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Is it OK to doing math while listen to music?

Improves Math Skills and Cognition According to researches, music helps to improve cognitive skills as some specific music (especially classical) can activate certain the parts of brain. It strengthens the practice for all. So, if you are confused about listening to music while doing math, you can easily use it.

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Students have their own style of studying – listening to music while studying is one such weird habit of the students. According to the students, music helps them to concentrate while studying. But, there is a big difference between all other subjects and math. Math needs more concentration and music may distract them, as a result, mistakes are unavoidable! But, is it so? If yes, why so many students use the trick of listening to music while doing math? Let’s find out:

Improves Math Skills and Cognition

There are different types of music, and if a student is listening to any type of instrumental tune while doing math, they are one step ahead in regard to concentration. So, if you are a Madhyamik or HS candidate and struggling to concentrate on your math practice, you can try this trick once. According to researches, music helps to improve cognitive skills as some specific music (especially classical) can activate certain the parts of brain. It strengthens the practice for all. So, if you are confused about listening to music while doing math, you can easily use it.

Improves Overall Performance

Music creates an overall balance in the brain hemispheres. As a result, the reasoning problems can be solved faster. Different types of music initially stimulate the hemispheres of brain differently. But after a certain time, a balance is created and it prevailed as long as the music is on. Basically, listening to music is helpful at the time of preparing or exercising any subject and math is not an exception.

Prevents All Sorts of Outside Noise

At the time of exam preparation, outside noises can be highly disturbing – especially if you are a board exam aspirant and you are studying math. In such situations, music offers great help. By putting a headphones, you are restricting all the outside noises and you remain undisturbed. It really helps you to concentrate on the lessons to the fullest. So, if you are unable to study because you have really noisy neighbors or any construction is taking place outside, listen to music.

A Better Mood

Music is like a medicine that instantly fixes moods. So, if you are upset or stressed and all these are restricting you to do math, you can simply turn on your favorite track. While humming with the tune, your mood will be changed instantly. In short, you will feel happy and you will have the mood to study. So, yes, music is related to better concentration skills while studying and the Mozart effect is a proof in this regard. Also, music works as a stress buster – for example, if you crushed due to your exam pressure, just listen to some instrumentals or any favorite track – you will be filled with joy. So, definitely, music has positive impacts on our brain which helps us while doing math.

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But, this is just a side of the story – let’s move on to the other side of the story now!

Bad Choice of Music Ruins the Study

As it is mentioned Mozart effect is proven – but modern students will hardly play Mozart during study. In case students made a wrong choice of track while doing math, they will solely concentrate on the music. As a result, their math practice will be ruined.

Stopping is Important

The students have to understand when their attention is getting solely towards the music and does not remain on math practice. That is high time to stop the music and concentrate on the lessons. The candidates need to remember that their board exam covers a huge syllabus. For example, WBCHSE Math comes with a huge syllabus – after tuning on music, if the candidate is unable to concentrate on the lesson, there is definitely no point in listening to it.

Too Long Listening - Harmful for Ear

Listening to music for a long time, that too, in a loud tone can be harmful to the ears. So, it is better not to continue it for a long time.

Final words

The candidates, who are willing to study math while listening to music, must understand that their prime focus is their study. Music is like a helping agent at the time of study to them – nothing else. Now it is up to the students whether they choose to listen to music or not. If they choose to do so, they need to be careful about the type of music and duration to play. Also, they need to remember that their main concentration is math practice, not music. Summary Are you fond of listening to music while studying? Remember that music during study helps in concentration to study, but too long listening can damage the ears and it can ruin the practice too. Homework Help from Expert Tutors Upload your homework questions and get video and PDF solutions created by expert tutors. Delivery within 6- 24 Hrs. Upload Now!

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