Piano Guidance
Photo by Engin Akyurt Pexels Logo Photo: Engin Akyurt

Do we breathe in asbestos every day?

We are all exposed to low levels of asbestos in the air we breathe every day. Ambient or background air usually contains between 10 and 200 fibres for every 1,000 litres (or cubic metre) of air. Whether a person goes on to develop an asbestos-related disease depends on a range of circumstances or exposure factors.

Who was the kindest pirate?
Who was the kindest pirate?

Edward England is known today as one of the more humane pirate captains of the Golden Age of Piracy.

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What key has all black keys?
What key has all black keys?

Depending on where you place the root note, the pentatonic scale that involves all the black keys is either called the E♭ minor pentatonic scale...

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Asbestos and your health

Asbestos becomes a potential risk to health if fibres are suspended in air and breathed into the lungs. Breathing asbestos fibres into the lungs can cause a range of diseases, including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. Scientific studies reviewed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 2012) show that asbestos can also cause cancer of the larynx and ovaries and is also associated with pharynx, stomach and colorectal cancer. We are all exposed to low levels of asbestos in the air we breathe every day. Ambient or background air usually contains between 10 and 200 fibres for every 1,000 litres (or cubic metre) of air. Whether a person goes on to develop an asbestos-related disease depends on a range of circumstances or exposure factors. These include the level and duration of exposure, length of time since first exposure, the fibre type, and concurrent exposure to tobacco smoke and other carcinogens. A very small number of asbestos-related disease cases occur each year in people who have not worked with asbestos products. The low number of cases makes it difficult to determine the exact cause of the disease or which exposure to asbestos was the contributing factor. For further information about the health risks associated with asbestos in the home environment refer to Asbestos - A guide for householders and the general public External Link .

Asbestos-related diseases

When asbestos fibres are breathed in, they may remain deep within the lungs. They can lodge in lung tissue and cause inflammation, scarring and some more serious asbestos-related diseases, which usually take many years, if not decades, to develop. The four major asbestos-related diseases are listed below. A person may show signs of more than one of these diseases.

Pleural plaques

areas of white, smooth, raised scar tissue on the outer lining of the lung, internal chest wall and diaphragm

often the earliest sign of exposure to asbestos

not everyone who has been exposed to asbestos develops plaques, possibly because of differences in their immune response to asbestos fibres people with pleural plaques as their only asbestos related symptom usually have very little impairment of lung function.


a chronic condition caused by inflammation or scarring in the lungs

causes shortness of breath, coughing and permanent lung damage

caused by heavy, prolonged exposure to asbestos.

Lung cancer

cancerous tumours that mainly occur in the lining of the tubes leading into the lungs, the smaller airways or the middle of the lungs risk of developing lung cancer is increased in people who also smoke or have a pre-existing lung disease.


At what age is it too late to learn piano?
At what age is it too late to learn piano?

Beginning Piano Lessons for Teens and Adults People can start piano at 60, at 70, at 80, even later. Your brain can still form new connections at...

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What is the happiest chord in music?
What is the happiest chord in music?

A study suggests that minor and major seventh chords are the happiest sounds in music, but today's songwriters are ditching them in favour of...

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Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide
Join almost HALF A MILLION Happy Students Worldwide

Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses online and has helped over 450,000 students around the world achieve their dream of playing beautiful piano for over a decade.

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How old was Beethoven when he died?
How old was Beethoven when he died?

Beethoven first noticed difficulties with his hearing decades earlier, sometime in 1798, when he was about 28. By the time he was 44 or 45, he was...

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What makes a jazz chord?
What makes a jazz chord?

This Jazz chord progression is made up of three basic chords built from the first (I), second (II) and fifth (V) degree of the major scale. Each...

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Why does a piano have black and white keys?
Why does a piano have black and white keys?

So why does piano have black and white keys? The white keys represent the musical tones and the black keys represent the half step intervals...

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How do you check if keycaps will fit?
How do you check if keycaps will fit?

You can check if a keycap set will fit your mechanical keyboard by checking the layout of your keyboard, knowing the size of special keys such as...

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