Piano Guidance
Photo by Erik Mclean Pexels Logo Photo: Erik Mclean

Can you go to jail for illegally downloading music?

Federal law (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506) provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, rental, or digital transmission of copyrighted sound recordings. Criminal penalties can be as high as five years in prison or $250,000 in fines.

Can a 70 year old woman learn to play the piano?
Can a 70 year old woman learn to play the piano?

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be intimidating. Many people limit themselves because they think they are too old or that it's too late...

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What key is A piano tuned to?
What key is A piano tuned to?

A440 Pianos are generally tuned to an A440 pitch standard that was adopted during the early 1900s in response to widely varying standards....

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File Sharing and Copyright Infringement

Consequences of Illegal Downloading

St. Norbert College does not condone violations of copyright or intellectual property laws. If illegal materials are found on your computer, legal action may be taken against you by the copyright holder(s) of that material. Federal law (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506) provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, rental, or digital transmission of copyrighted sound recordings. Criminal penalties can be as high as five years in prison or $250,000 in fines. Civil penalties can be $750 to $150,000 for each work (each song, movie, tv show, game, or software program) being illegally distributed. The two primary groups that police the downloading of music and movies are the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). These two groups constantly monitor downloads and websites for copyright violation. When they see that a song or movie has been downloaded illegally, they notify the school who then takes steps to internally identify the person who downloaded the file. St. Norbert College regularly receives complaints from organizations acting on behalf of the entertainment and software industries regarding users on our network illegally trading copyrighted files. We strongly recommend that you uninstall all file-sharing software from your computer and remove all illegally obtained files.

Legal Alternatives

Some of the more popular legal online media sources, include iTunes, Amazon, Redbox Instant, Spotify, and NetFlix. If you want to purchase access to songs or movies, find a service that has negotiated copyright agreements with the companies representing the artists. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that the files you are downloading and sharing are legal copies.

More Information

The College strongly encourages all students to remain safe and legal by refraining from training copyrighted audio, video, software, and games. To help better inform the community about this issue, it is encouraged to review the following sites for additional information.

What is the most popular size keyboard?
What is the most popular size keyboard?

The most common keyboard sizes are Full-Sized (104 key), TKL (87 key), and 60% (68 key). Each size is unique with different features. There are...

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Which 5 senses you can live without?

No sight, no smell, no hearing, no taste – they're all things that can be, and commonly are, lived with by many people around the world. This...

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Who has the highest female voice?

Soprano: this is the highest singing voice, with the highest tessitura. It is also the most common female voice.

operavision.eu - Voice types - Operavision

Some voices are high-pitched. Some voices are low pitched. Some voices have incredible agility. Some voices are rich and heavy. Some voices are difficult to categorise! The spectrum of the human singing voice is very broad. This makes each voice unique, but also makes it difficult to manage for composers. A composer thinks of a voice mostly in three terms: its specific vocal range, its vocal timbre (that is, the colour of the voice, whether it is for instance soft or hard, woody or metallic) and its vocal weight (whether the voice is light or heavy). In the European classical music tradition, systems have been developed to classify the different voice types. Classification is used to associate voices with potential roles: whether hero(ine) or foe, young or old, voices are typified and tend to play always the same kind of character. The most basic system of classification is based on the vocal range of the voice, most specifically the range where the voice is at its most comfortable (its tessitura, which is Italian for ʽtextureʼ). Voices are ranked from high to low. Women’s voices are divided into three groups: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and contralto. Men’s voices are divided into four groups : countertenor, tenor, baritone, and bass.

Female voices

Soprano: this is the highest singing voice, with the highest tessitura. It is also the most common female voice. Sopranos are given prominent singing roles, and are often the protagonists of the opera. They can sing from the middle C to two octaves higher (that is, an interval of 15 full notes in total).

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Choose a specific shelf or cabinet as a dedicated spot for storing and organizing sheet music. Place an empty organizer or file tray nearby to use...

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What is the main melody of a song called?

the tune We might consider melody to be the single most important element within a song. In everyday language, this is the element we call 'the...

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