Piano Guidance
Photo by Meruyert Gonullu Pexels Logo Photo: Meruyert Gonullu

Can I sell my old ivory?

The sale of most ivory items is now prohibited in the United States by law. If you have inherited pieces of jewelry or luxury goods made with ivory or ivory components, you can donate them to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

How many BPM is unhealthy?
How many BPM is unhealthy?

Consult your doctor if your resting heart rate is consistently above 100 beats a minute (tachycardia) or if you're not a trained athlete and your...

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Does Grade 5 piano count as a GCSE?
Does Grade 5 piano count as a GCSE?

Grade 5 Theory is also considered to be equivalent to a GCSE in music. A pass at grades 6, 7 and 8 will earn you UCAS points (university entrance...

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The sale of most ivory items is now prohibited in the United States by law. If you have inherited pieces of jewelry or luxury goods made with ivory or ivory components, you can donate them to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). The USFWS Office of Law Enforcement’s National Wildlife Repository in Commerce City, Colorado, accepts donations of legally owned ivory products. This service is offered due to the demand from those who wish to safely and legally dispose of objects they currently own to help reduce the overall ivory market. The USFWS accepts donations of these products which are the legally owned personal property of the donor(s). This can include antique items, which can currently be sold with some restrictions, as well as those ivory items which are not antiques, but are now prohibited from commercial trade by state or federal law. The items donated are used primarily to educate the public about the ivory trade and animal conservation. The items are not returned to the commercial market. Any ivory donations should be sent via USPS, UPS, Federal Express, or other appropriate method to the Repository at the following address:

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

National Wildlife Property Repository

6550 Gateway Road, Bldg. 128

Commerce City, CO 80022

Attn: Ivory Donations

Donations should be accompanied by a letter addressed to the Repository containing the following information: Description of the item(s) of legally-obtained ivory being donated; Name and address of the donor(s); A statement certifying that the donor(s) is/are the sole legal owner(s) of the property being donated and that by submitting such ivory to the repository they relinquish all rights to such property, without condition, to the FWS. Please note that the Repository may not accept all wildlife items. All items are subject to review first with a Wildlife Repository Specialist. You can contact them directly for guidance at [email protected] or (303) 287-2110. The cost of shipping items to the Repository, as well as insuring the value of the items during shipping (if any) is the sole responsibility of the donor, and the USFWS will not value any such donated items. For more questions, please view the USFWS website here: https://www.fws.gov/program/national-wildlife-property-repository/what-we-do. JVC is a supporter of the World Trafficking Alliance, which works to end the poaching of elephants for their ivory. As a result of conservation efforts done by the World Trafficking Alliance, poaching rates have been slowly declining over the past few years across Africa. The annual poaching mortality rate has dropped from an estimated peak of over 10 percent in 2011 to approximately 5 percent today. However, that is still at a faster rate than they can reproduce. International trade in the ivory of African elephants is prohibited under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); the IUCN Red List classifies African savanna elephants as “Endangered” and African forest elephants as “Critically Endangered.” The IUCN Red List classifies Asian elephants as “Endangered” and they are listed in Appendix I of CITES.

What is Mozart's most favorite piece?
What is Mozart's most favorite piece?

1, the Clarinet Concerto is one of Mozart's best-loved works. It was written shortly before Mozart's death for the clarinettist Anton Stadler and...

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What key is Saint Pablo in?
What key is Saint Pablo in?

D Minor Saint Pablo is written in the key of D Minor.

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Is there anything stronger than diamond?

Scientists have found a mineral stronger than diamond Scientists have found a mineral stronger than diamond. They say lonsdaleite could be used to fortify industrial tools like drill bits and saw blades - AND teach us about the evolution of earth.

Scientists have found a mineral stronger than diamond

Scientists have found a mineral stronger than diamond. They say lonsdaleite could be used to fortify industrial tools like drill bits and saw blades - AND teach us about the evolution of earth.


Move over, diamonds. There's stronger bling in town. Meet lonsdaleite - for years just a theory. Now CNN reports that scientists have confirmed its existence on Earth. While diamonds and lonsdaleite are both made of carbon - get ready for this - the former has a cubic atomic structure, and the latter has a hexagonal structure. So what's the big difference? That hexagonal structure makes the stone 58% stronger than regular diamonds. Lonsdaleite was found in a meteorite that scientists say came from a dwarf planet that was billions of years old. An asteroid crashed into that planet, releasing pressure that caused the stone to form. The hardness of lonsdaleite could be useful in making super durable tools for industrial sites. But scientists also say this discovery can teach us about the interactions of the universe and ultimately how Earth evolved as a planet.


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How learning piano affects the brain?
How learning piano affects the brain?

Adults who learn to play piano experience a decrease in depression, fatigue, and anxiety and an increase in memory, verbal communication, and a...

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Can you make a key from a broken key?
Can you make a key from a broken key?

Yes! Just about Every Residential Locksmith that has the right tools and experience should be able to Copy a Broken Key. Though there are a couple...

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What chord did George Harrison invent?
What chord did George Harrison invent?

Harrison responded: “I'm really pleased that you noticed that. That's an E7th with an F on the top, played on the piano. I'm really proud of that...

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What colour piano is best?
What colour piano is best?

As a general rule, black is the best colour for a piano since black is a versatile neutral colour that can fit in with different looks and styles...

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