Piano Guidance
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Does music increase IQ?

Exposure to the right kind of music and sounds in these years helps to develop a higher IQ in the teenage years - this, in turn, helps the child to get better grades in school, better years, helps develop memory. Music helps to develop verbal memory, reading skills, and mathematical skills.

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By India Today Web Desk: Slowly but steadily, the importance of music is finding a stand-in education and society in general. It has been proven time and again, that a relationship with music has far-reaching benefits in the development of the brain. In their early years, children are very sensitive to their environment, and their brains, extremely open to development. Exposure to the right kind of music and sounds in these years helps to develop a higher IQ in the teenage years - this, in turn, helps the child to get better grades in school, better years, helps develop memory.


Music helps to develop verbal memory, reading skills, and mathematical skills. It also helps to increase attention and concentration.

Listening to Music

Listening to music boosts auditory skills. Students of music can thus recognise sounds and have enhanced speech capacities. The most commonly known effect of music on the brain is the “Mozart Effect” - which specifies that listening to music created by Mozart uplifts one’s mood, drops blood pressure and thus increases the capacity of one’s brain. However, more studies have shown that listening to music that is uplifting and appealing helps to improve the mood and attention of a person and can also help to improve visual and spatial learning. It also helps to make one more aware, alert and improves one’s learning capacity.

Learning an Instrument

It has been proven that the volume of grey matter in the brain is higher in a person who is learning an instrument, versus someone who isn't. A student learning an instrument also has better brain stem responses to music than someone who isn't. Learning the instrument involves so many skills - such as memory, listening, motor and so on. It also increases focus, attention span and most importantly one’s commitment. It has also been found that a student learning an instrument will have better verbal and mathematical skills owing to the all-rounded development learning an instrument provides. It is only fair then to deduce that, learning an instrument would most definitely have a direct impact on the IQ of a student.

Music in Cognition

Sound waves affect the brain waves which then help us to access our intelligence. This then relates to better performance. Thus exposure to musical sounds and compositions helps to ignite the brain waves which in turn lead to higher intelligence. It has been found that musicians can employ both the left and the right sides of the brain in an effective way to process information. A student of music and/or a musician can process information more distinctively than others. This too could be proven to have an impact on their IQ.


Although science is still in the process of finding more efficient ways of proving the direct impact of music on one’s IQ, it is becoming more and more apparent that music and sound do affect one’s brain and intelligence. That too, in a fun, enjoyable, and pleasurable way. It follows then, that music should become a permanent feature in every person’s life.

Article by Kamakshi and Vishala Khurana, co-founders The Sound Space.

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