Piano Guidance
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Do you need strong hands to play piano?

Proper Hand Technique for Pianists Proper hand technique is not only crucial for a smooth and even sound—it is mandatory. The fingers must be strong enough to handle fast and tricky passages and scales. The weight and balance of the finger as it strikes the key affect the volume, evenness, and ease of playing.

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Audrey's love for piano began at age six. She's a professional pianist for cruises, hotels and community events. Teaching is her passion.. Notice how the pianist is playing with curved fingers using the tips of the fingers. The knuckles do not collapse and neither should yours. Audrey Hunt - vocalcoach CC 2016 “Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.” Tom Lehrer

Benefits of Strong, Flexible Fingers

Playing the piano skillfully requires strength and flexibility. Proper hand technique is not only crucial for a smooth and even sound; it is mandatory. With solid fingers, tricky passages and scales will flow. Flexible fingers will be ready to do the job when speed is required. The weight and balance of the finger as it strikes the key affect the volume, evenness, and ease of playing.

The secret to developing strong fingers is:

Practice all scales and Hanon exercises. Start slow and gradually increase the speed. Curve the fingers to ensure they are all the same length.

1. Table Exercise

The following beginning exercise will help you remember to strike each key correctly: Sit down in a straight-backed chair facing a table. Your forearms are resting on the table. Your hand position is fingertips touching the table, keeping your hands rounded as if you have a golf ball under the palm of each hand. With the fingertips and wrist resting on the table, lift both thumbs while keeping the remaining fingers in a curved position. The wrist must always be resting on the tabletop. The idea is to avoid collapsing the knuckles of the other fingers as you concentrate on lifting one finger at a time. After raising a finger, please bring it back down while holding it in a curved position. Next, you will lift the "pointer" finger (finger 2) while keeping the other fingers in a curved position resting on the table. Continue this exercise with the middle finger(finger 3), the ring finger (finger 4), and the pinky finger (finger 5). Repeat the whole exercise several times. The fourth fingers have shorter ligaments and cannot be lifted as high as the others.


Continue to do this daily, ensuring the knuckles are not collapsing.

When you have mastered this exercise, play a scale or five-finger pattern concentrating on a rounded hand. Strike each key using the pads of your fingers.

Go slow until playing with proper hand technique feels natural.

You will soon be able to play music with a lovely legato (smooth and connected) touch.

Trim Your Nails

You'll need to keep your nails short enough so that the pad of the fingers rests on the piano keys. Long nails are a hindrance, and the clicking sound of nails on the piano keys can be annoying. Short nails allow you to play expressively and with incredible speed. So keep those nails trimmed!

How to Sit at the Piano

Do not pull the piano bench too close to the keyboard when seated at the piano. Allow enough room between you and the instrument to give you the freedom to move from the lowest to the highest area of the keyboard. Sitting too close inhibits your space.

Maintain proper posture and keep the spine straight by sitting tall.

Place a quarter on the hand and slowly strike a key on the piano. Try to keep the quarter from falling off the hand. Begin with right hand followed by left hand. Courtesy: pixabay.com CC Public Domaine

2. The Quarter Test

A good test to see if the hand is in proper alignment is to place a quarter on the back of each hand and play a few keys, balancing the quarter. The quarter should remain balanced on the hand and not fall off as you play (slowly). Keep the wrist level with the hand, and do not bob it up and down. The forearm's function is to move the hand when striking the piano keys. Once you master this exercise, you will be surprised at the difference in both sounds, improved flexibility, and speed. A metronome is a helpful tool for developing speed and perfect rhythm. Courtesy: pixabay.com CC Public Domaine

3. Practice with a Metronome

Using a metronome when practicing helps to maintain a constant tempo. The tempo is measured in beats per minute (BPM); metronomes can be set to variable rhythms, usually ranging from 40 to 208 BPM; another marking denoting metronome tempi is M.M. or Mälzel's Metronome. Set the metronome at a slow tempo to increase speed for scales and other exercises. Continue practicing until the scale is perfectly mastered, then gradually increase the tempo until a faster rate is reached and easy to play. You don't want to sound mechanical, and using a metronome puts us at risk for doing just this. Music must be performed expressively.

Tips for Practicing Scales

Practicing scales is the best way to build solid fingers for flexibility and speed. The following tips will bring outstanding results.

Keep the fingers in a curved position.

Use correct fingering for all scales.

Begin with one octave increasing to two octaves, then three octaves.

As soon as you're advanced enough, play hands together.

Play in different rhythms for variety.

Using a metronome can be helpful. Begin slowly. Set the metronome to 72 and gradually increase your speed.

Practice all significant and minor scales.

It's a good idea to start each scale by playing hands separately. When the fingering is flawless, play both hands together. When you have trouble with the fingering, play just the first two notes of a scale, then go back and play the first three notes, etc.

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Stubborn Passages

When you come across a difficult passage of music that slows you down, and you can't seem to make any progress: Practice only the section that's causing the problem. Analyze the notes. Check the fingering. It will be one or the other. Use variety, such as playing staccato, legato, loud, soft, or accenting every other note.


Studying classical music such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin requires constant dedication and superb technique. These great composers introduced much of the world's most beautiful music. Regardless of which musical genre you prefer, studying these masters (and a great many others) provides the pianist with a challenge that can take months to reach. Once the pianist is secure in playing classical music, the bar is set for all other genres. Because great skill is required, it makes all other music easier to understand and play. The piano is the most enticing of instruments. Even though the process involves persistence and hard work, the rewards bring a lifetime of joy and fulfillment. Only you, the pianist, can unlock the piano's potential. Love is like playing the piano. First you learn to play by rules, then you forget the rules and play from your heart.

© 2010 Audrey Hunt

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on November 17, 2012:

Nell - What a super talented and gifted son you have! Sounds like it runs in the family line.:) Thanks for sharing this as it is so fascinating to hear about. And thank you for the vote and sharing. Hugs.

Nell Rose from England on October 17, 2012:

What a great hub! I used to play the piano when I was a child, but gave up which I totally regret. My son on the other hand can just look at a piano and ten minutes later figure out a piece of music and play the lot! lol! runs in the family, my uncle was the same! great advice, and voted and shared! nell

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on May 27, 2012:

Jools 99 - I admire you for teaching yourself and sticking with it. Learning the piano is a wonderful thing. It's one of the best ways to relax and de-stress.

Thanks for reading and I like your comments!

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on March 24, 2012:

Hezekia - I am impressed! Anyone that can learn piano by watching and using their ear has a definite "gift." I wish you great success and joy as you continue to "thrive" at the piano. Thank you.

Jools Hogg from North-East UK on March 24, 2012:

Really enjoyed this hub. I am a self-taught (and therefore pretty bad) pianist and I need all the help I can get. I only started playing two years ago and I don't practice anywhere near enough. I will try these great tips, it might improve my playing, which can only be a good thing, believe me. Voted up.

Hezekiah from Japan on August 29, 2011:

Good tips thanks. I learn to play just by watching people and ear. Would have been good to know tips before hand.

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on March 24, 2011:

thesues = I think its great that you are teaching yourself how to play the piano. There are many useful tips available that help to speed the process along. So when you run into a problem, just let me know and I will help you. vocalcoach

theseus from philippines on March 23, 2011:

Helpful tips coach.

Going to try these soon.I've been trying to teach myself how to play the piano. I'm making progress, so I hope. But I don't know if what I'm doing is the proper way to do it.

Thank you for sharing. God bless.

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on March 08, 2011:

Hmrjmr1 - I'm glad to hear that these exercises are helpful and how great that you are learning the piano! Let's play a duet sometime. :)

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on January 20, 2011:

Tina V - Wonderful that you niece is learning how to play the piano. I hope her teacher is well qualified, loving and caring. This opportunity will open up her world and introduce her to music. Once she learns the piano, she can pick up just about any instrument and learn to play it easier. Piano is the platform for all music. Thank you for commenting and rating. :)

TINA V on January 18, 2011:

This will be a great reference for my niece who is beginning to study piano. You shared a very useful finger exercise for strength and flexibility. Your hub is easy to understand for beginners. I’ll bookmark this and rated it up. Enjoy your week!

Hmrjmr1 from Georgia, USA on November 22, 2010:

vocalcoach - I have been working on learning the piano and the finger exercises are great thanks. looking forward to more tips.

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 28, 2010:

JamaGenee - I, too wish I could have been your teacher. Bless your sweet heart for going through those experiences lead by "unqualified" piano teachers. If you were close by, I would have you playing your favorite songs in no time at all and we would have fun doing it.

Take care JamaGenee.

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Joanna McKenna from Central Oklahoma on October 28, 2010:

Oh, how I wish I'd had you for a piano teacher as a child! When I was 6 or so, someone gave my mother an old upright piano. She didn't play and had no desire to learn. To justify having it the house, she decided I should take lessons. For two years, for an hour after school twice a week, I went to the home of a pair of 80-something spinster sisters, our town's non-humorous version of the Delaney Sisters. That was followed by two more years with the very scary wife of a co-worker of my dad's. At end of those four years, I'd mastered "Chopsticks" but not much else. Ironically, I had no problem with clarinet and saxophone in the junior high band, but the "piano years" were torture!

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on October 20, 2010:

Cedar Cove Farm - So pleased to hear your kids are learning how to play the piano. It is the foundation of all music. Piano lessons teach children discipline and increase self-esteem and confidence. thanks for stopping by.

Cedar Cove Farm from Southern Missouri on October 20, 2010:

I don't play piano, but our kids are learning. Good advice.

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on August 08, 2010:

Martie - You go girl! Those golden oldies are the best. My personal favorites. Wish I could hear you play. What a treat that would be. Blessings to you Martie.

Martie Coetser from South Africa on August 08, 2010:

My ringfingers became very lazy - for the past how-many-years I seldom get the time to play the piano. But now you’ve got me in the mood to open my piano and play some golden oldies!

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 19, 2010:

I do the very same thing when I'm flying. I pull out the tray table and practice! I must admit, passengers have given me some puzzled looks. One even asked for another seat. :-) Thank you kaltopsyd for your very welcomed comment. Will be following you and leaving comments. kaltopsyd from Trinidad originally, but now in the USA on July 19, 2010: The table exercise is what I do when I'm preparing for an audition. I remember just this year I was sitting outside of the audition room, playing my entire piece on the table. Haha. It's a good thing the people around me were musicians, otherwise I would have looked pretty mad. :)

Good tips!

kaltopsyd from Trinidad originally, but now in the USA on July 19, 2010: The table exercise is what I do when I'm preparing for an audition. I remember just this year I was sitting outside of the audition room, playing my entire piece on the table. Haha. It's a good thing the people around me were musicians, otherwise I would have looked pretty mad. :)

Good tips!

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on July 19, 2010:

daddyjb - How glorious to find a comment from a fellow piano teacher. Your advice is wonderful and a very important factor. I love your "speed comes more from efficiency and freedom than strength". May I quote you in the future and provide your link to students, teachers and friends? I will soon be reading all of your articles. Can't wait! I appreciate your taking time to comment and rate me up. Thank you.

daddyjb from North Carolina on July 19, 2010:

Interesting hub here! I love discussions about piano technique. I'm glad you pointed out to not use too much tension as there are many playing-related injuries due to excess tension. My advice to my students is, if it hurts, stop! Take a break and the next time figure out a more efficient way to do the same motion. Speed comes more from efficiency and freedom than strength.

Hub up, vocalcoach!

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on June 27, 2010:


The fact that you love music says much about you. Thank you for taking the time to read my hub and comment on it. I appreciate it.

Audrey Hunt (author) from Pahrump NV on June 27, 2010:


Thanks for sharing your goal about getting back to the piano. Here is a hint - place both hands on only the black keys,(begin in the middle section and play up) hold down the peddle,the one on the right,and simply play randomly. It is impossible to play any wrong key. The melodies you improvise will be soothing, eastern sounding and lovely. Enjoy!

billyaustindillon on June 26, 2010:

A great lesson for building finger flexibility and strength - unfortunately I never got to learn piano as much as I love music. We had a piano teacher live next to us and we had planned for my sons to learn from her. Unfortunately she moved but your hub is a great reminder is how great that skill would be.

Cheri Schultz from Midwest on June 25, 2010:

I always wanted to play piano as a child but my parents could never afford it. I started taking lessons at 45 and I LOVE it!! I stopped for a few years because of my work schedule and I miss it terribly. My goal is start playing again this year. Thank you for this hub - it triggered the tug in my heart - Cheri

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