Piano Guidance
Photo by Hallux Makenzo Pexels Logo Photo: Hallux Makenzo

Is it better to play piano by ear or read music?

A pianist who can play piano by ear can easily adapt music to another key, for example. Being able to read music allows the pianist to play difficult classical pieces with precision and accuracy.

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Play Piano By Ear

Playing by ear is the ability to hear a piece of music and play it without looking at sheet music. Reading music, of course, is the ability to “read” musical notes, rhythm and dynamics on sheet music, and play a piece accurately. These abilities may seem incongruent, but they actually require some of the same skills. Both have potential benefits for the pianist, and both should be cultivated. Although some people seem to be born with the ability to play by ear, most musicians spend time and energy cultivating this skill. To play by ear, one must first have a solid knowledge of notes and piano chords, and where they are found on the keyboard. A pianist then can visualize in his mind where the notes are on the keyboard as he listens to music. As he practices playing those notes by ear, he becomes more proficient. Fumbling around on the keyboard for the notes is a beginning, but is not the same as playing by ear. Pianists usually can hear and play the melody by ear before they can play the harmony. Playing by ear is a useful tool for playing a popular song, or accompanying someone in a casual sing-along, but this skill alone does not make a complete music education. Even accomplished pianists can rarely play advanced pieces by ear. A musician who has learned to read music can recognize each written note on the scale, as well as marks for cadence and dynamics. This process happens gradually, just as a young child slowly learns to read. Learning to read music allows a pianist to play any music within his skill level, even if he has never heard the piece. A pianist that can read music also has access to the composer’s original intent in terms of dynamics and tempo. As a pianist’s knowledge of music theory deepens, he can learn to sight read, which is the ability to read and play a piece of music fluidly the first time through. Both skills are important for the well-rounded pianist. A pianist who can play piano by ear can easily adapt music to another key, for example. Being able to read music allows the pianist to play difficult classical pieces with precision and accuracy. Look for teachers and lesson programs that provide opportunities to master both reading music and playing by ear.

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The number 77 is often seen as a sign of good luck, protection, and spiritual guidance. Apr 13, 2022

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Why is it difficult to learn piano as an adult?
Why is it difficult to learn piano as an adult?

Adults have a different way of learning the piano than children. Adults who start playing the piano need to be aware that they aren't actually...

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What percentage of Americans can read music?

While the literacy rate of the US is 95%, the musical illiteracy rate is also around 95%. As many people can't read music as can read literature. Music is a dead language. It is the most commonly spoken language on Earth, yet has the highest illiteracy rates.

Musical illiteracy is growing everyday. While the literacy rate of the US is 95%, the musical illiteracy rate is also around 95%. As many people can’t read music as can read literature. Music is a dead language. It is the most commonly spoken language on Earth, yet has the highest illiteracy rates. No one reads it. No one writes it. Notation is strictly for Classical geeks and Jazz hands. Where have Rhythm, Melody, and Harmony gone from Pop Music? Music is dead, because no one can visualize it. Notation is the written form of the musical language; a method of seeing. There are only a handful of dialects; treble clef, bass clef, and other clefs less common. There are just twelve letters compared to twice that many in English. In a week’s time, you can be fluent in most songs. Most writers stick to the same seven letters anyway. Part of the problem lies with the teaching of notation. The musical language needs to be sounded out while read. The best way to do this, is to use sound-activated widgets. When we read, we sound out the words in our head. Notation can also be sounded out while read with the aid of widgets. This makes the written language of music come to life. Los Doggies promotes musical literacy through an ongoing web-based encyclopedia of musical words and widgets that take a joyous and playful approach to musical education. Thanks all y’all, whosoever y’are!

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Allegrissimo or Allegro vivace – very fast (172–176 bpm) Presto – very, very fast (168–200 bpm) Prestissimo – even faster than presto (200 bpm and...

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1. Marconi Union, “Weightless” Marconi Union is an English ambient music band that worked with sound therapists to create what is known as the most...

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Just press and hold the Fn key first and then press the FnLock or the padlock icon. This will activate the lock. To reverse it, just hold the Fn...

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