Piano Guidance
Photo by Eren Li Pexels Logo Photo: Eren Li

Is it too late to become a pianist?

I'm 47 and taking piano lessons and have gotten close to a skill level I never thought I'd reach. It's never too late. If you work hard towards your dream, there is nothing that you cannot achieve.

Is 1 hour of piano practice enough?
Is 1 hour of piano practice enough?

Adult Amateur: 1-2 hours per day. Many adult amateurs are busy people who have difficulty even finding 15 minutes a day to practice! But ideally,...

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What is the saddest chord in music?
What is the saddest chord in music?

What Makes a Song Sad? There are a few different answers to this question, but one of the main ones is minor chords. In general, the major lifts us...

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Whether or not it's "too late" depends on your goals and expectations.

The fact is that in the performing arts one needs to start as early as possible to develop the skills necessary to get into a conservatory by high school or college, in you teenage years. But this is because one has an expectation of starting their career in their early 20s. This is true in athletics, ballet dancing, etc. In addition to the above consideration, mastering a musical instrument requires constant practice and attention to your development. This is a life long pursuit and most musicians get better with age up to a point where age can no longer be ignored. No matter how much you practice if you life into your 90s your skills will begin to decay. By how much depends on lifestyle and genetics. I saw Andre Segovia perform in his 90s and it was not great. That being said, if you start too, way too, late then entropy will win. I think 13 is a perfect time to start, you are not too late. But you have posed a specific goal, that of being a concert pianist. To accomplish this specific goal would require entering a conservatory at an early age, perhaps by age 16, or at least by college. Again, this is to meet the expectation of a career as a concert pianist at a reasonable age. If you really dedicate yourself to practice now, and make good progress this is possible. On the lighter side, if you just want to enjoy playing and get "good" at it you are definitely NOT TOO LATE. Most kids don't start until their early teens and many become virtuosos. I can only cite anecdotal cases. For example, a good friend of mine didn't start music lessons on any instrument until age 16 and became an exceptional percussionist and guitarist. I worked with him in several bands in college. He is not a professional musician, working as a manager in some tech industry but he is good enough to compete with classically trained musicians for spots in orchestras, etc. Myself, I started on violin at age 5, eventually moving to guitar at 8, then classical bass in high school, at 16. I do work as a musician but in college changed majors to physics. I have no doubt that starting early gave me an advantage in terms of picking up new things easily (drums, horns, etc), but some friends of mine who started lessons late in high school rapidly surpassed me by sheer dedication. You are very young and can progress quite a bit before college if you start now. If you are serious about making a life long hobby or even a career as a musician I would start lessons now, and get involved in any programs your school or community has for music. This will connect you to the music education community and will provide support for developing in the right direction, getting the skills needed to do what is expected. When I was in high school we were required to compete in all state music competitions as part of our grade, sort of like athletes competing at matches, etc. This is the kind of experience that will prepare you for entering a conservatory and a music program later in life.

What scale is best for blues?
What scale is best for blues?

A combination of the Mixolydian mode and the blues scale, the Mixolydian/blues hybrid scale reigns supreme as the chief source for carving those...

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Can I learn piano in 5 months?
Can I learn piano in 5 months?

If you can already play songs hands together it'll take you about 4 months to get good at playing piano by ear. If you're a complete beginner and...

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What do pianists do for a living?

Pianists are musicians who entertain audiences with piano music. They may perform in front of live audiences in theatre productions, supermarkets, and hotels, or work in a studio. Some Pianists also provide private tutoring or hold full-time teaching positions at schools and universities.

Pianist Job Description Template

We are searching for a skilled and dependable pianist to join our team. The pianist’s responsibilities include showing up for scheduled bookings, rehearsals, and performances, sight-reading and playing from memory, taking audience requests, and teaching students. You should show up well-rested for sessions and be polite and courteous to colleagues, clients, and audience members. To be successful as a pianist, you should demonstrate good time management skills, passion, and discipline. Outstanding candidates are humble, respond well to criticism, and are keen to explore new genres.

Pianist Responsibilities:

Understanding project requirements and showing up on time for scheduled rehearsals, recitals, concerts, private tutoring sessions, and marketing events. Practicing required ensembles and pieces on your own, as well as with other musicians.

Collaborating with artists, songwriters, musicians, actors, and other professionals.

Ensuring the piano is well-maintained and making arrangements for repairs and tuning.

Notifying stakeholders in a timely manner if you are ill, running late, or unable to perform or show up for lessons.

Organizing a suitable substitute under the guidance of the music director.

Patiently mentoring apprentices and other pianists.

Attending ongoing training and music development workshops or lectures.

Pianist Requirements:

Is E to F sharp a whole step?
Is E to F sharp a whole step?

The interval between E and F is a naturally occuring half step, but if we raised F to F#, we then make the distance further apart. The distance...

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Why is it middle C and not middle a?
Why is it middle C and not middle a?

However, middle C is not called middle C because it is in the middle of the piano. Middle C is called middle C because it is in the middle of the...

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Should you practice guitar every day?
Should you practice guitar every day?

It is important to practice the guitar regularly in order to improve your skills. One of the most common guitar practice tips is that you should...

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Who is greatest pianist of all time?
Who is greatest pianist of all time?

The Six Best Pianists of All Time Sergei Rachmaninoff. Born in Russia in 1873, Rachmaninov graduated from the Moscow Conservatorium in the same...

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