Piano Guidance
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How do key finders work?

Modern key finders use a Bluetooth low energy beacon to broadcast a uniqueID that is picked up by nearby phones running the appropriate software, that is then reported to the manufacturer's website along with the location where they picked up the signal.

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Electronic device to locate lost objects

Key finders, also known as keyfinders, key locators, or electronic finders, are small electronic devices used to locate misplaced or stolen objects, such as keys, luggage, purses, wallets, pets, laptop computers, toddlers, cellphones, equipment, or tools, and to transmit alerts, e.g., that one's restaurant table is ready or a nurse is needed. Some key finders beep or flash lights on demand.

Types [ edit ]

Interior of a sound-based key finder

Early models of key finder were sound-based, and listened for a clap or whistle (or a sequence of same), then beeped for the user to find them. Determining what was a clap or a whistle proved difficult, resulting in poor performance and false alarms. Because of this low quality and unreliability, these early key finders were soon discarded and were unpopular for serious needs.

Radio [ edit ]

As electronics became smaller and cheaper, and battery life improved, radio became viable to locate the keys, which were fitted with a small receiver. A separate transmitter is used to activate one or more receivers. All wireless key finders have to "listen" for a searching transmission, resulting in battery replacement at intervals ranging from 3 months to a year. Using a radio signal removes the risk of false alarms. Some distributors include a cost-effective key-return service that assists in returning the keys should they be lost in a taxi, bus or other public place, provided the customer registered their devices and contact information. The transmitter can also contain information to help return it to its rightful owner. Peer-to-peer key finders no longer require a separate "base"; they are all functionally identical and based on a communication system wherein each device can find all the others individually. The user can, for example, use a digital wallet to find misplaced keys and vice versa, or a mobile phone to find a lost TV remote control or eyeglasses. In addition, since the keyfinders have their own transmitters, they can reply to each other by radio as well as by beeping and flashing a light to attract attention. The seeking unit can then follow this beacon to find even a buried set of keys. Having a transmitter in each unit also means that, unlike second generation units, losing a single transmitter does not result in total loss of the ability to find other items it tracks.

Bluetooth low energy beacon [ edit ]

Modern key finders use a Bluetooth low energy beacon to broadcast a uniqueID that is picked up by nearby phones running the appropriate software, that is then reported to the manufacturer's website along with the location where they picked up the signal. Even though different manufacturers use the same underlying technology and standards, their apps do not share information with each other, so each manufacturer requires a different app for its devices. Example of trackers that work this way are Chipolo, ON!Track (by Hilti), AirTag by Apple, Tick (by Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation), Tile, TrackTag (by Bosch), TrackR[1] and PROTAG.

Use in a criminal context [ edit ]

Tracking devices have been implicated in criminal activity, such as stalking[2] and identifying when properties are empty.[3] Safeguards built in to some tracking devices to notify a person when they are being tracked, are compromised because devices can be turned off once tracking is undertaken sufficiently, can be muffled or hidden out of view, or require an app to notify of illicit tracking, which is not usually in use by a victim.[2]

See also [ edit ]

References [ edit ]

Bibliography [ edit ]

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All of this is just a long way of saying that you are NOT too old to learn piano. It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 64 or 90. I've never met a...

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The five Late Quartets are the single most intense body of writing Beethoven ever achieved. There are six movements in Op. 130. The 'Cavatina' is...

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Can keys be tracked?

If you have a key fob, smart key, or transponder key, you can track them. You will need a car key tracking device or an app connected to your key. The device consists of two parts - a remote and a receiver. You use the receiver to send a signal and then you can track it with the radio frequency or Bluetooth.

Most likely, many people have encountered a situation where they had their car key lost or misplaced. There are tons of reasons for that - a hole in the bag where the key was, being in a crowded area, or when people automatically put their keys in the wrong place. The reason doesn't really matter. The problem is that when people realize they have lost their keys, they start to panic. The worst possible scenarios go through their heads, and some individuals might already imagine that thieves can steal their vehicles. That's not how this situation should play out. First, try looking for the lost car keys, maybe you accidentally left them somewhere. If not, then you might consider calling a professional to help you solve the problem. Sure Lock & Key is a reliable locksmith company that supports customers with services, useful tips, and details on this subject. Want to know more about this topic? Please read on.

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C Major. If you don't learn any other piano chord, learn this one. Out of 1,300 songs, most of the songs (26%) were written in C major (following G...

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Chord strumming means that; it's just like you're strumming a guitar, except on a piano you probably hit the notes all at once. There is a...

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