Piano Guidance

Does music speak to your soul?

The melodies alone are able to convey messages, soul to soul. A beautiful melody can bring tears to one's eyes. It is powerful enough to soften the hardest heart and heal the most painful memory. Music breaks barriers of time and space, provides comfort for the grieving, and calms the anxious mind.

What pianist has the longest fingers?
What pianist has the longest fingers?

Sergei Rachmaninov, the pianist with very big hands. Nov 13, 2018

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What is being a music teacher like?
What is being a music teacher like?

As a music teacher, you will guide your students through musical practice, giving them a chance to use musical instruments and their own voices and...

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Many beautiful phrases have been created to describe what music really is all about. We call it the magic that is music. In truth, no matter how we try to understand what it is exactly about music that touches people in a very mysterious way, words may never be sufficient. All we really know is that the world would be a desolate and sad place without it.

The Magic that is Music is the Language of the Soul

Music belongs to everyone, regardless of race, creed, age, or status in life. Imagine a baby in its mother’s arms, trying to sleep in complete silence. What if lullabies did not exist? How else to soothe a restless child? Music speaks from the soul. It reaches out and expresses what words are unable to say. A mother communicates her love for her baby who may not understand a word she says, but feels safe and loved just the same, as she hums her lullaby. Whatever experiences a person may be going through, whether it is a heartbreak or unspeakable joy, can be expressed through music. Never mind that the lyrics may be inadequate. The melodies alone are able to convey messages, soul to soul. A beautiful melody can bring tears to one’s eyes. It is powerful enough to soften the hardest heart and heal the most painful memory. Music breaks barriers of time and space, provides comfort for the grieving, and calms the anxious mind. It is a special gift that everyone can share. Music has been around for as long as we have been around. It is unlike any other language because it can hardly be understood, and yet it is acknowledged and completely appreciated for what it is. But a language it most assuredly is.

Music is a Universal Language

The 1970s Steven Spielberg science fiction film, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” depicts how music is able to be a means of communication between the human race and beings from another planet through a series of musical notes. Although this is a work of fiction, it is not difficult to imagine that it could actually happen in the not so distant future. The greatest composers of the past have remained alive through their music, spanning great distances and defying time, touching people in every corner of the world with their unforgettable masterpieces. But that is not really all it is. While we can see how powerful music can be in our lives, studies show that plants and animals are affected by music too. According to these studies, a plant thrives wonderfully when it is grown in an environment that provides music. An animal’s demeanor could change positively too when it hears music. This could be the reason why the phrase, “Music is a universal language” holds true.

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How do I know if my 2 year old is gifted?

12 signs of a gifted child Quick learning. According to Louis, a telltale sign that a child is exceptionally bright for their age is how quickly...

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What playing piano does to your brain?
What playing piano does to your brain?

Adults who learn to play piano experience a decrease in depression, fatigue, and anxiety and an increase in memory, verbal communication, and a...

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Music for Therapy

Dating back to centuries past, the practice of medicine has always been correlated to music. For the Greeks, music was believed to have potent abilities of curing not only the body but the soul as well. Some of the more famous Greeks including Zenocrates and Arion made use of music to calm people who were suffering from mental disorders. The great philosophers Confucius and Plato recognized how music could help keep a person healthy in mind and body. During World War II, music was a valuable tool for wounded soldiers recovering from their injuries. Today, they use music therapy to treat illnesses and disorders. This is thanks to its capacity to produce behavioral and emotional changes in a person – changes that facilitate speedier recovery. It has demonstrated itself to be tremendously useful in reducing pain, anxiety and stress. It counteracts negative responses to tension, promotes relaxation, and maintains a healthy balance in the body.

Wrapping Up the Magic that is Music

Music has come a long way and evolved a lot through the passage of time. Musicians of today are continuously discovering more and more ways to enhance sound and make music even more appealing than it has ever been. Singers work consistently on their vocals. This helps them bring out the best in their renditions and elicit the right emotions in their audience. Musical instruments get better and better, producing sounds never heard before. Nevertheless, the magic of music remains a secret. It is this magic that we may never comprehend but will continue enjoying for years and years to come.

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The story of Casio starts in 1946. Today, Casio is one of the biggest Japanese electronic giants with headquarters in Tokyo and factories...

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But here's the good news ... With public domain sheet music you don't have to worry about any of this. If the music is in the public domain, you...

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How rare is an IQ of 130?

2.2 percent Just 2.2 percent have an IQ of 130 or greater. What's fascinating is that people who score well on one of the tests tend to score well...

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What side of the brain do men think with?

left side Research found that men tend to use one side of their brain (particularly the left side for verbal reasoning) while women tend to use...

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