Piano Guidance
Photo by Vova Krasilnikov Pexels Logo Photo: Vova Krasilnikov

Is it rude to stick your pinky out when drinking?

Don't "Raise Your Pinky" Because It Is Considered Rude. Etiquette expert Emily Post was "adamantly opposed" to crooking one's pinky because she thought "it was improper and rude." If you need to balance your teacup while sipping, use your pinky or thumb to support the cup from the underside.

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Last week, I hitched a ride with Viking Cruise—the folks who sponsor Downton Abbey–to visit Highclere Castle, the real-life castle that stands in for the home of Lord and Lady Grantham in the TV series and movie. After touring Highclere and seeing the library where Lord Grantham spends much of his time on the show and the dining room where the Crawley family eats, I got to sit down with Lady Carnarvon, the real lady of the castle, for a cup of tea. As we sipped our tea and daintily nibbled on shortbread and British flapjack (nothing in common with the South's version), I noticed something alarming—Lady Carnarvon was not crooking her little finger as she lifted her cup to her mouth. On the contrary, her pinky was firmly down. I dropped my pinky and quickly re-thought everything I swore I knew about tea-drinking etiquette. After a bit of research online, it turns out that, as expected, Lady Carnarvon was correct, and lifting your pinky is frowned upon by etiquette experts. Here is the proper etiquette for drinking tea and convincing advice to avoid the "pinky-raising" mistake.

Tea Drinking Etiquette

So, where did this idea originate? Judith Martin, or Miss Manners, believes the practice originated in the 17th century when China first brought tea to Europe. People sipped from handle-less cups, and "anyone with any sense kept as few fingers as possible on the (yeow!) hot cup." Since only the rich could afford to drink the expensive, imported tea, the gesture became an affectation, sticking around even after teacups with handles came along. Etiquette expert Emily Post was "adamantly opposed" to crooking one's pinky because she thought "it was improper and rude." If you need to balance your teacup while sipping, use your pinky or thumb to support the cup from the underside. Vogue includes "extend your pinky finger" on their list of don'ts for enjoying afternoon tea. The Huffington Post agrees, saying that when you're drinking tea, "Never cradle the cup in your hands and avoid raising your little finger." Jill Haney, a corporate image consultant who helps people look poised and polished, wrote for Cincinnati.com, "There is something quite snobbish about holding the pinky out when drinking. It is as though the small gesture is meant to make others feel bad about themselves, and there is nothing kind, courteous, or respectful about that." She says the only reason to put your pinky in the air is if "you want to draw attention to yourself as an affected wannabe."

Do Follow These Tea Drinking Rules.

If you get invited to tea at Highclere Castle or elsewhere, keep in mind, don't make my mistake. Instead, follow the tips from etiquette expert William Hanson: Afternoon tea is not the same as high tea, add the milk last, and the correct way to hold your teacup is by making your thumb and index finger meet in the handle, no pinky extending required.

Remember How To Drink Tea Properly

Etiquette experts advise sitting with the correct posture and a napkin on your lap. After properly positioning yourself, bring the cup to your mouth—do not lean forward, slurp, or blow on hot tea. Place the cup back on its saucer between small sips, and remember, keep that pinky down.

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Is The Impossible suitable for 10 year olds?

Parents need to know that The Impossible is an intense family drama set against the 2004 Asian tsunami. Because of the subject matter, there are many upsetting sequences, particularly in the first half hour after the tsunami hits.

I wasn't really sure what to expect with this movie, since it wasn't given a big theater release and I hadn't heard much about it until years later. It is actually really good! The acting is incredible and the whole thing feels very realistic. Wonderful depiction of how a family would act being separated in a catastrophe. It's very emotional and stressful, so be prepared. There are two scenes in which the mother's breast is exposed. One, where her top rips and her son points out that her breast is showing. Two, when she's at the hospital and they have to take off her top to treat her injuries. It's unnecessary, but it's not in a sexual way. Could've done without it. I put too much violence below for one scene in particular, not that it's violent but more disturbing. The mother is in the hospital and eats an orange, which then makes her throw/gag up blood, seaweed, sand etc. I am not a squeamish person (I watch TLC medical shows with no problem), but even I looked away. It's very graphic and upsetting and even makes you feel sick. I get that the movie is trying to be realistic, but since it's PG-13 I think they should've showed less of this scene. Besides that, it really is a great movie that reminds you of what's really important. And again, the acting is amazing. I would say 16+ for the movie, and 13+ if you skip the nudity and the throwing up scene.

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