Piano Guidance
Photo by Askar Abayev Pexels Logo Photo: Askar Abayev

Do gifted kids talk a lot?

Some gifted kids like to talk a lot. They love to share their knowledge with others. They are highly verbal, and may possess an advanced vocabulary for their age. When talking to students, pay attention to not only how much they talk but also to the vocabulary used in daily conversation.

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Alexander Scriabin — Mysterium. This piece might be more accurately filed under “Impossible”. ... Giovanni Bottesini — Concerto for Double Bass No...

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What is the 1 chord?

The I chord is built from the first note of the scale, a C—when you stack two other notes from the scale on top (moving up the scale, you add the...

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Whether you are a counselor, school psychologist, or classroom teacher, your job involves identifying potentially gifted students. Depending on where you work, you may also be responsible for screening and testing students for a gifted program.

Either way, you need to be on the lookout.

So what do you look for anyway when trying to identify giftedness? While each school district will have different criteria and guidelines, I thought it would be helpful to dedicate this blog to providing a sort of checklist. Based on my experience of working closely with gifted children, including screening them, as well research in the field, these are some characteristics or traits that could serve as a red flag when it comes to spotting the gifted child.

Extensive Vocabulary/ Highly Verbal

Some gifted kids like to talk a lot. They love to share their knowledge with others. They are highly verbal, and may possess an advanced vocabulary for their age. When talking to students, pay attention to not only how much they talk but also to the vocabulary used in daily conversation.


You know that student, the one that always has his or her hand up. Gifted kiddos may ask a lot of questions. They may show a strong curiosity. They want to know why you are doing something and as well as how things will work. Look for the question askers. Giftedness can sometimes be found when a student is demonstrating advanced ability in some area, whether its reading, math, writing, science or possibly the arts. Do you have a student that consistently finishes lessons before the classand shows mastery? You may have a gifted child in your ranks.

Bored Easily

This one ties to the advanced ability. If a student is completing lessons quickly, and perhaps not feeling academically challenged, they may show signs of restlessness. They may start to ask questions, look for other activities, talk to classmates. When I taught a self-contained class of gifted fifth-graders, I could see on their faces when I was repeating a lesson too often, and they were growing bored. The look said: I know this already. Please teach me something new. Look for signs of boredom.


Yes, believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, gifted kiddos are not always angels in class. In fact, they can be the more disruptive, rebellious ones, depending on the level of challenge or interest in the classroom and other factors. Look for the ones who may stand out-not always in a positive way. They might be your gifted students.

Little Perfectionists

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Different companies use different mechanical switches to build their keyboard, and not every switch is compatible with every type of keycap. The...

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What 3 guitars should you own?
What 3 guitars should you own?

Three Guitars Every Guitar Player Should Own The Fender Stratocaster. First up and probably most essential is the Fender Stratocaster. ... The...

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Gifted students tend to be perfectionists. They might be the ones always trying to get the A, excel at chorus, band, karate, and Girls Scoutsall at the same time. They might stress over the fact the received an 89 on the test rather than an A.

Work Alone

Surveys of my gifted students suggest many like to work alone and enjoy independent projects. They tend to feel like they are held back when working in a group. They like to work at their own pace, which is generally faster.

Keen Observers/Criticizers

Students watch everything you do. Now, intensify that and you might have a gifted child. Some have the ability to observe the most minor details. Also, the gifted can be highly critical of themselves and others. They love to correct you when you misspell a word on the board or a paper or you say the wrong date during history class.

Birds of Feather Flock Together

Gifted children often hang out with each other. They gravitate to others, who can share in their intellectual debates and conversations. Watch who your students spend time with during lunch or recess and group time, and it will help you identify the gifted ones.


Gifted students may get entirely grossed with an idea or a topic. I have worked with some who get so absorbed in a project, that it seems like thats all they talk about or think about. Watch for students with an intense interest, even at an early age. This can be a sign. While this is in no way an exhaustive list of gifted traits, I hope this list will aid you indentifying the gifted students in your school or classroom. Remember, part of our job as educators is being a talented scout of sorts, looking for potential giftedness in children and then making sure they receive the appropriate level of services.

Thank you,


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Almost every pianist has (or has had) them in his or her repertoire: No 1 in G minor (Chopin's own favourite) and No 3 in A flat (which Sir Winston...

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