Piano Guidance
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How do you turn sound on in MuseScore?

Turn symbol sound on/off when editing To turn the sound of the symbols on/off when editing: From the menu, select Edit (Mac: MuseScore )→ Preferences… → Note input .

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As a mezzo-soprano, Adele's songs sit in a range that suits most listeners, singing along. Adele can mix her chest voice up quite high (E5, 10...

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Sound and playback

Inside MuseScore, you can play back your score using the internal synthesizer. This chapter covers dynamics and tempo notations, the playback controls, and ways to extend the instrument sounds. If you are having problem with playback, try suggestions written on How to restore sound if playback stops working Mid-staff instrument changes To change instruments setup in a score permanently, for example add a new instrument, use Instruments dialog instead. To switch the instrument used by one staff permanently, use Staff / Part properties instead. To switch to another sound sample (switch channel) (e.g. pizz., con sordino) inside an instrument, use Staff Text instead Change Instrument Text When a musician is required to double up on a different instrument for a section of a piece, an instruction to switch instruments is generally placed above the staff at the beginning of that section. A return to the primary instrument is handled in the same manner. MuseScore uses a special class of text called Change Instrument text for this purpose. This allows you to change the instrument for that staff at a chosen point in the score, and have this reflected in playback. Add change instrument text Select the start point for the change by clicking on a note or rest; In the Add menu, choose Text, then choose Instrument Change. Type any character/text so you don't end up with an empty text element Right click on the just typed text and in the context menu choose Select Instrument. This opens the Change instrument dialog: the top box shows the current instrument, the bottom the list of selectable instruments; Choose the instrument, then click OK. Text indicating which instrument the player will use appears in the score. Insert a new key signature, if required, at the change, for the staff in question. Warning: While the "Change Instr." text is also available from the Text Palette, it contains a bug in MuseScore 3.x where transposition for the new instrument might break. Use the Change Instrument Text from the menu instead to prevent this bug. How Instrument change text affects the score An instrument in Musescore is a concept including score settings, behaviors (transposition, playable range), sound etc. More info. Sound setting changes using a Change Instrument text can be observed: The sound played on that track in the score will be changed to that of the new instrument from that point onward. The Mixer display mixer changes to add one or more new sub-channels. It is these new sub-channels that can be edited to a new sound. For example, here is a Mixer display showing the "Tuba" track (first track) among many others. Notice that the small arrow at the top of the Tuba track is dimmed. No new instruments have been added to it. Now, to the Tuba stave in the score, a "Change Instrument" text has been added to the score, inserting an "Oboe". Notice now that the top arrow on the Tuba track in the Mixer menu has darkened. Now, if that arrow in the Mixer menu is clicked, a sub-menu opens, showing the sounds of the Tuba are still there (1st two sub-channels), but a new "Oboe" sub-channel has been added. By clicking on this sub-channel, you can assign a sound to the Oboe from the "Sound" tab on the Mixer menu (see below): Subsequent notes are automatically adjusted to indicate the correct written pitch for the new instrument (but the new key signature still needs to be added manually—see below). To change the track back to its original instrument, just insert a new "Change Instrument" text into the stave after the first one, and name the original instrument. For example, in this example, the Tuba stave has been returned back to Tuba. Notice that in the Mixer menu, a new "Tuba" sub-channel has been added after the "Oboe" sub-channel. The new instrument name will be displayed in front of the following systems. Piano Roll Editor The Piano Roll Editor allows you edit individual notes and tweak aspects of their playback. Opening the Piano Roll Editor To open the Piano Roll Editor (PRE), right-click on a measure in the score and choose the Piano Roll Editor option from the context menu. The Piano Roll Editor will open showing the staff and measure where you clicked. If the Piano Roll Editor is already open, it will be updated to show the new staff and measure you clicked on. Overview The Piano Roll Editor is divided into several sections. At the very top is a row of buttons and controls that affect playback and can modify notes. The name of the part being edited is at the top right. The central portion contains the Note Display Area which allows you to view and edit notes. Each note is displayed as a block, with yellow blocks representing selected notes, and darker green blocks representing unselected notes (these colors can be changes in the Preferences). Given sufficient space, each block will display its pitch on the left and the voice it is assigned to on the right. Changing the size of the note blocks is covered in the navigation section. To the left of the Note Display Area is the Keyboard. By clicking on a key in the Keyboard, you can hear a sample of that note playing. As you move the mouse in either the Node Display Area or the Keyboard, a key on the keyboard will light, corresponding to the pitch you are over. You can also hover your mouse over a particular key to get more information about that pitch. If you are using a Drumkit, the keys of the keyboard will show the name of the drum assigned to that particular pitch. For instruments that are not concert C, the keyboard will be adjusted so that the C of the keyboard matches the C of the instrument. Along the top of the Note Display Area is the Measure Ruler which displays the current position of the playback head, as well as the current looping range if it set. The bottom of the editor contains the Levels Display Area. It is a bar graph showing extra data values assigned to each note, such as its velocity or cutoff time. To the left of the Levels Display Area is a dropdown menu allowing you to select the type of data you wish to see displayed or edited. Navigation There are several ways to move about in the Piano Roll Editor. First of all, you can click and drag on the scroll bars on the edges of the Note Display Area. The mouse wheel can also be used to pan and zoom as follows: Scroll vertically : Mouse wheel.

: Mouse wheel. Scroll horizontally : Shift + mouse wheel.

: + mouse wheel. Zoom vertically : Ctrl + mouse wheel.

: + mouse wheel. Zoom horizontally: Ctrl + Shift + mouse wheel. To jump to a particular measure, switch back to score view and find the measure you wish to see. Then right-click on the measure and select Piano Roll Editor. The Piano Roll Editor will scroll to center on the measure you clicked. Selecting Notes In the Note Display Area, you can click on single notes or click and drag to select a group of notes. Holding down the modifier keys will affect how your selection changes: Shift : Invert existing selection: i.e. notes that were previously selected are deselected, and notes which were not selected are selected. Useful for toggling a note between selected and not selected. : Invert existing selection: i.e. notes that were previously selected are deselected, and notes which were not selected are selected. Useful for toggling a note between selected and not selected. Ctrl : Add notes to selection. : Add notes to selection. Ctrl + Shift : Subtract notes from selection. Editing Notes To change the pitch of a selection of notes: Drag a selected note up or down to a new pitch; or press the ↑ or ↓ arrows. Note: Dragging the note horizontally to change the start time is not supported at the moment. To delete a selection of notes: Press the Del key. To move a note selection to another voice: Click the desired voice number button at the top of the editor. To add notes: Notes can be inserted by clicking in the Piano Note Area with the modifier keys held. These edit operations will use the beat or subbeat line to the left of the spot where you click as the point where a note is altered: Ctrl : A note of the current insert note duration will be added at the subbeat and pitch where you clicked. The note insert length is the same as the one you use to add notes in note entry mode in the score. If you wish to change the duration, you will need to select this in the Score View as the Piano Roll Editor does not currently have these buttons. If notes already exist in this location, a chunk will be cut out of them to make room for the note you are inserting, unless they happen to have the same start time and duration of the note you're adding, in which case the new note will simply be appended to the existing chord. Tuplets are currently not supported, and so will be ignored. Shift : Looks for a chord that already spans this subbeat line. If it finds one, appends a new pitch to the existing chord. Otherwise, this is a rest and the rest will be replaced with a note of equal start time and duration to the existing rest. Ctrl + Shift : Looks for a chord or rest that spans this subbeat. This chord will be cut in two at this subbeat line. Tuplets are currently not supported, and so will be ignored. To edit note event data: Note event data can be changed in the Levels Display Area. To edit event data such as velocity or cutoff time, first select the notes you wish to edit in the note area. Then click in the Levels Display Area on the corresponding bar; the value of the level will changed to correspond to the point where you clicked. You can also click and drag in this area to change the levels of several notes with a single gesture. If you want the levels to all be set to the same value, hold Shift while dragging. Only selected notes will have their value changed - this is to prevent you from accidentally changing the values of other notes. The Levels area can display the same data in multiple ways. For example, velocity data can be displayed both as absolute (i.e., relative to the output midi volume) and relative (i.e., as an offset to the dynamics value). You can switch between these display modes as you see fit. Controls From left to right the controls have these functions; First Row Undo Undoes the last action Redo Redoes the last action MIDI Toggle Toggles MIDI input Rewind Rewind to start of score. Play Starts/stops playback. Loop Playback Sets the range of and toggles looping playback. Play Repeats Toggles whether repeats are played. Pan Roll During Playback If set, the window will automatically scroll to center on the playback head during playback. Metronome Toggle metronome. Wave Currently does nothing. Voice Numbers Moves selected notes to chosen voice. Part Name of part currently being viewed/edited. Second Row Cursor Provides feedback on the current measure and pitch of the position of the mouse within the Note Display Area. Subdiv Subdivides the beat by adding extra divisions to the Note Display Area. The value indicated the number of time the beat will be subdivided. So for 4/4 time, a division of 2 will draw grid lines at every eighth note; a division of 3 at every sixteenth note, and so on. Setting the subdivision is necessary for some editing operations if you wish to place notes off the beat. For larger numbers of subdivisions, you may need to be zoomed in to see the extra grid lines since grid lines are not drawn below a certain density. Combines with the tuplet control which also affects grid line placement. Tuplet Adds additional grid lines, subdividing the beat to show the rhythmic placement of tuplets. For example, setting tuplets to 3 will show the beat subdivided into three parts. Combines with the subdiv control to show subdivisions of the tuplet. For example, setting tuplets to 3 and subdiv to 2 will draw grid lines showing the tuplet beats subdivided into two parts - i.e., the beat will be subdivided into 6. Selecting a tuplet mode other than 1 will disable some of the note insertion tools for the Piano Roll Editor. For larger numbers of subdivisions, you may need to be zoomed in to see the extra grid lines since grid lines are not drawn below a certain density. Stripe pattern Changes the pattern of stripes shown behind the notes in the Note Display Area. By default the pitches of C major are highlighted, but you can change this to highlight the pitches of a different key, or even scales such as the diminished or whole tone. Velocity Shows the velocity of the currently selected note (only one note may be selected). Indicates the loudness of the note. This can be expressed as 'Offset' or 'User': Offset: Value is treated as a multiplier for the velocity already set by the dynamics. User: This is the raw value being sent to MIDI and overrides the dynamics value. Values are between 0 and 127, where 64 is "middle, neither loud nor soft". When you switch from User to Offset or vice versa, the value will be recalculated to best match the value in the other system. This way you could, for example, switch to User mode to set the value as you would like it to sound in MIDI output and then switch to Offset so that this value respects the dynamic marking instead of overriding it. At the moment you switch back, the offset value will be recalculated to match the User value in loudness but will no longer act as an override so you may later change the dynamic. Pitch Shows the pitch and octave of the selected note in text format (i.e. f#4).

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The pitch will change if the note is dragged Up or down to a new pitch. Currently cannot be edited. OnTime Shifts the start of the note in time, which can be used to modify the playing style. Negative values will make the note sound earlier, positive will make it sound later. The duration of the note corresponds to a value of 1000 (e.g. setting the value to 250 will make the note sound 1/4 of its duration later). Length Set the time that the note is sounding, which may be used to modify the degree of "legato". Lower values will make the note sound more staccato, higher values will make it sound more legato. The duration of the note corresponds to a length of 1000, but the value can be set higher. 950 is usually considered "non-legato". Keyboard Some keys are hooked up to perform special actions: ↑ : Move selected notes up one semitone : Move selected notes up one semitone ↓ : Move selected notes down one semitone

: Move selected notes down one semitone Del : Delete selected notes

: Delete selected notes Space : Start/stop playback Customization The Piano Roll Editor will display in both normal mode and dark mode. If you wish to change the colors the Piano Roll Editor uses to display in these modes, they can be adjusted in the Preferences under the Advanced tab. All the Piano Roll Editor related properties begin with ui/pianoroll/light for light mode and ui/pianoroll/dark for dark mode. Play mode Playback toolbar Basic playback functions are accessed from the Play toolbar located above the document window: From left to right, the icons are: Toggle 'Midi input' : : Rewind to start position : Playback returns to the beginning of the score, or to the start of the loop (if one is set). : Playback returns to the beginning of the score, or to the start of the loop (if one is set). Start or stop playback : See Start/stop playback.

: See Start/stop playback. Toggle loop playback : See Loop playback.

: See Loop playback. Play repeats : Turn off if you want playback to ignore repeats. : Turn off if you want playback to ignore repeats. Pan score during playback : Turn off if you want the score to remain stationary. : Turn off if you want the score to remain stationary. Play metronome: Toggles metronome ON and OFF. Playback commands Start/stop playback To start playback: Click on a note, rest or the blank part of a measure to establish the starting point. Note: If no selection is made, playback returns to the place it left off; or, if no previous playback, to the start of the score. Press the Play button; or press Space . During playback you can jump to a specific note or rest in the score by simply clicking on it. To stop playback: Press the Play button; or press Space . During playback Once playback has started, the following commands are available: Go back to previous chord: ← Go back to start of previous measure: Ctrl + ← (Mac: Cmd + ← ) (Mac: ) Rewind to start of score: Home (Mac: Cmd + Home ); or press the Rewind button (playback toolbar). During playback you can still use keyboard shortcuts to open and close panels, such as Play, Synthesizer, Mixer etc. Loop playback Playback should be off , and the "Loop playback button" on . , and the "Loop playback button" . Select the desired region of the score for loop playback. Press the playback button. Playback will now cycle within the region marked by the blue flags. Use the "Loop playback" button to toggle the loop on or off. See also: Play Panel (below). Play panel To open the Play Panel use one of the following options: Press F11 (Mac: Fn + F11 ). (Mac: ). From the menu bar, select View → Play Panel . The Play Panel allows you to make temporary changes to tempo and volume, to loop playback between specified points etc. Loop playback : Select a start note and click on the Loop in button; select an end note and click on the Loop out button. Press Play to hear the loop. The controls also work during playback. : Select a start note and click on the button; select an end note and click on the button. Press to hear the loop. The controls also work during playback. Rewind, Play : Playback controls. : Playback controls. Metronome : Toggle metronome playback ON or OFF. Note about beat subdivision: the metronome adds 'beat subdivision ticks' for sufficiently slow tempo of the piece (see Tempo), but they are not added when the % Tempo is slowed down in the playback panel (it is necessary to edit the piece's tempo to achieve them). : Toggle metronome playback ON or OFF. Note about beat subdivision: the metronome adds 'beat subdivision ticks' for sufficiently slow tempo of the piece (see Tempo), but they are not added when the % Tempo is slowed down in the playback panel (it is necessary to edit the piece's tempo to achieve them). Count in : (Conductor icon) Adds a count-in when you start playback at the start of a measure. Extra beats are added if you start mid-measure. Toggles ON and OFF. : (Conductor icon) Adds a count-in when you start playback at the start of a measure. Extra beats are added if you start mid-measure. Toggles ON and OFF. Tempo : Make temporary change to tempo. This is displayed as a percentage and as a bpm (beats per minute). Double-click to reset. (Note: Permanent changes to tempo should be made using tempo text) : Make temporary change to tempo. This is displayed as a percentage and as a bpm (beats per minute). Double-click to reset. (Note: Permanent changes to should be made using tempo text) Volume: Make temporary change to volume (resets when program is reopened). Note: To change the default playback volume of the score, see Synthesizer. Playback: Chord symbols / Nashville numbers As of MuseScore version 3.5, both chord symbols and Nashville numbers (but not Roman numerals) automatically sound when you play back the score. As of MuseScore 3.5.1 this only happens with scores initially created with MuseScore 3.5 or later, for older scores you'd need to enable it, using the methods described below. Turn playback on/off Note: Settings made below also affect Audio and MIDI export. For all scores (as of version 3.5.1) To enable or disable chord symbol playback for all scores: Select Edit (Mac: MuseScore )→ Preferences… → Advanced ); then the following options, as required: To disable/enable playback of pre-version 3.5 scores : Check/Uncheck score/harmony/play/disableCompatibility (default is checked—no playback) To disable/enable playback of version 3.5 or later scores : Check/Uncheck score/harmony/play/disableNew (default is unchecked, playback) (Mac: )→ → ); then the following options, as required: For the current score As of version 3.5.1 To turn playback of ALL chord symbols on/off: Tick/Untick Format → Style… → Chord Symbols → Play . As of version 3.5 To turn playback of ALL chord symbols on/off: Select a chord symbol or Nashville number In the "Chord Symbol" section of the Inspector check/uncheck the "Play" box. Click on the associated "Set as style" button (to the right of that box, you may need to scroll a bit) Alternatively, you can mute the playback track(s) in the mixer—see below. This might be necessary, for example, when you have chord symbols on more than one staff and want to have playback for only one of them. Score parts need to be adjusted separately. To turn playback of a SELECTION of chord symbols on/off: Select a range of symbols. Right-click a chord symbol or Nashville number. Click on Select → Select all similar elements in selected range , OK . In the "Chord Symbol" section of the Inspector check/uncheck the "Play" box. or Click on first chord symbol or Nashville number in that range. Shift +click on last chord symbol or Nashville number in that range. In the "Chord Symbol" section of the Inspector check/uncheck the "Play" box. Note: This does not affect the parts which need to be adjusted seperately. Change playback sound The default sound for chord symbols is "Grand Piano". As of version 3.5.1, scores created from Guitar solo templates, use "Nylon String Guitar" instead. To change the chord symbol playback sound: Open the Mixer (shortcut: F10 , Mac: Fn + F10 ) In the Track area locate the track for the part in question. Click on the "Show channels" arrow to display all the child tracks for that part. Click on the track whose name contains the words "harmony" or "Chord syms." (may be truncated, should be the rightmost). Select a new "Sound" in the Sound drop-down list. This setting is shared between score and parts. Change playback volume / Mute track Open the Mixer (shortcut: F10 , Mac: Fn + F10 ) In the Track area locate the track for the part in question. Click on the "Show channels" arrow to display all the child tracks for that part. Click on the track whose name contains the words "Chord syms." (may be truncated, should be the rightmost). Adjust the volume slider; or press the "M" button to mute the track. You'd need to do this for the score and/or the parts, separately. Turn symbol sound on/off when editing To turn the sound of the symbols on/off when editing: From the menu, select Edit (Mac: MuseScore )→ Preferences… → Note input . Check/Uncheck the "Play chord symbol when editing" option. Interpretation and voicing of chord symbols If desired, you can adjust the playback properties of selected chord symbols as follows: Select one or more chord symbols. In the Inspector make changes as follows: Interpretation . The options are: Literal; Jazz. This adds color tones (e.g. the major 9th) but may also omit certain notes—this depends on both the chord itself and the context (the next chord in particular). . The options are: Voicing . Options are: Auto Root only = Just the bass note; Close = arranges the notes within the span of an octave; Drop 2 = lowers the second highest note of the chord by one octave; Six Note; Four Note = 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th intervals; Three Note.

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Note : All voicings include a bass note, 2 octaves below the root note of the chord. . Options are: Duration : Options are Until next chord symbol Until measure end Chord/rest duration. : Options are The following shows how the Interpretation and Voicing options affect the playback of a C major seventh symbol (Cmaj7 or CM7). Note: The "Close" and "Auto" Voicing options are the same for this particular chord, but this isn't necessarily the case for every chord. So if you specifically want "Close", it is best to make the option explicit. Swing MuseScore's swing feature allows you to change the playback of your score from a straight to a swing rhythm. Swing can be applied globally or only to a section of the score, and is fully variable. Apply swing to a score section To apply swing to all staves in a system: Click on the note where you want swing to start; Click Swing in the Text palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4); This inserts a System Text object which affects all staves in the system with a default swing percentage of 60%. Edit the Swing text as required; If you need to vary swing from the default setting, right-click the Swing text and select System text properties... Click on the "Swing Settings" tab and adjust note duration and "Swing ratio" as required. To apply swing only to specific staves in a system: Click on the note where you want swing to start; Add Staff text; Edit the appearance of the text as required; Right-click on the text, select Staff Text Properties... , and click on the "Swing settings" tab. Modify as required; Repeat steps 1–4 for other staves if needed. Swing text can be edited and formatted just like any other text object. Triplet in tempo marking Often this notation is used to indicate swing: MuseScore does not have a way to include a triplet in text as a tempo marking, but there is an easy workaround: Add Swing text as described above and make it invisible (shortcut V , or untick "Visible" in the Inspector); Add an appropriate Image of the required tempo marking to the score. These can be downloaded from the bottom of the "How To" page: How to create a visual swing marking. Resize and reposition the image as required. Return to straight rhythm If you want playback to return to straight time after a swing section, use one of the following options: From version 3.4: Add Straight text from the "More" field of the Workspace's text palette to the first note or rest of the "straight" section (see above). Prior to version 3.4: Add Swing text to the first note or rest of the "straight" section (see above). Edit the text to indicate a return to straight time: e.g. "Straight." Right-click on the text and select System Text Properties… . Click on the "Swing Settings" tab and set "Swing to "Off." Apply swing globally If you wish to apply swing to the whole score, you can do so from the menu: Select Format → Style... → Score . In the "Swing Settings" section, set the desired note value and "swing ratio." How to create a visual swing marking (MuseScore HowTo)

Swing (jazz performance style) (Wikipedia)

Tempo Tempo markings can be found in the Tempo palette of the Basic and Advanced workspaces. They are supplied as metronome marks, but can be subsequently edited to display any tempo or expression you want. Playback tempo can be varied throughout the score by using multiple tempo markings, visible or invisible . Add a tempo marking Use any of the following methods: Select a note or rest and press the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + T . . Select a note or rest, and from the menu bar choose Add → Text... → Tempo Marking . choose → → . Select a note or rest and click an appropriate metronome mark in the Tempo palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4); palette (double-click in versions prior to 3.4); Drag-and-drop a metronome mark from the Tempo palette directly onto a note or rest. Note: If a tempo marking is applied from the menu or using a keyboard shortcut, the beat note automatically follows the time signature. The advantage of applying from a palette is that you can choose which beat note to use. Edit tempo To change the tempo of an existing metronome mark in the score: Go into Edit mode on the tempo mark in question; Edit the metronome number and/or the beat note as required; Exit Edit mode. You can also override the tempo of an existing metronome mark from the Inspector: Select the tempo mark; Untick "Follow text" in the Tempo text section of the Inspector; Set the desired playback tempo in the "Tempo" field underneath. Note: Playback may be faster or slower if the tempo setting in the play panel is at a percentage other than 100%. Edit tempo text Tempo marks can be edited and formatted just like any other text object. To set text properties or text style, see Text styles and properties. The tempo indicated by a metronome mark usually persists even if overwritten by an expression—such as Andante, Moderato etc. You can also add further text to a plain metronome mark. e.g. Overriding the tempo marking You can temporarily override the indicated tempo, and play the score back at any tempo you like using the play panel: Display the play panel: View → Play Panel or F11 (Mac: Fn + F11 ): Move the tempo slider up or down as required. The tempo is shown both as an absolute value and as a percentage of the currently indicated tempo mark. Double-click the tempo slider to reset it. Note: BPM is always measured and displayed in quarter note beats per minute, regardless of the (denominator of the) time signature in effect. Ritardando and accelerando playback You can simulate ritardando ("rit.") and accelerando ("accel.") playback by adding hidden tempo markings to the score. The printed indication to the musician should be added as staff/system text in addition. In the example illustrated below, the tempo was originally 110 BPM (beats per minute). At the ritardando, the tempo decreases by 10 BPM on the first note of each measure. Each tempo change is made invisible by unchecking the Visible checkbox in the Inspector, so that only the ritardando shows on the printed score: A plugin has been developed to automate this process: TempoChanges Fermatas Fermatas, available in the Articulations and Ornaments palette, have a Time stretch property that can be set via the Inspector. By default, this property is set to 1.00. To have MuseScore play back a fermata for twice its normal duration, click on the fermata and set "Time stretch" to 2.00. This of course does not work for fermatas applied to barlines, as barlines don't have a duration to stretch. See also Play mode

Time signature

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