Piano Guidance
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How long should a 12 year old practice violin?

For Children Eight to Twelve years old: We recommend setting up a regular practice schedule and trying to get between 75 and 100 minutes of practice each week. We have found that students who consistently practice about 100 minutes a week do very well.

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How much should my child practice their musical instrument? This is one of the questions that we get most often from parents and it really depends on how old the student is.

For Younger Children:

For children ages four to seven, shorter practice sessions work best. With younger children, the focus with their practice should be on the quality and not necessarily the quantity. Often, what works better than a set time limit is using the repetition method. Instead of asking your child to practice for ten or fifteen minutes, ask them to play their song five times. Tip: Make tracking repetitions fun. Get two small bowls and fill one with five marbles. Every time your little musician plays their song, they can move one marble to the other bowl. Not only does it help young children conceptualize what they need to do to complete their practice, they will get an extra sense of accomplishment when all of the marbles are moved over to the second bowl.

For Children Eight to Twelve years old:

Once children reach this age, they are capable of focusing for a longer period of time and should make the transition from repetition to a set time limit. We recommend setting up a regular practice schedule and trying to get between 75 and 100 minutes of practice each week. We have found that students who consistently practice about 100 minutes a week do very well. It is often best to do four 25 minute sessions or five 20 minute sessions if your schedule permits it. While 100 minutes is ideal, students can still make progress practicing 50-60 minutes per week, however they tend to move a bit slower than those who consistently hit the 75-100 minute mark. Tip: Set up some kind of reward system for every time your child hits their practicing goal for the week. Reward systems are a great way to encourage students to develop good practice habits. Eventually, students won’t need them and will learn to practice on their own without any outside motivation, however developing this kind of intrinsic motivation takes time.

For Teenagers:

Teenagers can continue to do very well practicing their musical instrument about 100 minutes each week. Advanced music students playing very complicated songs may need additional time. For the serious student, we recommend 45 minutes per day. If you are interested in getting started with music lessons or have questions about how to make practicing easier for your child feel free to contact us at 740-913-1718.

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Is a 100 dollar violin good?

You just have to fork over a few hundred dollars more to get it there. Is it worth it? Unless you're doing the work yourself, probably not. You're better off spending a few hundred dollars more and finding an instrument that's of better quality and already setup to a level you are happy with.

V.com weekend vote: Can a $100 violin be a decent instrument?

Lately on Violinist.com a spirited debate has developed on a discussion thread called I don't think $100 violins are as terrible as people say.

Is it possible that a $100 is "not terrible"?

I thought it would make for an interesting vote and opportunity to share experiences with cheap violins. While a cheap violin might sort of "work" for a while, it's generally a false economy, as I've illustrated in this article. If you are buying a $100 new violin, you'll probably have to spend $300 fixing it up, and even then it will disappoint in the end due to the poor craftsmanship, materials, etc. etc. But there might be some circumstances under which a $100 violin is not so bad. For example, if an innocent non-musician was selling her grandfather's Stradivari from the attic for $100, not knowing it was actually a real Stradivari. Or, if the violin was being sold for $100 in the year 1840, when $100 was more like $3,500. Or...

You catch my drift. I've structured this vote to allow your creativity, and that's what I expect! Under what circumstances can you imagine a $100 violin being a decent instrument? Or is this just not possible? Or are you okay with a very cheap fiddle?

Also, you are welcome to share your experiences with very cheap violins, whether for yourself, a child, a student or an acquaintance.

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