Piano Guidance
Photo by Alexey Komissarov Pexels Logo Photo: Alexey Komissarov

Is D+ better than D?

The table below shows the conversion from numerical grades to letter grades. ... Grading Numerology. Number → Letter Conversion Numerical Grade Letter Grade ≥ 70.0 C- ≥ 67.5 D+ ≥ 62.5 D 10 more rows

science.smith.edu - Grading Numerology
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How I increase my memory power?

Advertisement Include physical activity in your daily routine. Physical activity increases blood flow to your whole body, including your brain. ......

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How did Eddie Van Halen learn to tap?
How did Eddie Van Halen learn to tap?

Eddie has said in the past that he was inspired to start doing the finger-tapping trick after watching LED ZEPPELIN at the Los Angeles Forum in the...

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Grading Numerology

I use percentages to map to letter grades. The percentages mirror the 4.0 scale, except that where a GPA difference of 1.0 corresponds to a full letter grade, I use a percentage difference of 10. The table below shows the conversion from numerical grades to letter grades. Number → Letter Conversion Numerical Grade Letter Grade ≥ 97.5 A+ ≥ 92.5 A ≥ 90.0 A- ≥ 87.5 B+ ≥ 82.5 B ≥ 80.0 B- ≥ 77.5 C+ ≥ 72.5 C ≥ 70.0 C- ≥ 67.5 D+ ≥ 62.5 D ≥ 60.0 D- < 60.0 E Letter → Number Conversion Letter Grade Numerical Grade A+ 98.75 A 95.00 A- 91.25 B+ 88.75 B 85.00 B- 81.25 C+ 78.75 C 75.00 C- 71.25 D+ 68.75 D 65.00 D- 61.25 E 55.00

Why I don't round grades

It is my practice not to round the numerical grade before mapping to letter grades by the table. This can be a sore point, so let me explain. For example, I use ≥90.00 as the transition from a B+ to an A-. This means that if your numerical grade is 89.9, I map it to a B+ and not an A-. It can be heartbreaking to miss a grade boundary by -0.1, I know. But to round up, say, every numerical grade ≥89.50 to 90.00 and map that to an A-, means that the transition from B+ to A- is actually 89.50, not 90.00. And that would mean that a grade of 89.4 would miss a grade boundary by -0.1. (It would also mean that me announcing the grade boundary of 90.00 is not accurate.) No matter what policiy is followed, some could miss a grade boundary by a hair. Even though there may be some psychological difference between the two situations, I prefer to keep it straightforward by announcing the sharp grade boundary and then following it strictly. I find it helps keeps the process more objective, and does not allow room for subjective grade adjustments, which are almost always unfair.

What key has all flats?
What key has all flats?

Scales with flat key signatures Major key Number of flats Flat notes F major 1 B♭ B♭ major 2 B♭, E♭ E♭ major 3 B♭, E♭, A♭ A♭ major 4 B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭...

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What instrument has the most emotion?
What instrument has the most emotion?

'The theremin is the most emotional instrument of all' – composer Justin Hurwitz on writing the score for First Man. The story of the moon landings...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Should a beginner buy a capo?

Capos are awesome. They can make learning the guitar easier for beginners, and for more advanced players, they can offer greater depth and variety. They really are a tool for all seasons.

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Can you be a natural at piano?
Can you be a natural at piano?

What is natural piano playing? The sort of improvisation that can be done in any style is sometimes referred to as 'natural' piano playing. Many...

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Spotify® 60-Days Free Trial Offer Terms and Conditions.

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Do beginners need 88-key piano?
Do beginners need 88-key piano?

How Many Keys Should a Keyboard Have for Beginners? While 88-key digital pianos are the best choice for students planning on learning to play...

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How many A keys are on a piano?
How many A keys are on a piano?

88 keys Of the 88 keys found on a full-sized piano, there are 52 white keys and 36 black keys. The white keys are known as natural music notes,...

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