Piano Guidance
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Do non Christians go to heaven?

First, it's important to understand that this heaven debate is mostly a Christian matter. Judaism and Islam, for example, both teach that all righteous people will go to heaven. The belief that only some righteous people go to heaven is a Christian belief.

How popular is piano in Japan?
How popular is piano in Japan?

Music is deeply rooted in Japanese culture. And when it comes to the instruments played by the Japanese, the fan-favorite is the piano. According...

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Do concert pianists use sheet music?
Do concert pianists use sheet music?

For this reason, you will often find pianists performing Contemporary music with sheet music. It's a much different style and not necessarily...

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Q. My sister and I differ greatly on who goes to heaven. She feels only those who accept Jesus as their Savior will go to heaven. I find it hard to believe that Gandhi, or Jerry Seinfeld, for that matter, will burn eternally because they aren't Christians. -- Angela, Bloomville, Ohio A. Without commenting on Jerry Seinfeld's chances of getting into heaven, which might be difficult for reasons that have nothing to do with Jesus, we agree with you. Here's our take on the issue: First, it's important to understand that this heaven debate is mostly a Christian matter. Judaism and Islam, for example, both teach that all righteous people will go to heaven. The belief that only some righteous people go to heaven is a Christian belief. However, it's also part of the glory of Christianity that it's had the courage to proclaim such an unpopular and seemingly narrow-minded view to the world. For a true Christian, proclaiming the Good News that the way to the Father is through Jesus is not an insult to non-Christians, but rather an act of love for a world in need of salvation. And after all, the Christian claim that accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is essential to getting through those pearly gates may indeed be true. Tom believes it's true, and obviously Marc does not. After we die, we'll all know for sure who was right, but the phone connections between heaven and earth remain pretty weak. There's simply no way to know from our earthy perspective what is true from the perspective of heaven. It's useless for Christians to cite passages from the New Testament, because non-Christians do not believe the book is the word of God. It also does no good for non-Christians to simply say that Jesus is not necessary for salvation simply because Jesus is not part of their inherited revelation. In our opinion, this textual standoff is solved, or at least moderated, by a good dose of humility. If religious people who wish to convert others to their faith would focus on acts of kindness and charity, justice and mercy, they would both serve their faith and increase their flock far more than beating others over the head with texts they don't believe. It's also possible that Christian doctrines such as the idea of "Baptism by Desire," developed by Karl Rahner, might provide a helpful theological loophole for ecumenical Christians to affirm the truth of their faith while also admitting that a God of goodness would never keep Gandhi out of heaven. This doctrine proclaims that by living a righteous life, non-Christians are actually accepting Jesus with their lives, even though they don't accept him as savior with their lips -- and even though they don't realize they're accepting Jesus at all.

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Is an elk tooth ivory?

Teeth in elk are similar to other deer except for the presence of upper canine teeth. An elk's canine teeth, made of ivory, are unique and were...

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What are the five styles in high jump?
What are the five styles in high jump?

Table of Content Scissors Technique. Eastern Cut-off Technique. Western Roll Technique. Straddle Technique. Fosbury Technique.

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Q. I'm a neat freak in love with the sloppiest man I've ever met. I want to get around my revulsion at his sloppiness but I'm not sure I can. Am I shallow and foolish for caring so much about this? -- Karen, Wantaugh, N.Y. A. We advise many potential brides and grooms and have learned this important fact: If you have any doubts about marriage, marry the person anyway; but if you have any doubts about the person, don't. The period of dating and courtship should be filled with passion and an overwhelming desire to be with the other person forever. If it's been a time of doubting for you, then even the good parts of your relationship with this slob mean nothing. Your doubts are really your heart telling you this one was close, but no cigar. Sure, it's hard to break up with a man you love in part, but if you're going to marry somebody, we think you should love them not just in part but in whole. Send questions only to The God Squad, Telecare, 1200 Glenn Curtiss Blvd., Uniondale, NY 11553 or e-mail to godsquad@ telecaretv.org.

How tall was Jesus?
How tall was Jesus?

He may have stood about 5-ft. -5-in. (166 cm) tall, the average man's height at the time. Feb 20, 2019

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What is the hardest known wood on earth?

Meier's own list ranks quebracho, with a Janka score of 4,570 lbf, as the hardest wood in the world. Quebracho is found in Paraguay and Argentina....

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Can you hear other people's voices in your head?

Hearing voices is actually quite a common experience: around one in ten of us will experience it at some point in our lives. Hearing voices is...

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Is C to F# a tritone?
Is C to F# a tritone?

So, C to F# is a tritone. Years ago you could get banned from the church for even playing a tritone due to its very “harsh” or dissonant sound. It...

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