Piano Guidance
Photo by Brett Sayles Pexels Logo Photo: Brett Sayles

Do you press B with your left or right hand?

To type the letter B use your left pointer finger.

Is C sharp in D major?
Is C sharp in D major?

D major (or the key of D) is a major scale based on D, consisting of the pitches D, E, F♯, G, A, B, and C♯. Its key signature has two sharps.

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What is the best site to buy piano sheet music from?
What is the best site to buy piano sheet music from?

musicnotes.com Founded in 1998, musicnotes has been one of the world's best places to buy sheet music online for many years. MusicNotes has over...

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Letters E and I (i)

Always remember to find the HOME ROW keys F and J. These are the keys that have a little bump on them. Just move your pointer fingers over these keys and you will be able to feel the bumps. It is important to position your hands on the keyboard correctly. Your fingers must be in the middle row of your keyboard ont he "HOME ROW" keys. Starting with your left hand, place your little finger (pinky) on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the E letter use your left middle finger. Pre the E key and return your finger to the letter D. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the I (lower case i) letter use your right middle finger. Pres the I key and return your finger to the letter K.

Letters R and U

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the R letter use your left pointer finger. Press the R key and return your finger to the letter F. Now with your right hand, place your pointer finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L, and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the U letter use your right pointer finger. Press the U key and return your finger to the letter J.

Letters T and Y

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finge (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter T use your left pointer finger. Press the T key and return your finger to the letter F. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter Y use your right pointer finger. Press the Y key and return your finger to the letter J.

Letters W and O

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar.

How do I know if my music teacher is good?
How do I know if my music teacher is good?

Here are some of the ways you can ensure the teacher you hire is the best fit for the student. Ask around. ... Don't be afraid to ask questions....

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What makes a 13th chord?
What makes a 13th chord?

A thirteenth chord is the stacking of six (major or minor) thirds, the last being above the 11th of an eleventh chord. Thus a thirteenth chord is a...

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To type the letter W use your left ring finger. Press the W key and return your finger to the letter W. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter O use your right ring finger. Press the Of key and return your finger to the letter L.

Letters Q and P

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter Q use your left pinky finger. Press the Q key and return your finger to the letter A. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter P use your right pinky finger. Press the P key and return your finger to the semicolon key.

Letters B and N

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter B use your left pointer finger. Press the B key and return your finger to the letter F. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter N use your right pointer finger. Press the N key and return your finger to the letter J.

Letters V and M

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter V use your left pointer finger. Pres the V key and return your finger to the letter F. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the letter M use your right pointer finger. Press the M key and return your finger to the letter J.

What is Ariana Grande's highest pitch?
What is Ariana Grande's highest pitch?

Ariana's highest note is an E7, the second E above Soprano C, or the E above “dolphin” C. She whistles this note in her cover of Mariah Carey's...

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Why do people smash their keyboards?
Why do people smash their keyboards?

A keysmash (alternatively key smash or keyboard smash) is a form of internet slang. Gaining popularity since 2019, it is often used to convey...

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Letters C and Comma (,)

Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and pointer finger (index finger) on F. Your thumb must rest on teh space bar. To type the letter C use your left middle finger. Press the C key and return your finger to the letter C. Now with your right hand, place your little finger on key J, ring finger on K, middle finger on L and pointer finger (index finger) on ;. Your thumb must rest on the space bar. To type the comma (,) use your right middle finger. Press the comma (,) key and return your finger to the letter K.

Forward (/) and Period (.)

Always remember to find the HOME ROW keys F and J. Feeling for the bumps. Now place the rest of your fingers on the HOME ROW keys. Left hand ASDF and right hand JKL:. To type the forward / use your right pinky finger. Press the forward slash / key and return your finger to the semicolon ; key. To type the period (.) use your right ring finger. Press the period (.) key and return your finger to the letter L key.

Apostrophe (')

To type the apostrophe (') use your right pinky finger. Press the quotation (") key and return your finger to the semicolon ; key.

Making a Capital Letter

Now that you know all the letter keys, let's learn to type them in capitals. To type the capital case of any letter, hold down the shift key while typing the letter key. You will notice there are two shift keys on your keyboard - one on each side. You need to press the shift key with the pinky of the hand opposite the one you are typing the letter with. This way, you can maintain the correct hand poition with your letter typing hand and more easily return to the home row position afterwards. For example: to type a capital A you need to hold the right shift key down with your right pinky while pressing the letter A with your right pinky. Remember to keep practicing without looking at your fingers in order to build muscle memory.

Mrs. Blanchard

Computer Lab Instructor

[email protected]

What is the easiest chord?
What is the easiest chord?

Basic Em Guitar Chord (E Minor Chord) Em is the first beginning guitar chord you should learn. It's one of the most basic guitar chords not only...

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Should I learn piano on keyboard or digital piano?
Should I learn piano on keyboard or digital piano?

Can you learn piano on a keyboard? Electronic keyboards are the most affordable way to get started, but learning piano on a non-weight, non-full-...

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What is the hardest song to play on any instrument?
What is the hardest song to play on any instrument?

These are the definitively the hardest pieces of music to play Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji - Opus clavicembalisticum. ... Alexander Scriabin -...

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What is baking soda test for Bakelite?
What is baking soda test for Bakelite?

The Baking Soda Test - Dip a cotton swab into baking soda and rub it into a test spot on the item. Ex. a bracelet on the inside, brooch on the back...

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