Piano Guidance
Photo by Sarah  Chai Pexels Logo Photo: Sarah Chai

How many songs are on Flowkey?

1,500 songs Huge Music Library You will get access to over 1,500 songs. They come in various genres and difficulty levels to help you find a piece that you can play and enjoy. You can search these songs by difficulty. There are four different levels you can choose, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Pro.

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In this Flowkey review, we will look at key elements of the program and determine if it is the right app to teach you how to play the piano. We’ve been studying all the top piano lesson apps and have been able to see what works and what doesn’t. We’ll break the product down for you and show you how this app could help you learn the piano. Our Top Pick #1 Piano Lessons Online For Learning Today Our Top Method for Learning Piano Online Today! Revolutionary program for learning piano and keyboard fast.

Over 250,000 Students Worldwide

200+ Video Lessons

9 interactive Ebooks Learn more about the program here

After reading this review, you will have a better idea if you can use this app to learn how to play the piano. You’ll know whether or not it’s a good fit for you, and if it’s not, we will also suggest a few alternatives that could help you better. If you are ready to find a piano lesson app that can help you learn how to play the piano, read on!

Flowkey Overview

What can you expect from your Flowkey app? Will it help you learn how to really play the piano? Let’s find out.

What Is Flowkey?

In short, Flowkey is an app that helps you learn how to play the piano. It is a great place to start if you have never played the piano before. Plus, it’s useful for helping current players refresh their skills and learn new ones. You can use the app on multiple platforms, and Flowkey uses a wide array of songs so that students can find music that interests them. You will learn songs very quickly so that you can enjoy sharing your new skills almost as soon as you start.

Does Flowkey Work?

Teachers designed Flowkey to help you learn how to play specific songs, and it does that very well. It provides you with videos of sheet music and people playing the song. It highlights the keys, showing you when to play them. You will learn a ton of new songs with this app very quickly. Flowkey is an incredible tool, especially if you already have the basics of proper piano playing down. However, it doesn’t dwell on piano basics. This teaching method is ideal if you only want to learn a few songs to grow your repertoire. You may not become a piano virtuouso with this app, but you will definitely learn plenty of new songs!

Best Features of Flowkey

Flowkey has a bunch of useful features to help ensure that you learn the piano. It enables you to do everything from controlling your music lessons to focusing on the things you most want to learn and allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Huge Music Library

You will get access to over 1,500 songs. They come in various genres and difficulty levels to help you find a piece that you can play and enjoy. You can search these songs by difficulty. There are four different levels you can choose, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Pro. Being able to select your level allows you to focus on songs that you should be able to play. The right difficulty can keep you from getting frustrated with a song that is way too hard. You can pick from twenty different categories. These include Pop Hits, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Films & TV, and Christmas. If you’re interested in even more options, you can also choose more niche genres like Asian Pop and Game Themes. This plethora of genres makes it easier to find the song that you want to play. Each of the songs offered comes with sheet music and video for learning how to play them, even the pro ones. Don’t get discouraged if the song you want to play is higher than your level. Flowkey will help you work up to playing it. Some songs have multiple arrangements based on difficulty. These arrangements let you start on a piece that may be more advanced than you. As you get better, you can play the more challenging arrangement. Sheet music can be expensive by itself. Gaining access to all this music alone would be valuable. Adding the instruction helps make it a great value.

Flowkey Listens to You Play

You can allow Flowkey to listen to you play in a feature called Flow Mode. Then, you can set the app to progress at the speed you’re moving. It will only continue when you hit the proper notes so that the song won’t get too far ahead of you. You can use this feature with the microphone on any device that is playing Flowkey, or you can connect it with a USB or MIDI cord if your device supports those. Many digital keyboards and pianos have this option. The cord connection tends to work better, but not every device or piano will have that option. While the microphone is the universal method, adding a USB mic to your device may help its function. This mode is a handy feature, but it is still working through a few bugs. When you are using a microphone, it can sometimes be hard to get the note registered. You have to push pretty hard for the mic to pick up the sound. It can lead to some frustration if your mic keeps missing notes. Flow mode is an innovative feature that Flowky is still trying to perfect. When you use it properly, it can help you learn a song at your specific pace, allowing you to master even tricky songs. If you have the right digital keyboard, the plug-in can make this feature an essential part of your piano practice.

Split-Screen Learning

Once you’ve picked your song, you’re ready to start learning. The piece is shown to you using both sheet music and video of someone else playing it. Flowkey offers both of these features in the split-screen mode so that you can see them at the same time. They give you a birds-eye view of how a real person is playing the notes. So if you are still learning how to read music or have a hard time making a transition, you can watch how to play it. The video will highlight the keys you are supposed to press. This feature helps you understand what you have to play for each note. The highlights can help you get your hand placement down and learn which keys to play each time.

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When you combine this split-screen learning with the speed control features Flowkey offers, you can take control of your whole piano experience. You can see every note at the pace you can play them. As you get better at reading music, the hands may become less important, but whenever something isn’t working, it is straightforward to see it done. It helps you learn every song, even if you don’t have all the basics down yet. The app has classes that help you focus on many of the basics of piano, including lessons on reading music. When you add music reading to the split-screen teaching that always shows you the sheet music as you play, you will learn some music reading by accident. As you get more comfortable reading the music, you’ll be able to move up in your songs’ difficulty levels. If you want to truly learn the piano, these lessons are essential. Learning how to read music is like learning almost any other language. Once you’ve gained the skill, you can apply it to any music written for the piano. Learning to read music gives you much more flexibility in your piano skills. Reading music can help you be a better singer, so you can start adding that skill to your piano playing. You don’t have to take this lesson to get started with the app, but it is there if you decide you want to learn even more about the piano. It is a great option to have and is one that helps make Flowkey more useful for students.

Focus on Specific Hands

When it comes to learning music, you may be doing well with one hand, but you start falling behind with the other hand. Flowkey has a solution for that problem. For any song or lesson the app offers, you can choose to practice it with either one of your hands. This tool can be essential to help you master playing with your off-hand for more advanced songs. You can use all the speed options with only one hand as well and learn to play one hand at the pace that feels right for you. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the piece going too fast for you to learn. Being able to focus on one hand allows you to learn the piece with less frustration. Splitting attention between both hands can lead you to slow down your tempo and not learn either part as well as you want to. After working on a specific hand, you’ll be able to use it better in tandem and, in turn, play the whole piece better. This tool will help you master full pieces in a shorter amount of time so that you can play your favorite songs with ease.

Learn at Your Speed

When you are playing a song, you can slow it down to move at a pace that feels good for your current skill level. You can pick from a few different mode options that can help you out. You can increase the speed as you get more comfortable with the piece. You can start the song in wait mode, which only moves when your app hears you play the right note. If you want more of a challenge, the slow mode drops the speed down but moves at a constant pace. You can pick between 50% or 75% speed with this setting. Fast mode plays the song at its proper tempo, but it may seem fast, especially if you don’t quite have the whole piece down. When you get to the fast mode, you are playing the song the way you would hear it on the radio. When you are playing these songs, you can pause at any time, and you can go back over things. You can play half of it in fast mode, then slow it down or put it in wait mode to master sections you’re having a hard time playing. You control the speed the music is going as you learn it, ensuring that you can play the whole piece.

Theory Course Options

Learning music throughout life has been shown to have positive effects on cognitive abilities. If you want to understand music in general with a focus on the piano, Flowkey offers a list of courses that cover music theory. These classes include intro to piano, playing with both hands, mastering chords, improvising chords, playing scales, and many more. These courses include video and other teaching material that can help you learn the topic. You can take these courses in portions, and you can watch your progress on each lesson. You can use specific lessons that you want to learn, and you can skip the ones that don’t add to what you want to do. The classes you take are completely up to you. You don’t have to use these courses to have fun and play music, but they can help add depth to your learning experience. These lessons are a great tool to help round out your piano training.

Play It Again, Sam

You can pick how much of the song you work on at one time, and then you can loop that section to keep practicing it until you can play it easily and correctly each time. This feature can be beneficial for difficult parts of any song. You can pick the exact section you want to see played over. It can be a tiny section, or it can be pretty long. This selection lets you find the specific part you want to replay so you can focus right in. When you loop a section, you get to see the sheet music, and the player’s hands repeatedly do the same part. It can help you learn how to read sheet music and how to play the song. By seeing both, it enables you to get a better grasp of the whole process. Looping specific parts of a song can help make sure that you learn even the most challenging music pieces. It is a great technique. Practice makes perfect, and the repetition will help you master even the most difficult transitions.

Works on Multiple Platforms

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Flowkey works with almost any device you have to help you learn piano. These platforms include apps for Android and Apple. You can use the site directly on your Windows and Mac computers. You will be able to practice with most devices so that you can continue your lessons. The app is intuitive and easy to use. It is effortless to start your lessons. You can find the instructions or song you want from a menu or with a search. Then you can access extra features with just a click. The interface stays the same so that if you have to switch devices often, you won’t get lost or have a new app learning curve. The app works with both digital and acoustic pianos. The wait mode works better with a digital keyboard that connects with a USB cord, but it is not needed. You can use either style of piano with the microphone wait mode.

You Set the Pace

Unlike traditional classes, the only person who decides how much material you’re going to cover any day is you. This freedom means that if you have a week off and want to practice eight hours a day, you can. If you want to learn the piano and can only dedicate 10 minutes a day, you can. Controlling your lessons means that you can learn as fast or as slow as you want. You don’t have someone else telling you how quickly you should be learning the material. You can also progress as fast as you want. If there is a song that you want to play to impress yourself and your friends, you can start practicing that song specifically. You don’t have to spend time on scales and theory if you want to learn specific songs. Learn what you want, when you want to learn it. Practice when you can, and don’t feel guilty when you can’t. You are in control of this app’s whole experience, so you can tailor the plan to fit you precisely.

Try It for Free

Flowkey offers a limited free service that you can use anytime. The free version only gives you eight songs to learn and only parts of the different lessons. Free Flowkey allows you to see if this is an app that can help you out. You don’t gain access to all the features, but it gives you an idea of how the app works. You will be able to learn a few songs this way and test out the method. It isn’t perfect, but it can be fun to give it a try.

Alternatives to Flowkey

If this Flowkey review left you concerned about your ability to learn piano with this app, there are a few other good options. These may fit your learning style better because they offer a different method in their teachings. Here are some of the alternatives to Flowkey that may be able to help you.

Piano in 21 Days

Piano in 21 Days helps you learn major chords so you can start playing songs. The program is a little more structured and set to help you learn specific songs in a concise time frame. You get less choice in music, but it can help people who are bad at controlling their own time and pace.

Check out the Piano in 21 days review now.


Skoove offers you the ability to add one on one video courses with real piano teachers while you learn. These teachers can provide you with direct feedback on your posture and technique. If you sometimes need to talk to a real person, this could be a useful option for you.

Check out the Skoove review here.

Piano Marvel

Piano Marvel can be handy to people who need outside assessment of their practice. The program offers you tests and scores to see how well you are learning and if you are progressing. If you like using grades to motivate you, this app could be a good option for you.

Check out the Piano marvel review now.

Final Thoughts on Flowkey

In this Flowkey Review, we have gone over all the best features of the app. You’ve seen the impressive song library, teaching methods, playing features, and unique controls. All of these components contribute to an excellent learning environment. On top of learning songs, you got to see information about the music theory lessons that this app teaches. We’ve mentioned how you can use every lesson in this app to become a fully rounded player. Essentially, piano players at various levels can benefit from Flowkey, and you can decide how much music education you would like to receive from the application. With all of these features in mind, you have a much better picture of what the Flowkey application can offer you. Whether you want to learn how to play every aspect of a piano or learn how to play a few songs, this app can help you achieve that goal at your own pace. Overall, we found the Flowkey app to be very easy to use. The lessons are intuitive, and you can quickly adjust them to fit your comfort level. You can just jump right into learning and can play your first song very quickly. To give you a better idea of how Flowkey works, we’re going to look at how it teaches you to play the piano and focus on the key features and tools you can access during the learning process. Hopefully, our in-depth analysis of the features gave you enough information to decide if this is the correct curriculum for you. So, do you want to learn the piano? If you’re ready to give Flowkey a try, click on the link and start learning today. Our Top Pick #1 Piano Lessons Online For Learning Today Our Top Method for Learning Piano Online Today! Revolutionary program for learning piano and keyboard fast.

Over 250,000 Students Worldwide

200+ Video Lessons

9 interactive Ebooks Learn more about the program here

Our full Playground Sessions Review

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