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Is C++ as fast as C?

Performance-based on Nature Of Language C++ language is an object-oriented programming language, and it supports some important features like Polymorphism, Abstract Data Types, Encapsulation, etc. Since it supports object-orientation, speed is faster compared to the C language.

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Difference Between C vs C++ Performance

C is a general-purpose computer programming language. C is considered a high-level programming language, and this programming language is much suitable and ideal for developing portable applications or firmware. The C programming language is a structure-oriented programming language, and it is proven, very flexible and most powerful, and it can be used for a variety of different applications. C++ is an enhancement and advanced for C language, and it is a general-purpose for an object-oriented programming language. C++ is a superset of the C family, and it is the preferred language by many for creating large-scale applications. C++ is considered as a compiled language, and implementation of this language is available on many platforms.

Let us study much more about C and C++ in detail:

Start Your Free Software Development Course Web development, programming languages, Software testing & others C is designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie in a company – Bell Labs, in the year 1972 for the UNIX operating system. The recent and stable release of the C programming language is made in the year 2011, December. C++ is designed and developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the year 1985. Initially, C++ was called by the name “C with Classes”, and later it is renamed to C++ in the year 1983. The symbol ++ indicates that an increment operator in C symbolically represents an advanced version of C. The main basis of C++ is, it allows both hardware access and abstraction, and it carries effectively, and that makes C++ stand and differentiate from other programming languages. As mentioned earlier, C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It has two main components: It directly maps the hardware features which are provided primarily by the C subset, Zero-overhead abstractions that are based on the hardware mappings. Similar to the C language, the C++ programming language supports memory management in four types:

Static storage duration objects.

Thread storage duration objects.

Automatic storage duration objects and

Dynamic storage duration objects.

Head to Head Comparison Between C and C++ Performance (Infographics)

Below is the top 8 difference between C and C++ Performance:

Key differences between C and C++ Performance

Both C vs C++ Performance are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major Difference Between C and C++ Performance: Since C could not handle and manage some complexity, C++ language was invented to manage the same. This will helps to improve performance.

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When it is considered about basic orientation, C language supports structure oriented programming. Whereas C++ supports object-oriented programming, generic programming, and also metaprogramming. C++ programming language supports Overloading and Exception Handling features, whereas these features will not be supported in C language. Inheritance is possible in the C language, whereas it is not possible in C++. C programming language follows the Top-down approach in programming, whereas C++ language follows the bottom-up approach in programming. C programming language is not compatible with generic programming, whereas C++ language is much compatible. In C language, the “scanf” function is used for standard input, and the “printf” function is used for standard output. Whereas “cin” and “cout” are used for standard input and output, respectively. Data security is more secured in the C++ language, whereas data is not secure in the C programming language. Since data will be hidden in the C++ language and it is not accessible by using external functions. C++ language supports reference variables by which performance will increase, but whereas the C language will not support reference variables. C programming language facilitates dynamic memory allocation by using malloc() and calloc()functions, and for memory de-allocation, it uses the free() function. Whereas C++ language facilitates memory allocation by using a new operator and also memory de-allocation by using the delete operator.

C and C++ Performance Comparison Table

The primary Comparison between C and C++ Performance are discussed below.

The Basis of Comparison Between C vs C++ Performance C C++ Performance About & Definition C is a general-purpose computer programming language. C is a subset of C++. C is designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie in a company – Bell Labs in the year 1972. C++ is a high-level object-oriented programming language. C++ is a superset of C. C++ is designed and developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in the year 1985. Performance-based on Nature Of Language The C programming language is a structure-oriented programming language. Performance is slow compared to C++. C++ language is an object-oriented programming language, and it supports some important features like Polymorphism, Abstract Data Types, Encapsulation, etc. Since it supports object-orientation, speed is faster compared to the C language. Point Of Emphasis C language gives importance to the steps or procedures, and those are followed to solve a problem. C++ language gives importance to the objects and not the steps or procedures like C language. Performance-Based on Driven language C language is being procedural programming, and hence it is a function-driven language. C++ language is being object-oriented programming; it is an object driven language. Performance-Based on Data Types C language supports all the basic and built-in data types. C does not support Boolean or String data types. C++ language support String or Boolean data types. C++ supports both user-defined and built-in data types. Compatibility With Exception Handling and Overloading Exception Handling and Overloading does not support in the C language. But Exception Handling can be achieved by some other functions in C. Exception Handling and Overloading features are supported in the C++ language. Exception Handling can be achieved by using the try & catch block. Performance-Based on Memory Allocation And Deallocation Memory Allocation can be done using malloc() and calloc functions. For deallocation, free() function is used. In C++, Memory Allocation and Deallocation can be achieved by using new and delete operators, respectively. Performance-Based on Mapping In C language, it is complicated to Mapping between data and function. It’s a disadvantage over the C++ language. In the C++ language, Mapping between data and function can be achieved easily by using ‘Object’.


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It is very easy and straightforward to conclude between C vs C++ Performance. It is a known fact that C++ is an advanced and a superset of C. Hence C++ programming language possesses many new and advanced features compared to the C programming language. That includes performance feature as well. But it is a fact that many developers still prefer the C programming language for developing/ building operating systems using C language only. Finally, the performance of applications using both C vs C++ Performance programming languages depends on the requirement/ application you won’t develop.

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This has been a guide to the top differences between C vs C++ Performance. Here we have discussed C vs C++ Performance head to head comparison, key difference, and infographics and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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