Piano Guidance
Photo by Karolina Grabowska Pexels Logo Photo: Karolina Grabowska

Is it OK to take a break from piano?

The short answer is yes, it is okay to take a break from piano, but it is important to do it for the right reasons, and to understand the consequences. Most of the time, the best choice is to be consistent with daily piano practicing. Piano students practice every day just like they brush their teeth every day.

Is music a skill or talent?
Is music a skill or talent?

Music is a field in which the word “talent” is bandied about a lot: the world is full of “talented” violinists, conductors, and rock guitarists....

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How do I stop my piano keys going yellow?
How do I stop my piano keys going yellow?

Gently buff white piano keys with a thin layer of mild, white toothpaste, and follow the general key-cleaning tips. Wipe away toothpaste residue...

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The short answer is yes, it is okay to take a break from piano, but it is important to do it for the right reasons, and to understand the consequences. Most of the time, the best choice is to be consistent with daily piano practicing. Piano students practice every day just like they brush their teeth every day. You don’t take a break from brushing teeth.

Knowing When to Take a Break

There are some circumstances when a break from piano can be helpful. If the piano experience is causing harm to the family in terms of arguing, resentment, and negative feelings in a child, or if it is damaging to a child’s self-esteem because of feeling stuck and unsuccessful, then a break might be in order. Especially if you as a parent have done everything you could to be consistent and make practice fun, and piano is still creating negative vibes in the home, a break can give you and your child a beneficial way to reset and get into a more positive mode. As personal experience, my son Isaac started piano lessons at the age of 4. Things went well at first, but then we realized that even though he wanted the lessons, he didn’t want to be told to practice. He didn’t have the ability to comply with an adult-imposed routine. We took a break for about six months, began again, and found it a much more enjoyable experience.

Coming Back From a Break

If a break is right for your family, have the courage to do it, but know there will be challenges when coming back. Taking a break means, eventually, having to come back from a break. At first you’ll need to take it slow and easy. Don’t expect all the learning to still be there. Be ready to go back and review some old lessons. Err on the side of making it easy at first instead of jumping right in where your student left off and suffering through the frustration of lost skills.

Does Summer Break Mean Piano Break?

Does your child get a break from school in the summer? Don’t assume that summer is an automatic break from piano too. Summer is a great time to make progress on the piano. Without the time constraint of school, many kids can practice longer, or even do two practice sessions per day. Do what’s right for your family, of course, but so long as piano is a positive experience for your child, why not make it a part of your child’s summer too?

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What are the 4 voices of music?

The four main voices are typically labelled as soprano (or treble and countertenor), alto (contralto, countertenor or mezzo), tenor, and bass....

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Is reading music difficult?

Many people believe it is hard to learn to read music. It isn't! In fact, reading music is a little like learning to read another language, but...

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What is the best solo instrument?

The piano reigns supreme as the ultimate solo instrument. It has 88 keys as well as the ability to play complete orchestrations. It's pretty...

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Why is one of my keys not working?
Why is one of my keys not working?

One or more keys do not work Dust, dirt, hair, and other debris can fall into the keyboard over time and obstruct a key's movement or interfere...

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When should I replace my piano strings?
When should I replace my piano strings?

Piano strings should be replaced when they break, become tarnished or corroded, or when they sound dull and thin. The lifespan of piano strings...

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What is the stinkiest smell ever?

Worst Smells on Earth Surströmming. This Swedish delicacy literally means “sour herring”. ... Durian. Durian is a fruit native to Southeast Asia,...

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