Piano Guidance
Photo by Yan Krukau Pexels Logo Photo: Yan Krukau

Can music drain your energy?

Low vibrational music with empty, hateful, or violent lyrics saps your energy, because it causes your emotions to be swayed in different ways.

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“Got a lotta people tryna drain me of my energy” — Drake

25 Ways You’re Draining Your Own Energy & Don’t Even Know It…

Why do you give your energy to certain things?

Who do you give your energy to?

What activities do you do?

How do you use your energy?

1. Giving too much

Helping others at your expense can eventually become draining. You’re helping others, but who’s giving to you?

2. Negative mindset

Negative attitudes, limiting beliefs, negative habits/behaviors, stories you tell yourself, etc.

3. Lack of self-esteem

Poor self-esteem manifests itself in a number of ways: posture, body language, thoughts, emotions, conversations, etc.

4. A victim mentality

The victim mentality takes the power out of YOUR hands.

Empower yourself.

5. Complaining

When you complain, you give your energetic power to things/people outside of you. Complaining is a form of expectation, and can be solved through practicing gratitude.

6. Bad music

Low vibrational music with empty, hateful, or violent lyrics saps your energy, because it causes your emotions to be swayed in different ways.

7. Poor nutrition

You are what you eat.

Eat healthy, wholesome foods rich in nutrients.

8. Environment

An environment that’s negative with crime, poverty, toxic people, or drugs isn’t energetically favorable. Expand the limitations of your environment by traveling and/or creating a positive space within yourself.

9. Negative people

Negative people drain your energy the fastest. For the betterment of your life and others, love them from a distance.

10. Staying up late

Staying up late beyond your body’s limit causes you to be even more tired the next day. This is because your Circadian Rhythm is off balance. Sometimes exceptions need to be made, which is OK.

Go to sleep when your BODY is tired. Listen to your body.

11. Gossip

If you find yourself hearing or spreading gossip, stop. You drain your own energy when you speak or listen to negative words about others.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it.

12. Self-pity

Feeling sorry for yourself does NOTHING to help you or your situation. Take ownership of your life, and change something or yourself.

Focus on the solution, not the problem.

13. People pleasing

Please accept this reality: You can’t please everyone.

14. Worrying

Focus on what you can control, yourself. It may not be your responsibility to keep your attention on something/someone.

15. Energy vampires

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“Energy vampire” (n): An energy vampire or an energy sucker is a person who seems to suck the energy of other people.

16. Technology & social media

Social media controls your ATTENTION, so be mindful of how you’re spending your energy. Unfollow people who post empty content with no substance. You can know this by asking yourself, “Is this making me a better person, a more informed person?” Use social media wisely, for a purpose. Pay attention to outlets that feed you and your character, giving you knowledge & insight.

17. Thinking too much

Overactive thinking can cause burnout. If you’re thinking too much, tune into your body, emotions, and spirit.

Meditate and chill?

18. Making too many decisions

“Decision Fatigue” (n): the idea that people tend to make worse decisions after having made a lot of decisions. Much like muscle fatigue, if you flex your “decision” muscle too much, it will fail you.

19. Black & White Thinking

EITHER/OR thinking. Extreme thinking can limit you and cause imbalances in your life.

20. Alcohol

Alcohol: “a depressant, meaning that it slows down vital functions — resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react quickly.”

21. Staying inside

Being inside is great, but our bodies need nature’s energetic properties. Get outside when you can to absorb solar and lunar energies.

22. Inactivity

Your body needs to move every day, period. Find and start a fitness routine that is balanced for you.

23. Doing too much

High demands require recovery. Add short breaks throughout your day, or set aside free time for yourself. Too much busyness can indicate that something needs changing.

24. Poor posture

Poor posture is body language waiting to be corrected. Improve your posture. Be mindful of how you carry yourself while sitting, standing, and lying down.

25. Uncontrolled emotions

Emotions are like the sea. There can be calm waters, crashing waves, and powerful storms.

Meditation helps control the winds that move the waves.

Breathe, meditate, practice mindfulness. Recognize your emotions, acknowledge them, be judgement free, and bring them back to balance.

Emotions don’t have to control you.

Remember: Preserve your energy.

Here are some ways to gain energy…

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