Piano Guidance
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Does playing guitar help with depression?

Research has shown links between adults who play an instrument and lower blood pressure, lower stress levels, decreased heart rate plus a reduction in anxiety and depression – so learning to play the guitar really is the ultimate cure for stress.

What key is easiest for guitar?
What key is easiest for guitar?

Generally speaking, the easy keys are the ones with the fewest sharps and flats. C major, G major, D major, and the chording gets trickier as you...

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What is a broken up chord called?
What is a broken up chord called?

An arpeggio (Italian: [arˈpeddʒo]) is a type of broken chord, in which the notes that compose a chord are played or sung in a rising or descending...

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Stress can have a huge impact on our lives, r ead on to discover why learning to play the guitar can improve your wellbeing.

Some stress-busting research

Research has shown links between adults who play an instrument and lower blood pressure, lower stress levels, decreased heart rate plus a reduction in anxiety and depression – so learning to play the guitar really is the ultimate cure for stress. The ability to take a few moments for you away from work, the stresses of homework or just the general hustle and bustle of life to practice some chords has a healing effect on the mind. Try it after a particularly busy day to see the difference.

Magical mindfulness

Playing the guitar either at home alone or in a group guitar lesson allows you to focus on total mindfulness by focusing on the here and now. This will enable you to forget about past or future worries for a while and can give you some time to yourself without any distractions. Shred those chords and push your worries to the back of your mind!

Social benefits

There are also plenty of social benefits attached to learning to play the guitar, especially if you’re opting for group lessons. Getting together with a like-minded collection of people with a shared interest allows you to meet new friends and forge a new network with a love of guitars. Playing the guitar can also help lift the mood when you’re at home with friends, but you might need to spend a little while practising a few songs first!

A big confidence boost

If your confidence has taken a bit of a battering lately, learning a new skill such as the guitar can give you a real sense of achievement and help you gain confidence thanks to your new musical ability. By setting yourself the goal of learning to play the guitar, you can work towards the objective at your own pace and feel accomplished each and every time you nail a new chord or song

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Heavy Metal is exactly where you'd expect to find “the devil's interval” – music intended to put you on edge. Marilyn Manson's “The Beautiful...

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Do guitars improve with age?

Older guitars often sound better than newer ones as they dry out over time which causes them to become harder leading to a more resonant tone with better sustain. The increase in age affects the tone more in acoustic guitars than electric ones.

There is a process behind the idea that guitars sound better as they age. And it’s related to the condition of the wood. There are two main reasons behind why older guitars have a better tone. These are due to the drying out of the wood, and the density. Both of these factors are related to the wood the guitar is made from.

Drying Out

Wood is well-known for its ability to absorb moisture or dry out, depending on what conditions it is kept in. This is caused by the the structure of the wood. It contains gaps which allow it to absorb water into. Over time, these gaps in the wood can collapse. Hence, the wood cannot retain as much water. And it’s this lack of moisture, and the process of the top of the guitar drying out, that causes it to sound better over time. This creates a harder and lighter form of the wood. This is particularly evident with acoustic guitars, where the sound is much more dependent on the quality of the wood. Whereas, with electric guitars, the pickups are much more important.


Secondly. the density of the wood is also important. The way the wood behaves when vibrated changes over time. Of course, wood contains grains which hold sap in them. When the wood vibrates, causing the sap to break up and loosen. This allows the vibrations to move more freely in the body of your guitar, hence, creating better resonance and a deeper tone.

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Here are seven easy piano songs for beginners to get you started. Twinkle Twinkle. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is always popular, especially with...

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