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How did humans sleep before beds?

Before Homo sapiens, the smaller, chimp-like Homo erectus likely slept elevated in trees in order to take refuge from predators. Once early hominids discovered fire, researchers believe the early humans transitioned to sleeping on the ground since the fire would ward off any predators in the night.

Is G sharp minor a key?
Is G sharp minor a key?

A-flat minor, its enharmonic, with seven flats, has a similar problem, thus G-sharp minor is often used as the parallel minor for A-flat major. ......

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What is the best song for a son?
What is the best song for a son?

27 Best Songs About Sons “A Song For My Son” by Mikki Viereck. ... “Lullaby For Wyatt” by Sheryl Crow. ... 22. ”You Will Always Be My Son” by...

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Ancient History

Before Homo sapiens, the smaller, chimp-like Homo erectus likely slept elevated in trees in order to take refuge from predators. Once early hominids discovered fire, researchers believe the early humans transitioned to sleeping on the ground since the fire would ward off any predators in the night. This is where the roots of the mattress began. The earliest known form of a mattress dates back to approximately 77,000 years ago. It was discovered by archaeologists in a rock shelter located in Sibudu, South Africa. It was comprised of various types of grass and leaves, some of which were natural insect repellent to combat nuisances like mosquitos and other insects. In present day, most adults in Western culture are accustomed to sleeping on larger sizes such as the Queen (60” W x 80” L) or King (76” W x 80” L), but this ancient mattress was measured at 36” W x 72” L and only an inch in thickness.‍

Ancient Egypt

Between 3000 and 1000 BCE, other cultures in early history began to adopt elevated sleeping surfaces as humans and civilizations evolved. In ancient Egypt, these raised beds were typically made from wood for protection from snakes and rodents. Raised beds were also helpful as a way of regulating temperature and to protect against cold and heat. Despite hardwood trees not being native to the area, Egypt had a surplus of funds during this time that allowed them to import hardwoods and metals. While wood was the material of choice for modest beds, more affluent citizens owned beds that were adorned with gold, jewels, and ebony with wooden “pillow” and linen sheets for added comfort.

Classical History - Greek & Roman Culture

Much like the people of ancient Egypt, early Romans also elevated their mattresses - so much so that they often needed a ladder to reach them! Most Roman beds were made of wood, metal, or ivory and supported by ropes or string. For commoners, mattresses were comprised of hay while wealthy Romans stuffed their mattresses with multiple layers of more luxurious materials like wool or feathers. Greeks of ancient times slept in beds that were quite similar to those in Rome, but with an emphasis on comfort. Klines appear like a modern-day sofa or daybed, but with a raised headboard attached. These unique sleeping surfaces had a wide range of uses from sleeping and reclining to sleeping. Wealthy Greeks were set apart from common citizens by owning more than one kline - each with its own purpose depending on the intended use. Naturally, these upscale klines were typically decorated with lavish upholstery and precious materials.

Early Eastern Cultures

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If the piano is older than 40 years old, generally, take a pass on that piano. The exception to this is owner care. If the owner had the piano...

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However, they are very different instruments that are used for distinct purposes. Pianos are acoustic string instruments that produce sound when...

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For many years, most of the eastern world continued to sleep in beds that placed directly on the ground. In Japan, bed rolls (or futons) were also placed directly on the ground and preferred for their simplicity. This preference wasn’t just in the name of style though; Japanese homes were typically very small, so having a low profile, lightweight mattress made it easy to roll up and stow away when not in use. Like with other ancient cultures, the Japanese favored cotton as the material of choice for mattresses. These mattresses were filled with long staple cotton which prevents bunching and lumps from developing over time. Much like in Japan, citizens in early Chinese history slept on cotton bed rolls that were stored away during the day. But in contrast, early Chinese culture took their beds to the next level - literally! During the 11th century BCE, they developed the kang, which is a large, elevated bed system that is made from bricks or clay. The advantage of using brick or clay meant that they could be heated to keep warm during the colder times of the year. In the subcontinental regions of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, daybeds (or charpoys) were a common style of bed as an alternative to simple cotton mattresses. A charpoy is a type of rope bed that is simple in terms of construction, but can be aesthetically more elaborate depending on the fibers used and type of weave. The Charpoy was particularly popular for its portability as it was sometimes necessary to transport the bed to another home.

Medieval Times

Beds remained mostly simplistic during the Medieval time period. The construction was still wood with mattresses that were stuffed with straw, hay, or similar materials. Poor citizens in this time typically only slept on piles of hay or leaves that were placed directly on the ground rather than elevated in what was called a bed box. It wasn’t until the 12th century that beds became more decorative. For some elite wealthy citizens, bed frames were a symbol of wealth, crafted with intricate carvings and paintings and topped with embroidered mattresses. In the latter half of the Medieval period, mattresses were stuffed with down and became more popular and accessible to the majority of people.

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Do all pianos have 88 keys?

All pianos do not have 88 keys. Some older pianos have 85 keys. Modern pianos have 92, 97, 102, and even 108 keys. Most of the keys add an...

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If selecting guitar, you will have a choice of five genres – rock, pop, blues, country and folk. Once you make your selections, you immediately go...

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Ctrl+M is used to indent a paragraph in Microsoft Word and other word-processing software. The indent keeps growing if you repeatedly use this...

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Can you make a cover of a song without permission?
Can you make a cover of a song without permission?

Once the song is released, anyone can do a cover of it and sell it without asking permission. Jun 18, 2009

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