Piano Guidance
Photo by Ioana Motoc Pexels Logo Photo: Ioana Motoc

Does vinegar and baking soda make things white again?

The acetic acid in vinegar acts as a disinfectant and reacts with the baking soda to lift stains. This combination is also great for brightening whites.

Can I learn piano in 5 months?
Can I learn piano in 5 months?

If you can already play songs hands together it'll take you about 4 months to get good at playing piano by ear. If you're a complete beginner and...

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What singer has perfect pitch?
What singer has perfect pitch?

Which musicians and singers have perfect pitch? Some of the greatest classical composers, including Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Handel all had...

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I say the same mini prayer every time I put on any white piece of clothing: "Please, no spills today." Usually, my clothes escape meals unscathed. But occasionally, pizza or pasta sauce makes their way onto my white jeans, and I rush home to begin the stain-removing process. Bleach had been my go-to stain remover, until this past week when mysterious stains appeared all over my white jeans. The culprit was dye from other light garments in the wash load that bled onto my pristine white jeans – rookie mistake. I washed them in a bleach cycle and soaked them in a bleach-water mixture overnight with no success. This stain was determined to become a permanent tie-dye feature on my white jeans. After a quick search on the internet for "DIY stain removing tips," I decided to try a new stain-removing method: An equal-part vinegar and baking soda paste. I should have known that baking soda would somehow be involved. At this point I'm wondering if there's anything baking soda can't do. Turns out that baking soda is extremely absorbent, so it's a great tool to have on hand for stubborn oil, grease, and other stuck-on stains. Baking soda is also a deodorizer, so go ahead and sprinkle it into the sweaty gym clothes wash – no judgement here. The acetic acid in vinegar acts as a disinfectant and reacts with the baking soda to lift stains. This combination is also great for brightening whites. With a little bit of scrubbing and leaving the paste to set for 30 minutes, I was able to almost remove the stains completely from my white jeans. I then left the jeans to soak again overnight in a tub with water and equal parts vinegar and detergent. After doing a quick rinse cycle and letting my jeans air dry, the stains were completely gone, and I was convinced to permanently replace bleach with baking soda and vinegar in my clothes washing routine. And don't worry, I learned my lesson on mixing loads. Whites will stay strictly separated from even the lightest of garments that could potentially turn my whites into a new tie-dye masterpiece.

What piano is made in Germany?
What piano is made in Germany?

Active brands or companies Company Place Country Schimmel Braunschweig Germany Seiler Kitzingen Germany Steingraeber & Söhne Bayreuth Germany...

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Does Elton John have small hands?
Does Elton John have small hands?

I knew I wasn't going to be a classical pianist – my hands are too small and I wanted to be a rock'n'roll player,” Elton says. Oct 14, 2019

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What did ambergris smell like?

One of the clearest identifying traits of ambergris is its odour. When removed from the whale, it has been described as possessing a strong faecal smell. But the scent is said to be more pleasant once the mass dries out. At this stage it is often described as musky.

Ambergris has been a unique phenomenon for millennia. Fossilised evidence of the substance dates back 1.75 million years, and it is likely that humans have been using it for more than 1,000 years.

It has been called the treasure of the sea and floating gold.

Where it comes from remained a mystery for years, during which several theories were proposed, including that it was hardened sea foam or the droppings of large birds. However, it was not until large-scale whaling began in the 1800s that the identity of its sole producer, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), was uncovered. Sperm whales eat large quantities of cephalopods such as squid and cuttlefish. In most cases the indigestible elements of their prey, such as the beaks and pens, are vomited out before digestion.

How much can you sell a piano for?
How much can you sell a piano for?

On the private market, I would be able to sell a quality $5000 upright for at least 40 – 60% of its original value, especially if it's in great...

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How can I tell if my piano keys are real ivory?
How can I tell if my piano keys are real ivory?

Look for an ultraviolet torch. Hold it above the piano keys. If you notice the keys reflect either bright white or violet-blue colours, the keys...

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What increases a child's IQ?
What increases a child's IQ?

Puzzles, blocks, memory games, crafts, toys figurines – these are tools every child should grow up with. Give your children ample time and space to...

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How many hour rest are you legally allowed between each shift?
How many hour rest are you legally allowed between each shift?

11 hours If you're aged 18 or over and work for more than 6 hours a day, you're entitled to: an uninterrupted rest break of at least 20 minutes,...

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