Piano Guidance
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Pexels Logo Photo: Andrea Piacquadio

How do I use the Fn key for voice typing?

You can dictate into any text box on a Mac by pushing the function key twice (FN FN) on a PC hold down the Windows button and push the H button. Let's try it out. Click FN FN, and I can start using speech to text.

How often should you have music lessons?
How often should you have music lessons?

How Many Music Lessons Should You Take Per Week? When it comes to taking music lessons, it's most common for students to take one lesson per week....

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At what age does IQ start to drop?
At what age does IQ start to drop?

Scientists have long known that our ability to think quickly and recall information, also known as fluid intelligence, peaks around age 20 and then...

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By Justin Babcock • 09 Dec, 2022 •

Should is a word that can hold you back. It's a psychological dead end. The word should is a limiting word because it creates a feeling of obligation, which stops you from following through on things that are important to you. When you say "I should do this," what you mean is "I'm supposed to do this." And when we feel obligated to do something, we often don't follow through with it—we just don't feel like doing it. "Should" Means There's No Point And Is A Marketing Dead End When you tell yourself that you should be doing something, your brain gets the message that there's no point in trying because it's not what you really want or need—it's just something you feel obligated to do. So instead of making progress toward your goal, all that thinking about what you "should be doing" actually stops progress in its tracks! Real Marketing Progress Is About Change You see, real progress is about identifying what you want to change. It's not just about saying what you "should" do and hopefully doing it. Strategy and change is about figuring out where your business is going and deciding how best to get there. So instead of "shoulding" like: "We should post more to social media." Try something more along the lines of: "Our company wants to increase sales by 20%. We believe we can increase sales by bringing in new customers through social media." That way, when you're looking at your strategy later on down the line and things don't go according to plan (which will happen), you'll have a much better idea of where things went wrong—and be able to fix them! Goals, Measurements, and Marketing Tactics Real change comes from a sound strategy, and a sound strategy comes from identifying a goal, figuring out how to measure that goal, and trying tactics that will affect that measurement. The first step is to define the change you want to see. What is it that you'd like to get done? What is it that needs fixing? What do you wish was different? Once you've defined your goal, the next step is figuring out how you're going to measure it—that is, what will happen when you reach this goal? This might seem obvious, but sometimes we don't think about things in terms of numbers or data points because we're so focused on just making sure things get done. But if we don't know what success looks like, how can we know if we're getting there? So now that you've identified your goal and figured out how to measure it, it's time for the fun part: trying tactics that will affect that measurement! This might sound like an overwhelming task (and sometimes it can be), but don't worry—you don't have to try everything at once! Start with one thing at a time; figure out what works for your business; and then move on from there. If you need a little strategic push, download the EOS 2-page business plan. If you need help, give us a call (727) 222-6984.

How much can you sell a song for?
How much can you sell a song for?

Today, the current rate is 9.1 cents (typically split with co-writers and publishers). Performance Royalty – A songwriter receives a performance...

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What is the hardest instrument to play overall?
What is the hardest instrument to play overall?

The 7 hardest instruments to learn, play, and master Oboe. Violin. French horn. Piano. Hammond organ. Drums. Accordion. Dec 11, 2020

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How to do a backwards fada on a keyboard?

Alternatively, this might work too: Hold the alt key down and for the lower case: alt+ 0225= á, 0233=é, 0237=í, 0243= ó, 0250=ú. For the upper case use atl+0193=Á, 0201=É, 0205= Í, 0211=Ó, 0218=Ú.

Ever struggled with wanting to type an Irish “fada” on your keyboard?

Here you can watch videos on how to type the acute accent mark found in the Irish language (Gaeilge). Terry Simons in California recorded these step-by-step. The videos cover typing on iOS, OS X, Windows and Ubuntu. Background: the síneadh fada is the name given to the accent mark in Irish:

á é í ó ú Á É Í Ó Ú

How to type the Irish Fada in OS X (Apple Mac)

How To Type The Irish Fada On IOS (IPhone, IPad)

How To Type The Irish Fada In Windows 8

Irish Fada In Linux (Ubuntu 13.04)

Extra Tip: If You’re In Ireland

If you’re in Ireland, your keyboard should already be configured to be for Ireland. In that case, on a PC, just hold down Ctrl and Alt and type the letter.

Alternatively, this might work too:

Hold the alt key down and for the lower case: alt+ 0225= á, 0233=é, 0237=í, 0243= ó, 0250=ú. For the upper case use atl+0193=Á, 0201=É, 0205= Í, 0211=Ó, 0218=Ú.

No Idea How To Pronounce The Fada?

Listen to audio recordings in our bitesize Lesson: Pronouncing long vowels (if you don’t have an account, just sign up on that page for a free trial) Get our popular Pronunciation Cheat Sheets for Irish. They include our four-step method for pronouncing any Irish word you come across. Use our up-to-now secret Unravel Irish Pronunciation tool that automatically estimates how to pronounce any single word in Irish. Got questions on typing the fada on your keyboard? Leave a comment below.

Can I learn piano at 25?
Can I learn piano at 25?

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Many people limit themselves because they think they are too old or that it's too late...

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Is Yousician good for beginners?
Is Yousician good for beginners?

It's easy to be sniffy about Yousician, particularly if you take your playing seriously. However, for those that require practice time to be fun –...

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What makes A chord 11?
What makes A chord 11?

In music theory, an eleventh chord is a chord that contains the tertian extension of the eleventh. Typically found in jazz, an eleventh chord also...

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How does the piano movie end?
How does the piano movie end?

At the end of the 1993 movie, Holly Hunter's mute character Ada McGrath throws herself into the sea tied to her beloved piano. But rather than...

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