Piano Guidance
Photo by Maria Fernanda Perez Pexels Logo Photo: Maria Fernanda Perez

Is it illegal to burn CDs for personal use?

No, it is not legal to burn and retain a copy of a cd you do not own. You can buy a cd and burn a copy to your computer or ipod for your own use, but not for someone else. Same holds true of any borrowed cd, either from a library or a friend.

What do piano fingers mean?
What do piano fingers mean?

Piano finger numbers are found in piano sheet music and indicate which finger to use on a specific note. The number one represents the thumb, two...

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Does Kawai make a good piano?
Does Kawai make a good piano?

Kawai doesn't make as many pianos as Yamaha, but you will still find Kawai products in many places. As far as quality is concerned most would agree...

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COvalle says:

I have a few reasons for this belief.First, I'm going to distinguish this action from the above analogy. Copying a CD for a family member or friend is not the same as checking a CD out from a library and copying it. They're two different acts, and that makes a difference.Actually, there are a lot of acts and copyrights affected here. We have the copying act and the distribution act, and all the copyrights associated with music.Historically copyright has not restricted personal uses, which I believe this act is. Copyright restricts distribution of copies to the public. Part of this action (giving the copy to a friend or family member) does not meet that criteria. Section 1008 also prohibits lawsuits for noncommercial copies that use an analog or digital copying device (which does not include a computer, by the way). I recall at least one member of Congress expressing skepticism as to the implication that the law they passed would restrict this type of use. I'll see if I can dig that reference up one of these days. Anyway, personal uses haven't been illegal, and fair use is generally an ineffective way of looking at them. Jessica Litman has a really interesting paper on the subject at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=926575 called "Lawful Personal Use."If you're looking a fair use argument, here's a quick one.1) Purpose - A personal use, for. This is distinct from peer-to-peer music sharing in scale (distribution to the public) and from cases such as Grokster, where the court determined that the uses were commercial.2) Nature - Against.3) Amount - Depends, but usually against.4) Effect on the Market - Kind of a wash. I don't see this having a harmful effect on the market. The mistake in many reports is equating a copy with a lost sale. It's not.Because it's generally a personal use that doesn't impact the market much, even in aggregate, I think that the use is fair. There's all kinds of room for debate, naturally. ^_^I do agree that a license for downloaded songs would probably expressly forbid that type of copying.On another note, the presence of unauthorized copyrighted material does not necessarily imply infringement (when you're talking about "retaining" material). There was some debate about this in an RIAA case last year. I can't find the articles at the moment, but I'll go back and look when I have time. Whenever that may be. :P

Who is No 1 singer in the world?
Who is No 1 singer in the world?

Top 10 Best Singers of All Time Rank Singer Genre 1 Michael Jackson Pop, Soul, Funk, R&B, Rock, Disco, & Dance 2 Stevie Wonder Soul, Pop, R&B,...

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How do I quit piano?
How do I quit piano?

How Do I Quit Piano? Be honest. ... Thank them for the time they spent working with you. Give them a nice card or recommendation. Do it in person,...

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What is the oldest piano company?

Sauter Sauter. The oldest piano company in the world and one of the last remaining few that craft their instruments entirely in-house, using parts only manufactured in Germany, Sauter is still one of the most well-respected piano builders in the world today.

In this day and age, piano builders who manufacture exemplary instruments are scarce. Being the birthplace of the piano and steeped in the tradition of western classical music, it should come as no surprise that European piano manufacturers consistently produce some of the finest instruments in the world today. Pianists from around the globe, at the highest level of their craft, will time and time again choose European made instruments as their vehicle for expression. Here are a few of the great European piano manufacturers (in no particular order) that still, to this day, produce pianos that come second to none around the world.

Can I teach my 2 year old piano?
Can I teach my 2 year old piano?

Two-year-olds can be taught simple, basic songs on the piano, typically using one finger. At this age, you may spend many weeks on the black keys...

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What does purple noise do?
What does purple noise do?

Violet noise is, similarly, like an inverted version of brownian noise. Its power density increases per octave with increasing frequency over a...

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Is 88 keys a full piano?
Is 88 keys a full piano?

A piano is an acoustic stringed instrument in which wooden hammers strike the strings to produce melodies. A typical full-sized piano is known to...

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What keys are Beethoven?
What keys are Beethoven?

The compositions of Ludwig van Beethoven in the key of C minor carry special significance for many listeners. His works in this key have been said...

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