Piano Guidance
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How do you shift gears mentally?

Resilience Essential Reads Make connections and accept help. ... Monitor for mental traps. ... Nurture a positive view of yourself. ... Aim to accept that change and uncertainty are a part of living. ... Develop step-by-step goals and take decisive action. ... Take care of yourself.

What is the most impressive piano piece?
What is the most impressive piano piece?

The 16 best pieces EVER written for piano Beethoven – 'Moonlight' Sonata. Clara Schumann – Piano Concerto. Debussy – Clair de Lune. Chopin –...

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Does ivory change color with age?
Does ivory change color with age?

If stored in the dark, ivory appears to darken in colour. This is due to a natural and slow ageing process that leads to the development of a pale...

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Imagine two equally talented graduates at their first job. Within a year, both are laid off due to downsizing. One becomes caught up in thinking he’s failed: “I was never good enough, my boss hated me.” The other decides, “I wanted this job so badly, I better fix my resume and learn how to deal with a difficult boss better.” Who do you think moves through adversity more quickly?

The same attitude carries over for parents around daily routines, school, or anything else. If one parent expects bedtime to be stressful at first and another feels it should happen without much adult effort at all, who has a harder time sticking to sleep training when it gets challenging? Our perspective toward whatever we encounter in life fundamentally changes how we experience it.

Navigating Mental Icebergs

Stress itself can be defined as the perception that something is more than we can handle. When we frame challenges as surmountable, we more easily surmount them (or at least begin to work our way forward). When we frame them as opportunities for failure, we more easily fail. That may sound like the most hackneyed, clichéd advice ever – but it is a foundation of resilience research. Resilience relies on how we perceive our lives. So maybe we get queasy watching our child on stage for the first time; anxious and concerned, we start ruminating. Within those thoughts exist layers of assumptions, perspectives, and mental filters – I didn’t prepare her enough, she’s going to embarrass herself, I must do something to save her. If we feel our role is to protect kids from everything, that moment on stage becomes miserable. If we recognize we cannot shield our children from every hurt but we’ve done our best, the experience changes — I’m almost as stressed as she is! Hope it goes well, but I’m here if it doesn’t. Perception itself is malleable –a focus of the military’s resilience training for soldiers. Participants explore mental traps – habitual distortions that undermine emotional well-being. These "icebergs" can be as simple as thinking asking for help is an admission of failure. They might include catastrophizing the worst possible outcome of every situation, or alternatively, minimizing and ignoring whatever overwhelms. One might be an overly active inner critic, letting us know we are not good enough to manage. All represent filters that twist perspective and pull us away from resiliency.

What is the saddest song to play on piano?
What is the saddest song to play on piano?

12 Classic Sad Piano Songs – And How to Play Them Gymnopédie No. 1 - Erik Satie. ... Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy. ... Hallelujah - Leonard...

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What piano pieces should I learn first?
What piano pieces should I learn first?

9 easy piano pieces to get you started on keys Beethoven: Für Elise. ... Debussy: Clair de lune. ... Mozart: Sonata No. ... J.S. ... Einaudi:...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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With mindfulness practice, we learn to hold these patterns to the light and question ourselves: What is valid, if anything, and what isn’t useful? Is our view inflexible, reactive, or full of doubt? Without belittling ourselves or forcing ourselves to be unnaturally positive, we observe with curiosity, and redirect ourselves until new habits develop. Right, she’s on her own up on stage now; I’m nervous but need to let go. It’s not that every challenge leads to growth; it’s more that whatever happens, we’ll get through it somehow. Uncertainty and change are inevitable in life – doubly so for parents. Instinct drives us to worry and protect endlessly, because we care more than anything about our families. But if the only relief we seek is striving to battle uncertainty into submission, that causes needless stress since certainty never happens – and too much stress changes not only how we feel but the choices we make day to day. When we try to fix all we face and reach for a perfect picture of happiness, we often undermine our best intentions. There’s a time for action, but quite often there’s benefit from pausing and letting things be. Laboring under the often unconscious sense that all parenting worry will go away as soon as we master this "parenting thing" only makes us feel worse. Rather, we can shift our perspective to accept that not knowing everything and every outcome for sure is the norm. The perception that parenting, or any other part of life, can be anything other than uncertain and changing pushes us far from our most skillful and resilient selves.

Mindfulness Practice: How to Shift Perceptions and Build Resilience

How many black keys does a piano have?
How many black keys does a piano have?

36 black keys A typical piano has 36 black keys and 52 white keys. That's 88 keys total.

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What happens in the end of The Piano Teacher?
What happens in the end of The Piano Teacher?

'The Piano Teacher' ends with Erika attending a concert, where she will perform Schubert as a stand-in for one of her pupils. Seeing Walter, who...

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Pay attention to how you experience challenges. We often add to unpleasant moments in ways that make them even more difficult. Note how your body feels, your emotions, and where your thoughts go. Are you projecting difficulty years into the future? Are you caught up in regret or resentment? Also, begin to separate your perspective (This shouldn’t be! Nothing ever changes. I should be able to manage this on my own.) from the experience itself. Children learn more from what you do than what you say, so your resilience — the way they watch you approach adversity — affects theirs. Pay attention to your attitudes around setbacks. Many attitudes toward adversity seem like factual statements. Those people are like that. My child will never …. I’m not the sort of person who ever … . Notice those habitual thoughts, and ask of them, Is it true? Recognize your assumptions and predictions for what they are and see if anything changes when you open to other possibilities. Catch yourself with the STOP practice: When feeling off-balance because of a challenging situation, pause. Stop whatever you’re doing; take a few slow breaths; observe what’s going on around you and in your mind; and then pick how to proceed. Insert mindful moments into your day to build resilience. These suggestions, adapted from the American Psychological Association, provide a framework for shifting perceptions and building resilience:

How can you age paper Fast?
How can you age paper Fast?

How To Give Paper an Aged Look Pre-heat oven to lowest setting. ... Crumple up your piece of paper into a ball, then smooth it out and place in...

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How much does a Magic Piano cost?
How much does a Magic Piano cost?

Pricing Plan Price Details Medium Smoola Pack $9.99 In-app purchase. Pro Smoola Pack $19.99 In-app purchase. All Access Pass $1.99 In-app purchase....

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Can you learn piano in 2 years?
Can you learn piano in 2 years?

With the advent of YouTube, it's even hard to start learning piano because it already feels too late! A 30-year old person is capable of learning...

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What note is turmeric?
What note is turmeric?

In natural perfumes, Turmeric lends an interesting warm and mildly spicy note.

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