Piano Guidance
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Do guys with deep voices have big?

Puts' Scientific Reports study found that men with lower formant frequencies—a deeper resonance in their voices—tended to be taller, larger, and stronger. (That's partly because longer vocal tracts and larger vocal folds generate lower, more resonant voices.)

Is Für Elise classical or romantic?
Is Für Elise classical or romantic?

So is Für Elise Classical or Romantic? Für Elise is an early Romantic piece because of the intense and sometimes clashing emotions it expresses....

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What note is the same as G flat?
What note is the same as G flat?

G♭ (G-flat; also called Ges or sol bémol) is the seventh semitone of the solfège. It lies a diatonic semitone above F and a chromatic semitone...

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For many people, Barry White crooning in his thick, honey voice how he “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love, Babe,” is the ultimate sound of desire and sexual attraction. American television host David Letterman once asked the singer to read a list of mundane words, including “gingivitis” and “gubernatorial,” to prove they would sound romantic in White’s bass-baritone voice. They certainly did. Research confirms that deep voices give men an aura of power and sexual allure. Men with low, resonant voices are more likely to be perceived as attractive, masculine, respectable, and dominant. “Judgments of anything that contributes to success in competition—age, size, muscle mass, confidence, leadership—they are all strongly affected by voice pitch,” says Carolyn Hodges-Simeon, an anthropologist at Boston University. This preference for virile voices extends beyond cisgender, heterosexual, industrialized contexts. One study found that single homosexual men rate low-pitched voices as more attractive. In another study of trans men undergoing testosterone therapy, vocal masculinization was found to be the most important trait participants wished to change. Achieving a deep voice is also associated with greater well-being in trans men. Among Hadza hunter-gatherers in Northern Tanzania, women perceive men with lower voices to be better hunters, and such men father more children, possibly because they are considered more attractive and high status.

Given the widespread fondness for baritones and basses across various sexual identities and cultures, it seems likely that there is an evolutionary reason behind this preference and that vocal pitch may have been an important element in how humans selected mates for millennia. But why would that be?

For years, anthropologists have been trying to discover if male vocal parameters evolved as reliable signals of bodily condition, be it robust immune systems, reproductive fitness, or brawny physiques. Are men who sound like Barry White really more likely to fend off attackers and sire healthier children than men with tenor tones like Justin Timberlake?

In the last two years, a spate of anthropological studies suggests that deep voices really are honest indicators of many stereotypical traits, from handgrip strength to fighting prowess. However, there are contradictions hidden in vocal tones—and not everyone is convinced that vocal pitch speaks volumes about men’s vigor.

What makes a song Funky?
What makes a song Funky?

Funk features strong bass lines, or music lines played by low-pitched instruments and has a heavy syncopated beat, meaning a beat with emphasis...

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What is Grade 8 singing?
What is Grade 8 singing?

At Grade 8 you can develop a range of skills and techniques including blues inflections, vocal falls and grace notes, vocal agility and...

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Is Grade 10 hard?
Is Grade 10 hard?

Grade 10 is an important transition year. You are required to do fewer subjects but the workload and difficulty of the subjects that you keep often...

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Who buys ivory now?
Who buys ivory now?

Current End-consumers of Ivory Products & Public Awareness The exact demand from Asia is unknown but in recent years China has become the largest...

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Why can't I cry anymore?
Why can't I cry anymore?

Some people find it difficult to cry because of societal pressure or their internalised beliefs about crying. For example, if we believe that...

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What is 256 bits called?
What is 256 bits called?

6 bits - 64. 7 bits - 128. 8 bits - 256 - one byte.

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