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How long does LUMI last?

Should you use Lume every day? Lume promises to last for up to 72 hours. I shower daily, so I apply it after I shower.

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If you’re curious about trying Lume natural deodorant, first read my in-depth Lume deodorant review! Most of us use deodorant daily. Conventional drugstore deodorants use aluminum to block pores and prevent sweat altogether. While the health risks of aluminum antiperspirants are still up for debate, regular deodorant contains other artificial fragrances and ingredients that you might not want on – or in – your body. I’ve been using natural deodorant on and off for years. I first started using the brand Lume (pronounced Loo-Mee) about a year and a half ago after impulsively ordering a set (thanks, targeted advertising!). Recently, Lume discontinued the Jasmine Rose scent I’d started with. Since I had always been on the fence about how much I liked that scent, it seemed like a good time to dive into a range of Lume’s fragrances.

I wanted to discover – was there a scent that would make me a die-hard Lume fanatic? Or was my ambivalence about Jasmine Rose a result of Lume as a whole?

Note: this post contains affiliate links, which help run this site at no extra cost to you so I can keep providing free travel advice and tips.

A Quick Look at Lume as a Company

If you’ve ever seen an advertisement for Lume deodorant, you’ve probably noticed that they advertise it as whole body deodorant – for pits, feet, and privates. Lume’s inventor, Shannon Klingman, created Lume specifically for privates after noticing that many women were receiving inaccurate BV diagnoses during her residency as an OB/GYN. Lume is aluminum-free, baking soda-free, and cruelty-free. Lume doesn’t block or prevent sweat but instead works with your body chemistry to prevent the bacterial reaction that causes odor.

How to Use Lume Deodorant and How it Works

One of the key ingredients in Lume is mandelic acid, an AHA found in skincare products, which also has an antibacterial effect. Lume stops bacteria from reacting with bodily fluids, such as sweat, and causing odor. Lume needs a “clean slate” to work. So, if you haven’t showered in a few days and start to smell, putting on some Lume won’t tide you over for another 24 hours because the odor-causing bacteria is already there.

My Honest Thoughts on Lume Deodorant

Lume reviews are overwhelmingly positive, but after a year and a half of using the Jasmine Rose scent, I was underwhelmed. But was it just that odor? Or was it Lume itself?

First, here’s a little background on me and my deodorant use.

It’s possible that I’m sadly mistaken and no one has the heart to tell me – but I’ve never had a big problem with body odor. I shower every day and never wear the same shirt or underwear for longer than 24 hours. Sometimes, I even end up bathing twice a day or changing my clothes midday, simply because I love baths and showers, and I enjoy playing dress-up. I’ve used deodorant since I hit puberty, but I’ve gotten a little lax about it in recent years and found that I don’t have much body odor as long as I’m showering every day. (I think! Hopefully!) I’ve used previous deodorants more like perfume: a pleasant scent to add to my body rather than a means to control odor. And I’m a big fan of things that smell amazing – I love perfume, incense, essential oils, bath bombs, and scented lotions. I do, however, use deodorant in the summertime to prevent thigh-chafing and underboob sweat. I started using Lume in 2020 and then spent a long time in isolation, so it lasted a very long time due to my infrequent use. I didn’t hate it, but I hoped for a more aromatic, floral scent. Something about it reminded me of diaper cream. While that wasn’t horrible – it smelled like a baby’s bottom! – it also wasn’t the intoxicating scent of fresh Jasmine that I was hoping for. I wondered why I had dropped $30 on deodorant and cursed my impulsive spending habits. However, I was missing a key piece of understanding about Lume during my first experience. Lume doesn’t cover up the odor; it chemically prevents it.

My Experience with Lume Deodorant

When my package of new scents from Lume arrived, I immediately sniffed them and found that while they were each pleasant, they also had that faint “baby’s bottom” smell. Some scents were more potent than others, but they all smelled different when applied. My original Lume set included cream deodorant – one squeeze tube and one cream dispenser. Today, Lume also makes solid deodorant, so I got a variety of cream and solid deodorant for this haul.


As I’ve mentioned, I’m pretty focused on pleasant scents when it comes to deodorant, so the Unscented solid deodorant tube didn’t excite me much. However, I think the unscented one will be helpful to prevent thigh chafing once summer rolls around.

Traditional deodorant that contains aluminum prevents chafing by preventing sweat altogether.

Some natural deodorants I’ve used in the past do absolutely nothing to avoid chafing in the absence of aluminum, but I found that using Lume prevents chafing reasonably well.

That’s because Lume is moisturizing and contains powders that help stop chafing.

Peony Rose

I reached for Peony Rose first because I’m fond of flower scents.

I got this fragrance in a cream dispenser, and I was hoping that this scent would have what Jasmine Rose had been missing, but it was honestly quite similar. Rose is one of my favorite smells. I love rose essential oil and my go-to perfume is rose-scented. But, similar to Jasmine Rose, this didn’t smell likes roses at all. It smells floral in an indistinct way. So, it’s not offensive, but it’s disappointing because it’s not what I wanted it to be.

Lavender Sage

Lavender Sage was my original favorite scent. This fragrance came as a solid stick, which I prefer to the cream deodorant. Smelling it straight out of the tube, I liked this scent for its herbaceous and floral qualities. Also, Lume uses essential oils for their fragrances, which was especially apparent in the Lavender Sage scent. However, after wearing it on my skin for a while, my enthusiasm for this scent cooled a little. I wasn’t as pleased with how it smelled once it mixed with my particular body chemistry.

Warm Vanilla

I got a squeeze tube of the Warm Vanilla scent. I immediately decided this would be the best Lume scent for private parts, which is how I used it mostly. Straight from the tube, it smelled a bit like cake or frosting. But once applied, the scent didn’t linger much. I wasn’t very taken with it and abandoned it.

Coconut Crush

My Coconut Crush scent came in the form of a solid stick. The fragrance was a bit faint, even when I directly sniffed the tube, but it reminded me, not unpleasantly, of sunscreen.

Similar to other Lume scents, once applied, the aroma faded pretty quickly.

Silver Spruce

The Silver Spruce scent, which I have in cream stick form, was the only scent I could smell coming off my armpits later in the day. I liked the fragrance’s strong smell, but it struck me as a bit more masculine. I gave this one to my fiance and he applied it after a long day, but it smelled completely different when he did and actually made him smell worse! But this is just further proof of how Lume doesn’t mask the odor; it prevents it. So, when an odor is already present, it’s not going to help much.

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Clean Tangerine

I got the Clean Tangerine scent in a cream stick. The scent isn’t overpowering when it comes out of the tube, so I didn’t expect to think much of it. But as it turned out, Clean Tangerine turned me into a Lume believer. The fragrance remains pretty faint on my body, but it gains a slightly botanical quality that I enjoy. I like to take an evening bath before cooking dinner. After my day of wearing Clean Tangerine all over, I was putting my clothes back on after my bath when I noticed something remarkable. Both my shirt and underwear smelled like they’d come straight out of the drawer – with a hint of citrus. After wearing them for an entire day! I finally fully understood Lume. It’s not about the added fragrances. It’s about chemically preventing odors altogether. I’d always felt that deodorant wasn’t crucial as long as I bathed and changed clothes regularly. But after testing out the Clean Tangerine scent, I realized that Lume could allow me to go longer between showers and costume changes if I wanted. It could also be a game-changer for travel and enable me to pack lighter!


Effectively prevents odor

Most importantly, Lume does what it claims to do. If you apply it straight out of the shower, it will keep you odor-free all day long, and you might even be able to get a second wear out of that shirt. While other natural deodorants I’ve tried are essentially just scented lotions with baking soda, Lume achieves excellent odor control on a chemical level.

It comes in varied forms

Whether you prefer cream deodorant or solid from a stick or a tube, Lume has plenty of different options to suit your needs.

Naturally derived ingredients

Lume doesn’t contain any aluminum, baking soda, phthalates, sulfates, parabens, or talc, and the fragrances are all-natural. It’s also cruelty-free and safe to use on your more “sensitive” areas without worrying about throwing off your ph or giving yourself an infection (although you shouldn’t use it internally – it’s for external use only).

It prevents chafing better than other natural deodorants

For a long time, I thought the only way to prevent summertime chafing effectively was aluminum-filled antiperspirant. While Lume isn’t as long-lasting as an antiperspirant in this regard, I know from my previous experience that it does a meaningful job of preventing stinging, chafed skin on hot summer days.

For a natural deodorant, that’s pretty impressive.

It lasts a long time

I’m not referring to how long Lume lasts on your body – although it should prevent odor for up to 72 hours, but the product itself lasts quite a while. With Lume, a little bit goes a long way, so one purchase can keep you going for a very long time.


The fragrances are underwhelming

I’ve yet to find a Lume fragrance that I truly love. While most of their fragrances are pleasant enough, Lume still hasn’t managed to create an olfactory masterpiece. Some scents are very faint while others are stronger, some smell like you’d expect them to and some don’t. And they all have that “baby’s-bottom” scent that must come from the formula itself. I will say though, if you’re more sensitive to scents or not a big “scent” person, Lume would probably be an ideal deodorant for you.


One stick of Lume – cream or solid – is around $15. The previous deodorants I’ve used run between $5 and $8 from the drugstore, so this seems a bit steep for deodorant.

The cream stick gets crusty quickly

There’s a minor design issue with the cream stick. As I’ve said, a little goes a long way. When you turn the wheel, more tends to come out than you need. So, there’s inevitably some leftover, which dries out, gets crusty, and plugs the holes, leading to more dispensing issues. I’m personally partial to solid deodorant anyway, so I would recommend choosing that or getting the cream deodorant in the squeeze tube, so you can control how it comes out.

Lume Scents Ranked: My Picks for the Best Lume Deodorant Scents

#1 Clean Tangerine

I found that Clean Tangerine was the best overall scent.

While its fragrance isn’t super strong, it smells good both out of the tube and on my body. It also did the best compared to the other scents at keeping my clothes smelling fresh.

#2 Silver Spruce

Silver Spruce comes in second place for its long-lasting aroma. It’s a smell that I enjoy a lot, although it doesn’t feel very feminine to me, so I’m not sure I would choose it for myself.

#3 Lavender Sage

Lavender Sage was my initial favorite because I’m a big fan of lavender and I gravitate toward floral and herbal scents. However, as time went on, I noticed that I didn’t love the way it smelled on my skin. That said, it’s still a good scent that might work better with someone else’s body chemistry, and it was still pleasant enough that I’d consider wearing it again.

#4 Peony Rose

There’s nothing wrong with the Peony Rose scent. It’s inoffensive and flowery. But it doesn’t smell like roses, and it’s very similar to Jasmine Rose, which I also found to be underwhelming. I’m ranking it higher than vanilla and coconut because I like floral scents more than scents that remind me of foods.

#5 Warm Vanilla

Again, there’s nothing wrong with Warm Vanilla, but I’m less partial to scents that smell edible. Warm Vanilla reminds me of cake or vanilla frosting, so it’s not my favorite overall, and it’s also not very strong. But if vanilla is your thing, you might feel differently!

#6 Coconut Crush

Coconut Crush scores low for me only because I’m not particularly into coconut as a fragrance – an extension of my disinterest in smells that seem edible. There’s nothing offensive about it, and I might reach for it before a beach day because that’s what it reminds me of, but I find myself using this one the least, so it’s low on the list.

#7 Unscented

It’s tough to know where to place the Unscented variety. Personally, I use it less than any other of the other scents, and so it ranks last for me. On the other hand, my biggest problem with Lume is that I still haven’t found a fragrance that I love. So, if all the scents are underwhelming and you’re only interested in Lume’s functionality, the unscented version could be the best choice. Me? I’m a fragrance enthusiast, so I’d rather use a just okay scent than no scent at all.

Other Lume Products


Lume makes bar soap with essential oil-derived fragrances. It’s free from any artificial ingredients and baking soda and parabens, and it won’t strip your skin. It’s also hypoallergenic, so – like all Lume products – it’s a good choice for people with sensitive skin. It’s not antibacterial soap, but it works for cleaning your face and body.

Acidified Body Wash

Your skin has a natural acid barrier and regular soaps strip that away. Lume’s acidified body wash has a very low pH that won’t disrupt your skin’s natural state. Plus, it’s clinically proven to destroy body odor and leave you smelling much better than regular soap can. It’s also gynecologist-approved to use all over your body.

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Lume wipes contain the same formula as their deodorant. You can use them on your pits, privates, feet, or anywhere in between to freshen up when you’re on the go. They’re only available in a scent called “Clean Cotton,” a fragrance not available for the cream and stick deodorants.

Body Butter

Lume also makes acidified body butter that combines some of the best qualities of the deodorant and the body wash. It’s acidified to preserve your acid mantle and it contains mandelic acid to kill bacteria and deodorize. And on top of that – it’s clinically proven to reduce Keratosis Pilaris – otherwise known as “Chicken Skin.”


Have you ever washed some particularly stinky gym clothes and found them still smelling afterward? Lume makes a line of laundry care products called “Biofilm Buster.” There’s a sink soak and a pre-laundry spray, and both formulas help boost your detergent’s power. The sink soak focuses on odor, while the spray does double-duty on both odor and stains.

Other Natural Deodorant Options

There are a ton of natural deodorants on the market – far too many to list here. Some are aluminum-free solid sticks, while others are charcoal-based and come in glass tubs. Some are baking soda-free, while others aren’t.

But Lume’s two leading competitors are Native Deodorant and Schmidt’s Deodorant.

Native Deodorant shows up in top spots on many natural deodorant reviews, while Schmidt’s is readily available at most drugstores.

Lume Return & Exchange Policy

Lume offers returns for up to 60 days. You’ll need to send in a request with your order number and email address, and it could take up to 10 days to process the request. Refunds don’t include shipping and they’ll issue it to your original payment method. They don’t offer exchanges.

Lume Discounts & Coupons

As with most brands, you can find Lume discount codes through a quick Google search. In my experience, these types of discount codes are hit-or-miss, but they often do work and are worth a try. Lume always offers free shipping on orders over $25. As of now, many products on their site are marked down by 13-17%, but it’s unclear if these are temporary sales or permanent prices made to look like discounts.

Where to Buy Lume Deodorant

Lume is available on the Lume website. You can also buy Lume on Amazon and at Walmart.

Lume Deodorant Subscription

If you subscribe to Lume, you can have the deodorant delivered every one, two, or three months and save 10% off the cost.

FAQs About Lume Deodorant

Does Lume actually work for private parts?

Many ads market Lume deodorant for private parts and it does indeed work for that! However, it’s important to note that Lume prevents a bacterial reaction, which prevents odor. It’s not for internal use, and it isn’t like a douche that will strip away your body’s natural microbiome. As long as you don’t have an infection, your natural “internal” odors are perfectly healthy and nothing to be ashamed of.

Does Lume really work for body odor? Does it prevent sweat?

Lume provides excellent body odor control, but it doesn’t prevent sweat. Without aluminum, it won’t block your sweat glands the way traditional deodorant does.

Is Lume Deodorant okay to use? Is it safe?

Lume is safe to use thanks to an aluminum-free formula full of gentle, naturally-derived ingredients. It should be gentle on sensitive skin, although it’s always a good idea to test products out on a small patch of your skin first.

Does Lume Deodorant smell bad?

“Bad” is subjective, but in my opinion, the formula itself doesn’t smell great, and none of the fragrances are an all-time favorite scent.

However, they’re not horrible and I don’t mind them once applied.

Should you use Lume every day?

Lume promises to last for up to 72 hours. I shower daily, so I apply it after I shower. I can’t find any evidence of Lume deodorant side effects, either in my research or firsthand experience, so using it every day shouldn’t hurt.

What’s the difference between natural deodorant and antiperspirant?

Antiperspirant uses aluminum to block pores and sweat. Natural deodorant addresses odor specifically, usually with detoxifying or antibacterial ingredients.

How much Lume Deodorant should I use?

A little goes a long way! A pea-sized amount for each armpit or one swipe of a solid stick should have you covered.

How long does a Lume Deodorant stick last? How about the cream?

A stick should last 110 applications, while a tube should last 150 applications. Depending on how often you use it, that could be quite long!

Does Lume Deodorant stain your clothes?

Lume doesn’t have a white residue (if you use the right amount and rub it in all the way), and it doesn’t stain your clothes at all.

Which Lume Deodorant smells the best?

Out of all the fragrances I’ve tried, the Clean Tangerine is my overall favorite.

Does Lume Deodorant work for both men and women?

While a lot of Lume’s marketing is geared towards women, it works well for any gender.

Does Lume Deodorant work for feet?

Yes! Lume works to control odor anywhere it might arise – including your feet. It won’t cure a foot fungus; you’ll need medicated cream for that. But for everyday foot odor, using Lume will take care of things for you.

So, is Lume Deodorant Worth it?

The time has come to make the ultimate verdict for this Lume review. Is Lume deodorant worth it? Should you buy it? The short answer is yes. Lume does what it claims to do – it stops body odor at the source and does so without artificial or harmful ingredients. Plus, it’s safe for delicate areas and sensitive skin. Lume is a bit expensive when you compare it to regular deodorant. But when you look at the price compared to other natural deodorants, it’s pretty comparable. And considering how long it lasts, the price is relatively reasonable. If you’re going to buy natural deodorant, it will cost between $10 and $20 dollars per package. The real caveat of Lume deodorant is the smell. The formula itself is a bit unpleasant and none of the fragrances are anything to write home about. But the formula’s smell disappears after you apply it and the fragrance isn’t what’s working to control odor. If you’re like me and love a fragrant aroma, you can supplement your Lume deodorant with your favorite perfume. Or, if you’re the opposite of me, opt for the unscented version. While the fragrance issue keeps me from saying that I absolutely love Lume, I believe it works wonders for odor control, so I’ll continue to use it because of that.


Elina Ansary Elina Ansary is a writer, visual artist, and avid traveler. She grew up in San Francisco, CA, and spent her childhood camping up and down Northern California. These days, she visits artist residencies around the world and has lived in Amsterdam, Australia, and now Brooklyn, NY.

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