Piano Guidance
Photo by Laura Stanley Pexels Logo Photo: Laura Stanley

How do I become a good worship pianist?

6 tips for worship keys players Rule of 1. A one piece band plays all the music. ... Play just with right hand. ... Same spectrum as lead guitarist so don't clash. ... Don't clash with bass player. ... Smooth voice leading. ... Don't rely on transpose button all the time.

Do all grand pianos have 88 keys?
Do all grand pianos have 88 keys?

Musical Innovation: A Grander Grand Piano Most pianos have 88 keys, but craftsman Wayne Stuart has designed a piano with an unprecedented 102. The...

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Can a sus chord be minor?
Can a sus chord be minor?

So, what is a "sus chord?" Sus chords are major or minor chords where the 3rd of the chord is replaced by the 4th. Jazz players think of this as a...

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6 tips for worship keys players

Rule of 1

A one piece band plays all the music. In a five piece band each member should play a 5th of the music. A temptation for keyboardists, particularly if you have come from a classical background is to overplay and step across other peoples parts. Play just with right hand If you struggle with overplaying one option is to literally tie your left hand behind your back and purely focus on what the right hand plays. Same spectrum as lead guitarist so don’t clash. Electric guitars and keyboards often play in the same octave so it’s easy to clash with each other. Try to listen to each others’ parts and use different or complementary octaves/sounds. Be careful if either of you are into adding extended or substituted chords as they can clash too. If you can’t hear each other then at least look at each others fingers to coordinate rhythms. Don’t clash with bass player Another thing to be careful of is adding pushes into the left hand bass notes. If the keys player pushes a note a 16th ahead to add some syncopation but the bassist plays right on the beat the listener just hears two indistinct bass notes right next to each other which just makes the overall groove sound confused and muddy. Smooth voice leading If you play block chords in the right hand the biggest jump forward you can make is to learn chord inversions I.e. the same chord notes but not necessarily in the same order so that one chord seems to flow more smoothly to the next with the least amount of interval jumps. This practice of smooth voice leading is often used by backing vocalists when harmonizing. They try to naturally find the nearest harmony note to the one they’ve just sung so as to not make awkward sounding big jumps. Don’t rely on transpose button all the time Even some very well known worship leaders and musicians are guilty of this. Don’t be afraid to touch the black notes! If you always stick to C then start by playing in keys with just the odd black note. So try G, then D, then Bb, Eb. – Go on, give it a try!

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What nationality has the most geniuses?

Finland According to data obtained from Mensa, Finland has the most geniuses per capita, followed by Sweden and the United Kingdom. ... These Are the World's 10 Smartest Countries. Country Name Best Countries Overall Rank 1. Finland N/A 2. Sweden 5 3. United Kingdom 3 4. Netherlands 9 6 more rows •

Genius is a rare thing, and some countries seem to have it more than others. According to data obtained from Mensa, Finland has the most geniuses per capita, followed by Sweden and the United Kingdom. Mensa was founded in 1946 to create a "society for bright people, the only qualification for membership of which was a high IQ," according to its website. Today, it is comprised of people whose IQ is in the top 2 percent of the population. People must test in to be accepted, and the testing fee varies by country. For example, Finland's fee to take a supervised test into Mensa is 40 euros (about $45), the fee to get the test evaluated is another 40 euros, and the annual membership fee is 40 euros. By contrast, Ireland's fee to test is 30 euros if supervised, 14 euros if not, 12 euros for the test evaluation fee and 60 euros for the the annual membership fee. Additionally, only 51 countries of a possible 196 (or 195 depending on if Taiwan is included) participate in Mensa, meaning countries that may have intelligent citizens will not be counted in the organization's statistics.

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