Piano Guidance
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How many sisters did Jesus have?

Verse 56 mentions that Jesus had sisters. The sisters are not named, but since the word is plural there were at least two of them. John 7:5 tells us his brothers didn't believe in Jesus, and all three synoptic gospels tell of a time when his mother and brothers came to speak with Jesus.

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Staff Writer

The Progress-Index

Question: Were Jesus' brothers and sisters his full or half siblings, or possibly cousins?

- Jim Ballou, Petersburg, Va.

Answer: Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 name four men called Jesus' brethren: James, Joses (short for Joseph Jr.), Simon, and Judas called Jude. Verse 56 mentions that Jesus had sisters. The sisters are not named, but since the word is plural there were at least two of them. John 7:5 tells us his brothers didn't believe in Jesus, and all three synoptic gospels tell of a time when his mother and brothers came to speak with Jesus. The implication is that they came to take him home, possibly to rethink his ministry because he was offending the Jewish leaders. That may be why Jesus didn't go out to talk with them immediately. Later, 1 Corinthians 15:7 says Jesus made a resurrection appearance to his brother James, which must have converted him. Then, Matthew 28:10 records that the rest of Jesus' brothers would see him at a resurrection appearance in Galilee. So, Acts 1:14 says Mary and all the brothers were present when the Holy Spirit came upon believers at Pentecost. In Acts 12:17, Dr. Luke wrote that Peter sent word to James and his brothers of his miraculous release from prison. By the middle of the first Christian century James appears to be the leader of the church in Jerusalem (Acts 15:13, Galatians 1:19 and 2:9). He wrote the epistle of James, and his brother Judas wrote the epistle of Jude in the New Testament (James 1:1; Jude 1:1). Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:34-35 record that Mary was a virgin and Jesus was fathered by God's Spirit. God, himself, testified at Jesus' baptism: "This is my beloved Son!" (Matthew 3:17). John 3:16 identifies Jesus as God's only begotten son, meaning he was the only son God ever fathered. So, Joseph was not Jesus' biological father. Matthew 1:25 says Joseph did not have relations with Mary until her first son was born, implying that she had other children. Joseph would have been the father of Mary's other children. That would make them the half-brothers and sisters of Jesus. In an effort to keep Mary pure and a perpetual virgin some church dogmas declare that Mary never had any other children. This is not supported by Scripture. Jesus was miraculously born, but he had a normal family with a mother, foster father, half brothers and sisters, aunt Mary and uncle Cleophas (John 19:25), and cousins Elizabeth and her son, John the baptizer (Luke 1:13 and 36). - Dr. Tom Lovorn is pastor of God's Storehouse Baptist Church in Richmond. He writes a weekly column on religion. You may send him your Bible questions in care of this newspaper or via his website at www.tomlovorn.us

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