Piano Guidance
Photo by Julia Volk Pexels Logo Photo: Julia Volk

How do you get deeper in worship?

Ten Tips for Going Deeper in Praise and Worship Make God the priority in your life. What are your goals and ambitions in life? ... Develop routines and rhythms of worship. ... Humble yourself before God. ... Read the whole Word of God. ... Meditate on Scripture. ... Pray Scripture. ... Speak out what God has done for you in Christ. ... Be thankful. More items...

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Can you make yellowed piano keys white again?

Gently buff white piano keys with a thin layer of mild, white toothpaste, and follow the general key-cleaning tips. Wipe away toothpaste residue...

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What helps sound healing?
What helps sound healing?

Sound healers use instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, glasses, gongs and even tuning forks, that vibrate at specific frequencies...

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We tend to think of “worship” as what we do when we sing worship songs. But we know that in reality everything we do is part of our lived-out worship. And yet the expression of our worship in praise and adoration of all kinds is an essential part of how we relate to God. So, how do we go deeper in praise and worship? Here are ten practical suggestions for deepening our worship and with that our spiritual lives.

1. Make God the priority in your life

What are your goals and ambitions in life? It’s good to have those so that we don’t just drift through life. But let’s ask ourselves, where does God feature in my plans? Is he central? Do I order my life so that growing in him is the first priority in my life?

Take some time to plan what you can do to go deeper in praise and worship.

2. Develop routines and rhythms of worship

Some people hate the idea of routines, but I don’t think we can get away from the fact that we are creatures of habit. If we set aside the same time each day for prayer and worship, it makes it easier to do it and stick to it. Develop daily habits. Use the rhythm of the seasons to help you to set aside extra time, for example at Easter and Christmas, to worship alone and with others.

3. Humble yourself before God

To go higher with God we have to go lower. Acknowledge before God that you are a sinner and that without him you would be utterly lost. Recognise before him that you need him every hour. Without his Spirit you will spoil everything. If worship is linked to revelation, then we have to go the book that God has provided to reveal himself to us. We need to soak ourselves in the Bible. Let’s make it our daily food. Follow a Bible reading plan that will take you through the whole Bible. (It’s not important how quickly you go through it, but it is important that you read all of it so that you get an overview of the whole history of salvation and you avoid focusing only on little bits.)

5. Meditate on Scripture

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Take time to meditate on smaller portions of Scripture, to allow their truth to sink deep into your heart. Psalm 1 is a kind of introduction to the book of the psalms. It says blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. Martin Luther had some very helpful things to say on meditation in prayer (he put them in a letter to his barber, called “A Simple Way to Pray” – follow the link to read it for yourself). Tim Keller goes through them in his book, “Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God”. I recommend that as a great guide to biblical meditation. (See chapters 6 and 10.) Meditation is vital in helping us to do what Keller calls “spiritually digesting” truth. As we do that, deeper revelation and understanding lead us into deeper worship.

6. Pray Scripture

My next tip follows on from the last. After you have meditated on some verses, use those same words in prayer. The psalms are great for this. Take psalm 40:2 and pray, Lord, you lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; you set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

Or take Ephesians 2:

“Lord, I was dead in transgressions and sins, but because of your great love for me, you made me alive in Christ…”

7. Speak out what God has done for you in Christ

Derek Prince, in his book “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior”, has some great things to say about the power of the “word of our testimony”. He says that speaking out the truths of our salvation is like the Israelites applying the blood to their door frames at the time of the Passover. The blood was of no use in the bowl: it had to be applied. I don’t have time to go into them in detail (get the book!) Here are his 6 truths to speak out in prayer: I am redeemed, bought back out of the power of the devil, and now I belong to God, Eph 1:7. I am forgiven through the blood of Jesus; all my sins are dealt with. Eph 1:7. The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanses me continually from all sin. 1 John 1:7. I am made righteous (justified) through Christ, just-as-if-I’d never sinned. I humbly recognise that my own righteousness is as filthy rags, but that’s OK, because God sees me through the righteousness of Christ. Rom 5:9. I am sanctified, set a part for Jesus. Heb 13:12. I am bought with a price therefore Satan has no hold on me. 1 Cor 6:19-20.

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What key is best for sad songs?

The minor scale is the pattern in western music typically associated with sad feelings. It includes three different variations called the natural...

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How long should a lesson last?

In most schools in most countries, a single lesson will, on average, last for around an hour (give or take 15 minutes). And it's not just schools:...

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8. Be thankful

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus 1 Thess 5:18 Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done!

9. Delight in God

We are commanded to rejoice! In Philippians 4, Paul says it twice over:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

But notice that the command is to rejoice in the Lord. In psalm 37, David said, Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Let’s find ways to do that! Sing joyful songs. Celebrate joyfully with the people of God. Meditate on the love of God and his goodness towards you. Savour the joy of his presence and do all you can to cultivate that sense of God being with you. 10. Meet with God’s people to celebrate the goodness and the love of God

This one surely speaks for itself!


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