Piano Guidance
Photo by James Frid Pexels Logo Photo: James Frid

How old was Jesus when he was crucified?

33 Jesus died at the age of 33. For us that seems rather early and at the prime of life for many.

Which microphone is the most suitable option for recording an upright piano?
Which microphone is the most suitable option for recording an upright piano?

diaphragm condenser microphones Low self-noise: Large diaphragm condenser microphones are usually considered the best bet for miking upright piano.

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What were John Lennon's last words to Paul?
What were John Lennon's last words to Paul?

Although their intimate conversations remained private, Paul's wife Linda McCartney once revealed John Lennon's last words to his former band mate....

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Jesus' 33 Years

We all have rough weeks at some point and time in our lives. I know of no one who has immunity from rough and/or tough times. I have watched people suffer and die prematurely at different times of their lives. Parents have lost children at this time of year. Children have lost parents at this time of year. They hold something unique—they share with God in a loss at this time of year. Death at any time is tough, but I think it is tougher when death occurs near Christmas or Easter, or near a birthday, or anniversary. Jesus died at the age of 33. For us that seems rather early and at the prime of life for many. Have you ever wondered why 33? Numbers in the Bible usually have significant meaning. So what is the meaning of Jesus dying at 33 and in the prime of His life? In the words of one of my beloved professors to many unanswerable theological questions, he would reply, “We just don’t know.” What we do know that at this age of 33 some rather significant events occurred in His life: He was betrayed by one of His disciples, Judas; Peter, another disciple, disowned Jesus; others spit on Him; some struck Him, injuring Him physically and leaving Him in tremendous pain; He was mocked; He was crucified and He died a horrendous death. In the end, this 33-year old’s response was simply this—“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

Are you 33 this week? Do you ever think about the age of 33 in your life?

Whenever someone tells me they are 33 years old, I always respond that it is the age when Jesus was crucified and died for you and for me. Where was I when I was 33? I was in seminary learning more about my Lord and Savior. What a great way to have spent my thirty-third year of life, learning about my Savior, and your Savior. Research says that many people say they have been their happiest around the age of 33. I could agree with this. I was learning more about my Lord and Savior and rather healthy at that point and time in my life. I am much older now and I have not come anywhere near accomplishing as much as Jesus did in His short 33 years. I hate to break it to you—neither have you. There is nothing we can do greater than what Jesus did for each and every one of us during His 33rd year of life. By His grace, He chose to give up His life for us so that we might be forgiven of our sins and have a life eternal in heaven one day. Would you drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of sewage in it? Would you drink a glass of water half filled with sewage? Would you drink a full glass of nothing but sewage? The answer is no. Regardless of whether you have a teaspoon of sin in your life or full glass of sin in your life, we all have sin in our life and Christ is the only answer for removing it from our lives. Thank God for the gift of Christ and eternal life this Easter. We sinners need to be thankful that Christ loved us enough to give us forgiveness and many opportunities to be a part of His heavenly and eternal kingdom.

Are old ivory piano keys worth anything?
Are old ivory piano keys worth anything?

Ivory keytops are not valuable. Because the trade in ivory is completely outlawed around the world, the keytops are not valuable. But even if it...

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How long should a 7 year old practice piano?
How long should a 7 year old practice piano?

Children Age 7-10: 30 minutes, 3 times per week. If you don't schedule specific times to practice it will simply not happen. At this age,...

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What language does the devil speak?

Bellsybabble The devil mostly speaks a language of his own called Bellsybabble which he makes up himself as he goes along but when he is very angry he can speak quite bad French very well though some who have heard him say that he has a strong Dublin accent. The name "Bellsybabble" is a pun on Beelzebub, "babble" and Babel.

en.wikipedia.org - Bellsybabble - Wikipedia

Bellsybabble is the name of the language of the Devil, mentioned by writer James Joyce in the following postscript to a letter (containing the story now known as "The Cat and the Devil"), which he wrote in 1936[1] to his four-year-old grandson:[2]: 15–16 The devil mostly speaks a language of his own called Bellsybabble which he makes up himself as he goes along but when he is very angry he can speak quite bad French very well though some who have heard him say that he has a strong Dublin accent. The name "Bellsybabble" is a pun on Beelzebub, "babble" and Babel. Bellsybabble has variously been called a poly-language,[3] a pluridialectal idiom[4] and a ludic creation.[5]: 35

Significance [ edit ]

For Giorgio Melchiori, it is suggestive of the idea that in literary texts, there is not a single language, but a multitude of languages, a different one for each reader of the text.[2]: 16 It has been compared with the language of Joyce's novel Finnegans Wake,[6] and has also provided the inspiration for C. George Sandulescu's study of Finnegans Wake, entitled The Language of the Devil.[7]: vi Linguist John Haiman compares Bellsybabble to ordinary language in the way it continually shapes, and is in turn shaped by, the utterances spoken within it.[8]: 178 This challenges the rigid separation between code and message. On one hand, the language determines the presupposed content and boundaries of possible messages, as shown by the concept of linguistic relativity. On the other hand, the message may also affect the code used by that very message.[9]

What is a normal piano called?
What is a normal piano called?

Upright or vertical pianos are named after the position of the piano's strings and soundboard. They stand perpendicular to the ground, hence...

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Can tuples have duplicates?
Can tuples have duplicates?

Tuple items are ordered, unchangeable, and allow duplicate values. Tuple items are indexed, the first item has index [0] , the second item has...

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What is FN F10?
What is FN F10?

With a single-color keyboard backlight keyboards, FN+F10 decreases the audio volume. Oct 18, 2022

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Is piano hardest to play?
Is piano hardest to play?

The piano is one of the most difficult and rewarding instruments to learn; not only do you have to learn to read notes and translate them to the...

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