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Could Beethoven hear when he wrote Moonlight Sonata?

Beethoven was not deaf, when he composed this sonata in 1801. Although, he had had symptoms in his ears since 1798, meaning his hearing at this stage was not perfect either.

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Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata is not only one of the most popular compositions ever, but has many interesting aspects, too! Here are nine of them, take a look!

1. What is the story behind the name, Moonlight sonata?

Beethoven’s famous Moonlight Sonata was published in 1801 as op. 27./2. The Moonlight Sonata (“Mondscheinsonate” in German), this catchy name, was given by the poet Ludwig Rellstab much later in the 1830s. He likened the first movement to a boat floating on the lake Lucerne, in Switzerland.

2. What inspired Beethoven in case of the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

According to Edwin Fischer, in a library in Vienna he found notes written by Beethoven, supporting the theory that the first movement was inspired by Mozart’s Don Giovanni‘s murder scene. If so, the first movement is a death scene.

3. How Beethoven himself called the Moonlight Sonata?

Beethoven called it Sonata quasi una fantasia. Meaning: sonata in the manner of fantasy.

4. What is unique about Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata?

This piano sonata has a unique atmosphere, something never heard before. It has a mesmerizing and heartbroken mood at the same time. Another interesting fact is that Beethoven prescribed to play the whole first movement with the sustain pedal down, so harmonies can overlap, fading into each other: “Si deve suonare tutto questo pezzo delicatissimamente e Senza Sordino”. This is something a modern piano cannot do; today it is up to the interpretation of the player. Most pianist would agree that on today’s pianos the correct pedaling is to push it to the third. According to Berlioz, the adagio {first} movement is one of those poems that human language does not know how to qualify.

5. How many movements does Moonlight Sonata have?

The sonata has three movements. Contrary to customs at the time the first movement is a slow movement.

Lenght:~6:00 minutes

Second movement – Allegretto and trio, ternary form, D-flat major

Lenght:~02:20 minutes

Third movement – Presto agitato, C-harp minor, sonata form

Lenght:~6:20 minutes

6. Is Moonlight Sonata classical or romantic?

Although this was still the classical period, this sonata is a romantic composition. So much emotional rhetoric, so contrasting movements were not typical in classical music.

7. To whom did Beethoven dedicate the Moonlight Sonata?

Beethoven dedicated this work to his 16 years old student, Countess Giulietta Guicciardi. Beethoven was in love with her, but their romance eventually did not come to fruition.

8. What Franz Liszt said about the second movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

Liszt said, it is a little flower between two abysses. Referring to the first and last movement as two towering pieces of music.

9. What is special about the last movement of the Moonlight Sonata?

According to Charles Rosen, the first movement is too delicate for modern instruments and the last is too massive for the contemporary. The first movement has an unspeakable mystery and tragedy, which finally results in rage and fury in the last movement.

+1. Did Beethoven write Moonlight Sonata already being deaf?

Beethoven was not deaf, when he composed this sonata in 1801. Although, he had had symptoms in his ears since 1798, meaning his hearing at this stage was not perfect either. If you wish to read more on Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, there is a broad review of this composition with supporting audio clips. To read this article, click here!

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