Piano Guidance
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Does everyone hear music in their head?

Although anyone can experience musical hallucination, there are some groups of people where it is more common. This includes people who live alone, and people with hearing loss.

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What is the hardest musical instrument to master?
What is the hardest musical instrument to master?

Pipe Organ Perhaps the most difficult instrument to learn is the Pipe Organ. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is the number of...

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Who gets musical hallucination?

Although anyone can experience musical hallucination, there are some groups of people where it is more common. This includes people who live alone, and people with hearing loss. It is also more common in women than men and in people over 60 years of age. What causes musical hallucination?

In most people, there is no underlying cause found.

Very rarely, it can be caused by serious conditions, for example by problems with the blood vessels in the brain or by brain tumours. In these conditions there are likely to be other symptoms, but your doctor might choose to perform some investigations to rule them out. Musical hallucination is also more common in individuals who have epilepsy or Alzheimer’s disease. It is therefore very important to mention to your doctor if you have musical hallucination and experience changes in your vision, dizziness, severe headaches, problems with your speech or difficulties with movements.

Is it caused by my medications?

Like tinnitus, a number of medications have been accused of causing or contributing to musical hallucination. However, nothing has been proved with the exception of medications based on opium, such as tramadol, morphine sulphate and oxycodone, which have been shown to cause musical hallucination in rare cases. If you believe that your musical hallucination might be caused by one of these substances or another medication, it is important that you do not stop taking it or adjust the dosage without first discussing this with your GP or the doctor who prescribed the medication.

Is musical hallucination a psychiatric problem?

The majority of individuals with musical hallucination do not have any psychiatric disturbance. Some people with musical hallucination worry that it might be a symptom of a mental health condition, such as schizophrenia. Although in schizophrenia it is common to hear voices, it is in fact very rare to experience musical hallucination and there is thought to be no connection between the two conditions. Musical hallucination is quite common in people who have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), in which they experience repetitive, intrusive and distressing thoughts and feel strong urges to repeatedly perform actions. It is estimated that around four in ten individuals with OCD will experience musical hallucination at some time in their life. It is important to note that the majority of individuals with musical hallucination do not have OCD.

Can musical hallucination be treated?

If musical hallucination has an underlying cause, addressing the cause will often relieve the hallucination. It might be appropriate to use medication to treat the underlying condition and your doctor will be happy to discuss this with you. The most common cause is hearing loss. Your doctor will probably ask you to have a hearing test. Based on the results of this, they may prescribe a hearing aid. Many people find that musical hallucination becomes less intrusive once the condition has been explained and they are reassured that there is no serious underlying cause. If it continues to be troublesome despite this, it can be managed with the techniques used to treat other forms of tinnitus.

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The good news for those who plan on self teaching piano is that it is simpler than ever to do so, with more learning material being produced all...

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Most keyboards come with 66, 72, or 88 keys. For a beginner, 66 keys are sufficient for learning to play, and you can play most music on a 72-key...

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What is the oldest organ?

The Oldest Organs in the World It is generally agreed upon that the organ in the church of Notre-Dame-de-Valère at Sion (Switzerland) is the oldest playable organ in the world. Its oldest parts date as far back as 1435 (+/- 1 year), but they only include most of the case and 180 original pipes from the Gothic period.

In 1929 Walcker built a large organ for the World Exposition in the Palacio Nacional Montjuich (Barcelona, Spain) with 5 manuals, 168 ranks, 121 voices (+ 11 tr.). In the late 1960's this organ was rebuilt and enlarged to 6 manuals by OESA (Organería Española, Madrid). Meanwhile this organ is completely unplayable (as Michael Reckling, Spain says) and the last stoplist is irretrievably lost so I can't say too much about it here. You will find the original Walcker stoplist here and a photo of the OESA console here. In 1965 a 6-manual central concole was built for the four organs of Mainz Cathedral (Germany), which is going to be replaced by a 4-manual console during the ongoing complete rebuilt until approx. 2026. The large Barton theatre organ at Chicago Stadium (USA) also had a 6 manual console. The console seems to have been restored but the organ itself with its 61 ranks is gone. Here are the links to some photos of the console and the (former) stoplist of the organ. The world's largest drawknob console has "just" 5 manuals but 522 drawknobs and a total of 796 controls. It belongs to the organ at the Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis (USA). Now, while you may doubt that a console with more than 5 manuals is really needed anywhere and would make sense ergonomically there is a museum in the US (who else would think of something like that!), the "House on the Rock" in Spring Green (Wisconsin, USA) , where you can have a look at even larger consoles that even make those giants mentioned above look teeny-weeny: One monster has 8 manuals, one three-partite console has 3 x 5 manuals, i.e. a total of 15 manuals!

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Yes, students do the learning and they can do it on their own, but they can do it better with a teacher who connects with them as learners. Many of...

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Can anyone learn to play the piano?

Anyone can learn the piano at any age and have hours of fun on it. This comprehensive series will take you from never touching the piano to playing...

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