. Local private lessons start at $30 for a half-hour lesson,...

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Do you need an account for MuseScore?

MuseScore.com is a community site to share your sheet music with your friends via the web and for the mobile apps for iOS and Android. The site has social features such as embedding, commenting, annotating, statistics, groups. The site offers free accounts, but has a Pro Account for those who want more.

How do I report something?

We have a thriving community who could help with your problem, or request. Firstly though, we advise that you complete a search to see if your query has already been asked, or addressed by others. If you cannot find anything, you may post in the forum. Whilst generally left to those with some knowledge and experience, you may also file established reports in the issue tracker, but please refrain from posting queries there. See also Bug reports and Feature requests and How to write a good bug report: step-by-step instructions but also How to ask for support

What's another word for pianist?
What's another word for pianist?

What is another word for pianist? accompanist instrumentalist musician player pianoist piano player

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Do I need to learn blues before jazz?
Do I need to learn blues before jazz?

And even though blues music did come first, I don't think it's necessary to learn it thoroughly before tackling jazz, any more than a classical...

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How to make 808 beats?
How to make 808 beats?

How to make great 808s Start with a great 808 sample. To get started with 808s you need a good sample to work with. ... Tune your 808. ... Know...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Does a piano need to be on carpet?
Does a piano need to be on carpet?

While the piano may sound a bit jarring without a rug, especially in a room with hardwood floors that doesn't have carpet already dampen the sound,...

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