Piano Guidance
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya Pexels Logo Photo: Ksenia Chernaya

How do pirates say yes?

' Say 'aye' in place of yes, but don't say "nay" in place of no - not unless you want to talk like a pirate politician.

Why is Sutter's ghost holding down the top of his head?
Why is Sutter's ghost holding down the top of his head?

Willie schemes to get in touch with the prospective buyer himself. Suddenly Berniece cries out off-stage: "Go on get away." Willie rushes up,...

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Who has the least subscribers on YouTube? Schrack Technik Romania - the Romanian subsidiary of an electrical equipment company Schrack hosting...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day. So gather 'round, maties, and learn the pirate lingo. Just in case it's been a while since your timbers were shivered, we've compiled a guide to pirate-speak.

Here are the basics:

It all begins with the pronouns. Say "ye" instead of "you," as in "How are ye feeling today?" And use "me" in place of the first-person possessives, such as "I just ate me breakfast," or 'Take your hands off me booty!' When in doubt, say 'G'yaaaarrrrrrr.' Make sure to roll the "R." (If you need to practice your elocution, track down a "Simpsons" episode that features Sea Captain McCallister. He says it just right.) Don't confuse 'Ahoy' (a greeting, like "hello") with "Avast" (technically means "stop," but often used as an interjection, like "hey," as if to say "stop what you're doing, I have something to say"). Nothing angers a real pirate like a wannabe who says "Avast" when he really means 'Ahoy.' Say 'aye' in place of yes, but don't say "nay" in place of no - not unless you want to talk like a pirate politician.

And whenever possible, use these helpful vocabulary words:

Booty - Refers to any ill-gotten goods swiped from another party (especially jewelry, cash and wedding silverware). Briny deep - Depending on context, this can mean the ocean or a pickle jar. Bunghole - The opening in a cask of beer or rum that is plugged with a cork or stopper. Use this word sparingly, as it makes middle school boys giggle uncontrollably. Cap'n - Abbreviated form of 'captain.' A term of respect. Even in the corporate workplace, CEOs and other bosses secretly love it when their underlings address them as 'Cap'n.'

Clemente - Played right field for the Pittsburgh Pirates, 1955-1972.

Davy Jones' Locker - Refers to a grave at the bottom of the sea. Not to be confused with Peter Tork's Locker, which is where the Monkees kept their valuables while performing concerts on stage. Dubloon - It's a Spanish gold coin, but you can use the word to refer to nickels and dimes and quarters, as in 'This vending machine just ate me dubloons, and I didn't get me Twinkie in return!'

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Ivory keytops are not valuable. Because the trade in ivory is completely outlawed around the world, the keytops are not valuable. But even if it...

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It's around grade 5 (ABRSM) or grade 7 (RCM) so very much in the intermediate realm if we're judging by the formal standards of the classical piano...

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Grog - Techincally, it's diluted rum, although you can use the word to refer to just about any alcoholic concoction. The more grog a pirate consumes, the less he sweats the finer semantic details. Landlubber - A weak-willed ninny who doesn't have the courage needed to brave the briny deep (referring to the ocean, not the pickle jar). Jolly Roger - Pirate flag featuring a skull and crossbones. Can also be referred to as the Artful Dodger, the Angry Codger or the Internet Blogger (pronounced with a soft 'G' in this context). Johnny Depp - A sarcastic phrase for a baby-faced pirate who dresses a wee bit too fancy. Equivalent of calling someone 'pretty boy,' as in 'We better not ask Johnny Depp over there to go along on the raid --– he might rip his silk shirt!' An even more extreme version is to call someone Orlando Bloom. Keelhaul - A form of punishment. Even if you don't know what it means, the word just sounds nasty. Next time someone crosses you, get a wild look in your eyes and shout, 'I'll keelhaul ye!' Watch how fast they straighten up their act and show you some respect. Matey - A good friend, but not a spouse. Call your spouse 'matey' during a tender moment and see how quickly it spoils the mood (unless your spouse has a pirate fetish, in which case you should make sure to say this word with a leer and raise the eyebrow over the eye that isn't covered by a patch.) 'No quarter!' - This means 'We won't accept surrender!' If you mean you need change, you should say 'No dubloon!' Pillage - If used as a verb, it means to rob and loot ('We'll pillage the town!'). Used as a noun, it refers to a pirate's daily prescribed medication ('Don't take your pillage on an empty stomach or ye'll get the cramps.') Poop deck - Top deck on a large ship. If you don't have a ship, you can use this phrase to refer to the room over the garage. If you really want to make your seventh-grader giggle, use 'poop deck' and 'bunghole' in the same sentence ("Plug the bunghole before it leaks on the poop deck!").

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Did Blackbeard exist?

Edward Teach (c. 1680[1] – November 22, 1718), better known as Blackbeard, was a notorious English pirate in the Caribbean Sea during the early...

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Is 13 a good age to start piano?

13 is a great age to begin learning piano. And since you're just starting and are still plenty young, be open to other avenues for the skill. Maybe...

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'The Puffy Shirt' - Every pirate's favorite 'Seinfeld' episode. All work on the ship comes to a halt when this episode turns up on re-runs. Salt (or Old Salt) - An experienced sailor. (If he sneezes a lot, you can call him Old Pepper, and if his hair is a ruddy red color, Old Paprika is acceptable.) Scurvy - Derogatory adjective meaning lowly or disgusting, as in 'Stand back, ye scurvy dog!' The usage derives from the name of a disease caused by Vitamin C deficiency, suggesting that pirates are fanatical about their intake of citrus fruits and lose respect for someone who falls behind. 'Shiver me timbers!'- An expression shouted at moments of surprise. The pirate equivalent of the contemporary 'Ain't that a corker!'

Swab - To mop or clean something.

Swabby - A lowly worker who mops or cleans things.

'Swab this!'- Angry response from a swabby who has been asked to swab something one too many times. (Often accompanied by a gesture that involves grabbing his pirate parts.) Walking the plank - A manner of execution whereby a pirate makes a person walk on a wooden plank until he falls off into the briny deep (the ocean, not the pickles) and sinks to Davy Jones' Locker (not Peter Tork's Locker). 'Yo ho ho!'- Pirate interjection expressing great joy. Repeated at increasing volume during the ingestion of grog.

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Definitively the most romantic pieces of classical music ever... Puccini - O mio babbino caro. Rachmaninov – Piano Concerto No. ... Elgar - Salut...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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How do you pronounce the a :/ sound?
How do you pronounce the a :/ sound?

It is similar to the /æ/ sound, but the two little dots mean that it is a longer sounds. /ɑ:/ not /æ/. To produce the sound put your tongue low and...

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